If MetaTrader 6 comes out tomorrow - page 8

I have a smaller wish. I would like the rendering to be smooth throughout the entire image, but now I can move the slider closer to the end and get a sharp jump.

I support those who have said that MT needs to be expanded precisely in terms of research opportunities.

Unfortunately it is not compatible with the party's policy, and it is logical because the company's income is not generated by "millions of traders"(c), and those millions will never need such opportunities. And the small bunch is still using or will master matlab, matcad, R and others.

But perhaps for an advanced version many will not spare a subscription fee to install on 2 computers.

On the subject, the need for custom history / charts, ticks, advanced tester, etc. already said.

Plus a couple of little things I remembered at once:

- Extend the essence of the indicator, remove rigid binding from the main window and subwindow, allow to set which buffers in which windows/subwindows will be displayed.

- We need dependent input variables to be able to lock some inputs depending on the values of other inputs.

- A special chart that is not tied to a symbol that can be used for information panels and other visualization.

- Possibility to programmatically create full windows detached from the terminal with normal controls for displaying graphics/info.

- Something else ...

Безграничные возможности с MetaTrader 5 и MQL5
Безграничные возможности с MetaTrader 5 и MQL5
  • 2012.05.14
  • Anatoli Kazharski
  • www.mql5.com
В этой статье я хотел бы показать пример, какой может быть программа для трейдера, а также, каких результатов можно достичь за 9 месяцев, начав изучать MQL5 с нуля. Ещё этот пример показывает, насколько программа для трейдера может быть многофункциональной и информативной, занимая при этом минимум пространства на ценовом графике. Также будет продемонстрировано, какими красочными, яркими и интуитивно-понятными для пользователей могут быть информационно-торговые панели. Это и многое-многое другое...

Lots of suggestions, good suggestions. But one "but". They are all aimed at "reinventing the wheel". Why can't we take advantage of what has already been developed? Well, there are modern, powerful high-level programming languages (for example, C# with its enormous .Net library), there is a good development environment - Visual Studio. Why not use it? There are ready-to-use classes there, which allow to build screen forms, various charts/graphs and many other things. Where is the efficiency of developers? Why should they invent something that already exists and spend their time on fixing bugs for 4 years instead of developing the platform? It is just not clear.

A wish for MT6:

1. trading APIs in C#.

2. Visual Studio development environment.

3. A tester with a tick history.

4. Multi-window visualizer.

For a long time I refrained from endorsing such wishes because I always thought that this is unrealistic because the programs written under .Net cannot be protected, and this is unacceptable for MetaQuotes.

Well, today I have realized that it is not quite so, or rather not at all. You don't have to translate them into MSIL, you may compile them into native binary code and nobody will forbid encryption in between.

Therefore I join my wish with all my limbs.


MetaDriver 2013.09.13 09:47

Lots of suggestions, sensible suggestions. But one "but". They are all aimed at "reinventing the wheel". Why can't we use something that has already been developed? There are modern, powerful high-level programming languages (for example, C# with its enormous .Net library), there is a good development environment - Visual Studio. Why not use it? There are ready-to-use classes there that allow to build screen forms, various charts/graphs and many other things. Where is the efficiency of developers? Why should they invent something that already exists and spend their time on fixing bugs for 4 years instead of developing the platform? It is just not clear.

A wish for MT6:

1. trading APIs in C#.

2. Visual Studio development environment.

3. A tester with a tick history.

4. Multi-window visualizer.

For a long time I refrained from endorsing such wishes. The reason: I always thought that this is unreal because "programs written with .Net cannot be protected, and this is unacceptable for MetaQuotes.

Well, today I realized that it's not quite so - actually not at all. You don't have to translate them into MSIL, you may compile them into native binary code and nobody will forbid encryption in between.

Therefore I join my wish with all my mighty extremities.


How do you imagine it will work?

Just to write something!


1. trading APIs in C#.

2. Visual Studio development environment.

This and much more is available for free from Sukhov & Co.

But I have lagged a lot, I think the computer is not weak, 6 cores, 16 gig and everything is on ssd, fukk knows.

Graphics capable of displaying a couple of thousand dots, without much lag, seen only on the pluses. Apparently normal C# implementations just didn't come across at once, and I didn't look for C# in particular.


For a long time, I refrained from approving such wishes. The reason: I always thought that it was unrealistic because "programs written for .Net cannot be protected, and this is unacceptable for MetaQuotes".

Well, today I realized that this is not quite true. I mean, it is not even so. You don't have to translate them into MSIL, you can compile them into native binary code and nobody will forbid encryption in between.

Therefore I join my wish with all my limbs.


The point is that all the features of .Net are built on the managed code. Consequently, the code must be written in the language of the virtual machine. Visual C++ is a separate language; it is allowed to break out of its limits alone, but it's not so handy when it comes to memory handling.

By the way, MQL5 is also compiled in the code of the internal MetaTrader5 virtual machine, so there is a very real danger of breaking it.

How do you even imagine it would work?

Just to write something!

Shall I make excuses? :)

I can imagine how it would work. I won't explain it, at least not here and now. Think for yourself for a week how it could work. Constructively. Maybe you'll come up with some sensible ideas.

For me, for example, it's clear that it can be done. And it is much easier (by an order of magnitude) than making the mql5 compiler. Even I can do it (the mql compiler I cannot make).


The point is that all .Net features are built on managent code. Consequently, the code must be written in the language of the virtual machine.

Visual C++ is a separate language, it is allowed to break out of its bounds only, but it doesn't provide such convenient memory handling.

By the way, MQL5 is also compiled in the code of the internal MetaTrader5 virtual machine, so there is a very real danger of breaking it.

I am aware of that.

However, the managed code can be compiled into the CPU native code, if necessary.

At the same time, it loses some capabilities, but it's quite bearable, considering that those capabilities that are lost in mql are missing anyway.

Anyway, it's easier to compile MSIL into native code than to compile the program in MQL into native code. I believe that Stringo is able to do it. :)

Ngen.exe (Native Image Generator)
Ngen.exe (Native Image Generator)
  • docs.microsoft.com
To run Ngen.exe, you must have administrative privileges. Caution Do not run Ngen.exe on assemblies that are not fully trusted. Starting with the .NET Framework 4, Ngen.exe compiles assemblies with full trust, and code access security (CAS) policy is no longer evaluated. Starting with the .NET Framework 4, the native images...

I'm aware of that.

However, the managed code can be compiled into native CPU code, if necessary.

It loses a number of features, which is quite tolerable, given that the features that are lost in mql are not there anyway.

Anyway, it's much easier to compile MSIL into native code than to compile the program in MQL into native code. I believe that Stringo can handle it. :)

Are you suggesting to write experts in Visual Studio C# environment and then compile them into exe?

Are you suggesting towrite experts in Visual Studio C# environment , then compile them into exe?
Not exactly. I suggest you write EAs in VS C# environment (or any other .Net language) and then compile them into *.ex6.

The .ex6 format could simply be an encrypted MSIL. The decryptor is in the terminal. The encryption is by the proprietary method of MetaQuotes Software Corp.

// MSIL : MicroSoft Intermediate Language or Common Intermediate Language (abbreviated as CIL) is an intermediate language developed by Microsoft for the .NET Framework.

// I.e. the bytecode of the CLR .NET environment