[Trader's Handbook] Draft articles, "out of pocket" discussions - page 8


It seems that we are talking about different exchanges, and each exchange has its own ways of organising it.


All proders support market/limit orders. The rest of the ten is optional.

The providers where do they send the order?

i.e., if it is a limit order, i understand; if it is a market order, then it is the same as i described or something else.

i understand that the market order is a derivative of the limit order.


Guys, I don't care much for the rules of the forums. So I've often broken them, believing that the truth can and should bash my opponents. And there is one stupor in this business - human concepts.

Having compared and analyzed many events in the world of FOREX and exchanges in the last two years, I have just come to a bitterly unexpected conclusion.

I consider it immoral, from an exclusively human point of view, to talk about the FOREX market as widely as I can in Metaquotes at this time.

There is an important business ethics which I am able to ignore as I am an independent individual. And there are universal principles which I cannot ignore.

If I am going to talk about FOREX, I will do it in another resource and as correctly as possible to Metaquotes and other participants.

P.S. Listen to me:

В ближайшем будущем (в следующем билде) будет явная настройка спреда при тестировании. Уже сделали. Тестируем эту фичу.

You need an algotrader for ...

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Новый 500 билд MetaTrader 4: Торговля с чарта и сайт компании в клиентском терминале - MQL4 форум
there you go, another disappointment )
there you go, another disappointment )

It's just not clear on what exactly.

Probably just ran out of words or technically shallow. too bad. thought it would start off so well. where would one find an interlocutor...

where do providers send the order?

If it's a limit order, I understand; if it's a market order, it's the same as you described or something else.

This is the basis of the whole process - matching.

for example, try googling "matching engine" for exchange/forum (reference to the subject here).


P.S. Hear it all, though:

In the near future (next build) there will be an explicit spread setting when testing. Already done. We are testing this feature.

First of all, it is for MT4 (which is very good, the Sunday spread widening can be evened out).
Secondly, MT5, as you know, stores the spread in the history.

You need algotrader for .

it's not quite clear what "..." means.

it's not quite clear what "..." means.

It depends on what the goals are. It may not be necessary at all.
It depends on what goals are standing. It may not be necessary at all.

I guess that's possible, too.

crapfh, you see, making up a Trader's Handbook topic.

It's not about whether you need algotraders or just traders. The whole point is the depth of knowledge you have.

You have already introduced a lot to our community from your practice. Thank you very much for that. If you want, you can take your leave.

But you can continue. Your word may not be needed now by anyone here. But you share experience and knowledge that will not go unnoticed.

For example, google any subject phrase from this thread. And you will see that this thread is on the first page for relevance.

That is, your words come right out in the search on the first pages of google. This is not bad as a start.

So I'd like you to keep it up.

If you have interesting topics for the Directory, but you are shy or afraid of ban (although why ban here is not quite understandable) - please contact me in private, I will advise you.

The main thing is not to stop the process.


I guess that's possible, too.

crapfh, you see, making up a Trader's Handbook topic.

It's not about whether you need algotraders or just traders. The whole point is the depth of knowledge you have.

You have already introduced a lot to our community from your practice. Thank you very much for that. If you want, you can take your leave.

But you can continue. Your word may not be needed now by anyone here. But you share experience and knowledge that will not go unnoticed.

For example, google any subject phrase from this thread. And you will see that this thread is on the first page for relevance.

That is, your words appear immediately in the search on the first pages of google. This is not bad as a start.

So I'd like you to keep it up.

If you have interesting topics for the Directory, but you are shy or afraid of bans (although for what bans are not quite understand) - please contact me in private, I will advise you.

The main thing is not to stop the process.

+++++++ plus many thanks to 2 hrenfx, sergeev and other active contributors.
Самые активные участники MQL5.community награждены смартфонами iPhone!
Самые активные участники MQL5.community награждены смартфонами iPhone!
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  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
  • www.mql5.com
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Types of traders

Clickers get a nice looking GUI, trading conditions are of secondary importance. For this reason in particular clickers are average meat (source of profit for other market participants). Competition for clickers is high.

Algotraders are very picky about trading conditions, the GUI is not decisive. Competition for algotraders is low, although serious efforts are spent on it.

The expectation of all altotraders is much higher than the expectation of clickers. The number of altotraders is much lower, but the turnover is higher.

Hmm, this is the first time I've seen such a division.

I hope the martiners and ilanovae traders don't belong to algotraders?

It's a bit of a pattern breaker. I've been trying to decide which group I belong to for about twenty minutes now.