Video seminar. Alexander Elder - How to play and win at the stock market, video in two parts.
Alexander Elder has made his fortune as an independent player. His video seminar - a system of knowledge and techniques for the development of successful trading decisions: Ways to develop the principles of self-control based on an understanding of the psychology of the player and the mass psychology of the market. Building an individual trading system based on technical analysis and gambling strategies. Risk control and money management.
Part one video is 1 hour 27 minutes 31 seconds long.
Alexander Elder - How to play and win at the stock market, video in two parts. General content of all two parts:
1. Welcome to the
- Why is a successful Forex trader?
- Money and Trading
- The aim of the seminar
- About Options
- What traders specialise in
- Is it easy to trade on the stock exchange?
- The Exchange is Freedom
- The Exchange and the Computer
Individual psychology of a player
- Discipline and excitement
- An example of self-discipline
- Written plan
- Trading is not fun
- Why it is bad to count money while playing
- The dangers of impulsiveness
3. mass psychology of the market
- The psychology of crowds
- Stress of being out of control
- How not to get sucked into a crowd
- Don't show your cards
- The question of scalpers
- Two types of play: systematic and 'at will'.
4. technical analysis
- Charts as a reflection of the crowd's behaviour
- My Approach to Market Analysis
- Choice of Software
- US Stock Market Analysis
- Choice of indicators
- Moving Average: Optimism or Pessimism?
- Price & Value
- Cash or Information Risks
- MACD lines and Histogram
5. Game strategy
- Strongest signal in technical analysis
- Pivot from a false-break
- What do we profit from in the markets?
- Impulse system
- Example: Lukoil
- Example: Vimpelcom
- The dangers of prediction. Do I know the future?
- Example: Gold
- The Power Index: how to link trading volume to price movements
- Case Study: Oil
- Women in trading
- Study by myself or with a company?
- What is the size of the account?
- How to choose an American broker
- What is your advantage as a sole trader?
6. Risk control and money management - Two major risks for a trader - "sharks" and "piranha
- Protection against Sharks: The 2% Rule.
- Protection against "Piranha": 6% rule.
- Two types of orders: limit and action orders
- Need for rules
- Candlestick charts and bar charts
- How to place stops
- Two key objectives for a market maker
- Success rests on two pillars: documentation and risk control
Part two of the video is 1 hour 27 minutes and 50 seconds long.
Aleksandr Rezviakov. Interview. Part 1. Running time 7 minutes and 03 seconds.
А. Alexander Rezvyakov is one of the best-known traders in Russia. In just a few years of trading on the Russian stock market, Alexander has achieved almost phenomenal results. For example, his account grew more than 14 times in 2007. Alexander's main trading instrument is the RTS Index futures, which he has been trading for several years now.
Aleksandr Rezviakov. Interview. Part 2. 6 minutes 26 seconds long.
А. Rezvyakov is sure that the strategy he uses is not unique and has been known for quite some time, it is simple, but at the same time very effective. Using it you can achieve the same results. In principle, Alexander's strategies are also applicable in the forex market, as they are based on loss control.
Excerpt from Alexander Rezviakov's seminar:Catching Big Moves, 8 minutes and 57 seconds long. I couldn't find the seminar itself - if anyone can find it, post it here from YouTube.
Alexander Rezviakov - Fragments of a seminar. Fundamentals of stock market speculation. The video lasts 9 minutes and 55 seconds.
In the minds of most Russians today, the notion of the stock market has entered through well-known Western films as a place where there is a lot of noise, constantly changing numbers, a lot of bustling people, but of course primarily as a place where you can make a lot of money quickly. A simple principle applies here: buy cheaper - sell more expensive whatever it is. It is also called speculation. And the person, who makes money on the exchange, is a speculator, otherwise, in foreign language, it is called a trader.
Thousands and thousands of traders around the world daily participate in trading, buying and selling, making and losing, developing and improving their trading styles, which bring them money or ... not.
If anyone can find the full version of this seminar, please post it here.
Rezvyakov's presentation live on 28.05.2009 - a discussion with the anchors and guests in the studio about the psychological problems one faces when working in the stock market.
The video is 10 minutes and 29 seconds long, but you can skip the first minute and a half as it is the channel's splash screen.
Alexander Rezviakov's trading strategy -simple moving averages 163, RTS index futures, rbc programme. Good questions with answers. The duration is 1 minute 55 seconds.
The previous video was an interview with Alexander Rezviakov on rbc. Now it's Alexander Gerchik on rbc: he talks a bit about himself, the American and Russian markets, and the question and answer. The second part of the video (starting at about the 10th minute) is more interesting.
It's 20 minutes and 26 seconds long.
Quote from the video:
Ну ... вопрос абсолютно адекватный, ...
Another Alexander Gerchik interview on rbc :Useful trading books. This is a conversation on rbc about investment literature. What do you need to know to invest profitably and avoid large losses? Thousands of volumes have been written about it, but how do you single out the valuable ones? Has there been a book in your life that has had such a profound impact that you would recommend it to beginners?
Length 19 minutes and 57 seconds.

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