Championship all? :)


Hello to all the esteemed members of the forum.

Went to the site today and wanted to see if registration has started, but there is silence - some last year's schedules are hanging there. I couldn't find anything on the forum on the subject. How do the organizers comment on this fact? Have the automated trading championships ceased completely or it is just a temporary leave? I would be grateful to Metaquotes representatives for their comments.

Automated Trading Championship 2010
Automated Trading Championship 2010


I couldn't find anything at all on the forum on the subject.

It's not good to cheat. ;)

Apparently they haven't looked at all.


it's not good to cheat. ;)

Apparently they weren't looking at all.



If a visitor searches for more than 5 minutes (on average, this is different for everyone) and does not find it, they will decide that it probably does not exist.

You can spend a long time saying that he is wrong and poking at the links. It's just the way it works.


If a visitor searches for more than 5 minutes (on average, this is different for everyone) and does not find it, they will decide that it probably does not exist.

You can spend a lot of time telling them that they are wrong and poking them with links. It's just the way it works.

The words "nothing at all" caught me )


I could not find anything on the forum on the subject at all.

It was the words "nothing at all" that got me.)
No, at least no foul language) hunger strikes and hara-kiri.
No, at least don't use foul language ) Go on hunger strike and hara-kiri

It's strange that you have to look for information about the discontinuation of the championships at all.

There's a championship website, still in attendance and easily accessible via the main forum menu. And there's not a word about it. It's so depressing, it's not human. :(


Strange that we have to look for information at all about the cessation of the championships.

There's a championship website, still in attendance and easily accessible through the main forum menu, and there's not a word about it. It's so depressing, it's not human. :(

Logically, it would be perfect. We would like to open the 2013 section and write there that all efforts are now focused on Signals, MQL4, Market, etc. We also have to create a section with links.

But something is still not good after so many years of Championships.


I too think there will still be championships even if it has been voiced to the contrary. ))

A lot of plans have piled up for the developers. First we need to unload all the services and planned superbuilds for MT4/5, and then open a new era of Championships. With no limitations on trading platforms and strategy types. We need to come up with something extraordinary and screaming all over the web. We need to make it so that even the first word for newborns is not MAMA but Metatrader. )))


Sponsors have to want it.

If the floating balance of market players is not growing, they are unlikely to get more than a quid for the invested prize pool

If we transfer from other platforms or brokers, this is another war (for example Signals)


Well, what are you so confused about, I wrote "nothing at all" I couldn't find. Where's the deception? I went to the main section, poked around and didn't find anything:) It's not like I wrote "nothing at all" or"using the search yielded no results". My fault, no argument, didn't use search, searched by scrolling through the forum threads. But admittedly, I thought THIS kind of news should have at least hung at the very top. Apparently I was wrong, considering that even on the official site not a word about ATC 2013. Strange position by the way. They could at least write something saying that it won't be this year. Just silence.


It's not about netting it's quite tolerable in Rumus for example. The thing is that Metaquotes has changed its profile. Now they don't make a trading terminal. They do social networking, increase traffic to forums, trade signals and anything else but the trading terminal:) And their clients are no longer DCs, but ordinary users. By the way, quite a dubious marketing ploy, considering that MQL5 has not yet gone to the masses.