Experiments with MetaTrader 5 at Discovery - page 46

The third link to this news. ) Looking forward to the next ones. )
Grigoriy Chaunin:
Banned the buy, sit and close buttons. Everything was working fine before. It is very inconvenient to work only with limiters. I mean stocks.
(Forexniks just want to "bang" the buttons. )))) stocks do not tolerate fuss, imho of course.
The Open Society called about the indices. Still, the appeals do not go unheeded. Good for Otkritie. We will wait for the issue to be resolved.
Vitaliy Semenov:

Hi all! A very unpleasant thing happened on Friday night on two of my terminals (build 1210). The price flew through the stops, it just didn't see them. It was impossible to close the positions manually. Orders were not placed normally, and even if they were, they could not be deleted (a meaningful Started... was written). Obviously, there was no way to reach the support team at 23:00 Moscow time. And all this horror before the weekend.

Anyway, I've sent an e-mail to 911 with the following content and no response yet:

"On 4.12 during the evening trading session I saw that on all the terminals the stop-losses were not executed, the price just went through them. How could it happen? In other words, I simply could not exit the position during half an hour, even manually. I got "failed exchange sell...at market modification failed due to order or position being close to market)" error. Also some phantom orders hang, which cannot be deleted in any way, in fact they probably do not exist, but something has to be done about it. Please fix the above problems and prevent this from happening in the future.

Called tech support, they say yes there is a glitch but we can't fix it yet. This kind of incidents really discourages autotrading via MT5.

Has anybody encountered something similar? I have not closed take profit a couple of times, the terminal is still too wet for trading on the fund

It was probably a bug on the side of the exchange or the broker, the terminal itself is quite good.
Note that orders are executed by the exchange, not by MetaTrader.

Check all the way through and all the technical logs.
I have set the leverage in my office to 1 to 1. In the Metarteijder reports the leverage is 1 to 1. But in the terminal all indicators are as if the leverage is 1 to 2. Asked Otkritie a question. No answer. May anyone know why it is so. I'm trading stocks.
Renat Fatkhullin:
Note that orders are executed by the exchange, not by MetaTrader.

That's understandable.

But what options does the platform offer to the stockbroker in terms of client order execution options?


That's understandable.

But what options does the platform give to the stockbroker in terms of the settings for executing client orders?

The gateway is direct and automatic to the exchange, so there is almost no way for the broker to intervene. Except to prohibit certain types of transactions.

And our mistakes are also possible. So such questions should be reported to the broker and to us in Service Desk with maximum technical information: all logs, screenshots, reports and in addition detailed descriptions.


I am already familiar with the capabilities of the stock exchange tester. I checked it again today.

The strategy is on limit orders on the instrument with a microscopic spread. Visualization.

The result is beyond comprehension. All of its other cool features come to naught as they are not needed when the result is absolutely inadequate.

No spread emulation will give more adequate results on Last-bars - neither in liquid instruments, nor in illiquid ones,

than just making a deal on Last with the ability to adjust the markup of costs per trade in pips.

And I'm sure it's extremely easy to implement in the tester, but they don't do it for some reason, which leads to some not very good thoughts.