Experiments with MetaTrader 5 at Discovery - page 22


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Unfortunately, I cannot help you personally, my sphere of work is almost irrelevant to the terminal. The best way to help is to submit your question as a Service Desk request: Profile -> Service Desk -> New request

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Who can tell me what account RGL is and why it is either positive or very negative. I.e. this amount is deducted from the account...

Moderators without the MetaQuotes trademark are also not MetaQuotes employees

I am
I am
Then you need Administrator status. :)
I am

Oops, write exceptions (except for thongo), ah yes, there are no exceptions in MQL5, what a pity :)

Slava, you have, as always, found a bug (now it is in my classification).

And in general the neophyte's mistake is quite logical, there really is no MQ employee designation on the forum


Ah yes, there are no exceptions in MQL5, bummer :)

Clarification. There is no exception handling in MQL5.

Since such people have joined the forum, you should have answered the person's question.

You are so good at explaining things in language that users can understand.

Sorry, not really my area of expertise here. All calculations are done according to broker algorithms. The broker must give the answer. All the more so because the representatives of Otkritie are in a constant dialogue with us.

Maybe, the request was missed - it happens when the request is on page 3-4 and onwards. But it, this application, will not get lost anyway.

What advice could there be? Make applications with as much detail as possible, without relying on the fact that "it's all clear". Do not refer to the forum, "there's all written there. At the end of the day, you can update the application.


Sorry, not really my area of expertise here. All calculations are done according to broker algorithms. It is up to the broker to give the answer. All the more so as representatives from Otkritie are in constant dialogue with us.

I do not understand something. After all, the size of CS and the options for their balancing is established by the exchange and not the broker. As far as I understand it... They even sell a special library for calculating balancing funds

advise why is it that my EAs are not visible in Mt5 after I have added them to the appropriate folders


advise why is it that my EAs are not visible in Mt5 after I have added them to the appropriate folders

You need to compile and update.