dll and market. - page 5


The difference in words ...

such a solution should not be used in your right mind.

And yours:

how many lunatics are around.

You have to be honest - if you think someone is crazy (like here), or like me in 5 pages ... I even forgot the words - we don't have such words in Russia... I don't remember how on 5 pages ...

We're not in prison here. And be honest - if you insult someone like that - disclose your profile with your home address so the person can really respond to your insults. That's the way to be fair.

Oh crap, didn't have time to join in and Abolk is already without a vote, I'll have to delete my post. I don't feel like arguing on my own :)
Here's the problem ... Resonant ushers like Abolk are the engines of the forum as long as the MC can control them. I call them hidden leaders (that's why I don't ban them). But if no one controls them - then 2 - 3 of them can ruin any forum and any service.
I, for example, "don't use such solutions" - so I and many, many other users - according to Sergeev, don't have (lack) common sense?

Your logic is flawed, sir. If you use such solutions, you are not of sound mind.


Here is the problem ... Resonant jusers like Abolk are the engines of the forum insofar as the MC can control them. I call them hidden leaders (that's why I don't ban them).

You're dead wrong right now ) a resonant username is for example hrenfx, and this... is just a world resentful nerd.
How many crazy people are around who don't use dll in their EAs?

Let me clarify things a bit, in case you weren't quite sure what I was talking about.

I'm not talking about dll, but about the lack of possibility to become a server in the current version of Pipes.
If you don't have server peips, you need to exchange information via files.
And not even via MemoryMapping, but via sandbox.
this is exactly what i said: "within MQL [information exchange] is solved by wiping a hole on the disk. This solution cannot be used in your right mind".

So again, I'm not talking about the lack of dll, but about the inability not to make holes in the hard drive. You can use such a solution, but it is a bad one.

Here's the problem ... Resonant ushers like Abolk are the engines of the forum if the MC can control them. I call them hidden leaders (that's why I don't ban them). But if no one controls them - then 2 - 3 of them can ruin any forum or any service.
Explanations are unnecessary, banned and banned, why are you flapping your wings now. It's just that you haven't been moderating here for that long, Bolkonsky usually gets time, he's used to it, and then bam, "just got in, didn't do anything, I swear" (c) The Prisoner of the Caucasus.

Let me clarify a bit, if you weren't quite sure what I was talking about.

I'm not talking about the dll, I'm talking about the lack of capability in the current implementation of pipes to become a server.
Without server pipes, you have to exchange information via files.
And not even via MemoryMapping, but via sandbox.
this is exactly what i said: "within MQL [information exchange] is solved by wiping a hole on the disk. This solution cannot be used in your right mind".

So again, I'm not talking about the lack of dll, but about the inability not to make holes in the hard drive. You can use such a solution, but it is a bad one.

To put it simply, the task is to send a message on demand. This implies that it has to be stored somewhere. A publicly available virtual file in RAM is a great solution, but you can't do it without a dll now.

Your logic is flawed, mate. If you use such solutions, your mind is not sound.

You are very cruelly mistaken right now.)
No, I am not wrong, I have decades of experience (excuse me). Americans by the way are the same ... like us ... only they speak a different language. If these people work for you - your business will be fine (as long as you control them .... with their salaries... or whatever). But if they are against you, the business can be ruined. And the ban does not solve anything here. There is experience ...
Explanations are unnecessary, banned and banned, what's the point of flapping your wings now. You just don't moderate here that long, Bolkonsky usually gets time, he's used to it, and then bam, "just came in, didn't do anything, I swear," (c) The Prisoner of the Caucasus.

Well ... the man is clearly talented (in a good way) ... Why ban him? It's not like he's mad at us all... We just need to provide more opportunities for people to express themselves... That's not really my area of expertise.

I apologize for the flood, I'm leaving :)

No, I'm not wrong, decades of experience (English sorry). Americans, by the way, are the same ... like us... just speak a different language. If you have people like that working for you, your business will be fine (as long as you control them ... with their salaries... or whatever). But if they are against you, the business can be ruined. And the ban does not solve anything here. There's experience...

You cut off part of the quote and the post was about nothing. TheXpert's point was:

... The resonant user is for example hrenfx, and this... ...is just a world resentful nerd.

I didn't see it - he must have edited the post afterwards ... Or I just didn't see it.

I really don't like aggression ... It seems to me that most aggressive people haven't even been under a bullet, haven't seen blood, and they copy behavior from american movies. That's why I got in here, I'm sorry.