Experiments with MetaTrader 5 at Discovery - page 21


Judging by the picture, you are the same age as my daughter, so if you have no understanding of the chain of command when dealing with customers, have some respect for someone who is considerably older than you. Please answer the questions on the merits without the elements of rudeness! If you think it is possible for you to communicate in epistolary genre and with other people, then I am not surprised that you do not have enough time. In any case, my question was asked a week ago, which I believe is enough time to find the time to answer it.

No one has touched you, this is a forum for programmers, not clients of Otkrytie. Programmers are "angry" people, they sit in front of the monitor all day long and have a processor instead of a brain). Be glad that you are not insulted at least.

The account I have with Otkritie Broker is simultaneously connected to both KVIC and MT5. Moreover, as a client of Otkritie, first of all I contacted him, in his turn the technical support person confirmed that the calculation of the SE in MT5 takes place without taking into account the benefits of inter-month spreads and suggested me to focus on the SE designated in the KVIK for this trading account. But, this is not acceptable for me, because I enter into transactions through MT5, and it blocks them due to insufficient funds in the account.

If you want the problem solved, please contact Service Desk. Do you know where it is, or can you find it yourself?
Nobody has touched you, this is a forum for programmers, not the clients of Otkritie. Programmers are "angry" people, they sit in front of the monitor all day long and have a processor instead of a brain). Be glad that you are not insulted at least.

Thank you for the clarification, previously I could not have guessed that your company staff are prone to insulting customers of your counterparties and it is considered normal business ethics for your company to correspond with those who have asked for help.

I see. And where is this preferential CS calculation written, I have not found it in your link. Have you drawn up an application to servicedesk? You can refer to it on the forum - since you are raising this issue keenly.

In the link I provided http://rts.micex.ru/s206, in the middle of the page there is a relevant section called "Inter-monthly spreads on futures", it lists the CS benefits I wrote about earlier. Yes, this is an acute issue for me, but I don't know how to apply to servicedesk. Please advise.

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Judging by the picture, you are the same age as my daughter, so if you have no understanding of the chain of command when dealing with customers, have some respect for someone who is considerably older than you. Please answer the questions on the merits without the elements of rudeness! If you think you can communicate in epistolary genre and with other people, then I am not surprised that you do not have enough time. In any case, my question was asked a week ago, which I believe is enough time to find the time to answer it.

Don't take it personally. It's the way of communication here. Vladimir answered your question point by point. MetaQuotes Software is very busy with internal work now. Your request to Service Desk will objectively fail to be solved soon. Try to contact the technical support team of your broker. If you have a problem with MetaQuotes Software, you may ask your broker to install a special code to fix this bug. In general, the question is much more serious. It seems that the lag in the arrival of options in MT5 is just a problem with risk calculations and the CS.
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Ваше сообщение сразу станет доступно нашим отделам тестирования, технической поддержки и разработчикам торговой платформы.

Thank you for the clarification, previously I could not have guessed that your company staff are prone to insulting customers of your counterparties and it is considered normal business ethics for your company to correspond with those who have asked for help.

This is a forum, dear one, this is where people communicate freely, this is not Metacvot's representation, although it is their forum. Well as you understand there are as in any place old-timers. They have the appropriate rating or moderators at all, they can slag you off, and the rules forbid you to have an argument on the forum. The servicedesk is in your profile - it's on the top right. Thanks for the link.

I read something there - I didn't understand anything, maybe that's why no one can do anything, because no one understands this algorithm.

I also had a question about Forts, but no one answered it correctly either here or in the technical support office at Otkritie.

All this may be due to misunderstanding of the situation, because the source of all this is the Moscow Stock Exchange and they are also very good specialists.

Now this T2 was launched, so the software did not work and it was impossible to make transactions, force majeure caused by the fact that the Moscow Exchange had established new rules and that was it - prepare the broker and the programmer as you wish.


I read something there - I don't understand anything, maybe that's why nobody can do anything about it, because nobody is clear about this algorithm.

I also had a question about Forts, but no one gave a correct answer either here or in the technical support department at Otkritie.

All this may be due to a lack of understanding of the situation, because the source of all this is the Moscow Exchange, and they are also very good specialists.

Now this T2 was launched, so the software did not work, it was impossible to make transactions, force majeure caused by the fact that the Moscow Stock Exchange established new rules and that's it - prepare the broker and the programmer as you wish.

Hm... It seems to me that everything is clear. Programmers from KVIC have implemented everything, and very, very long ago. The idea is as follows: buying RTS futures 9.13 and selling RTS futures 12.13 takes only one - larger GO, which is 6,947.38, and in MT5 two GOs 6,947.38+6,947.38 are blocked. On Si12.13 the GO is 1,410.00, buying this futures and selling 9.13, the GO will be 1,410.00*1.2 and in MT5 the GOs for the two futures add up to 1,410.00+ 1,174.00. And this problem has always been in MT5, not after the introduction of T2.


Drawing a picture from the other side:

MetaQuotes Software Corp™ is having a hard time with the upcoming MT4 terminal upgrade.

Therefore all the requests to Service Desk are processed on the leftover principle. The questions on the forum - on the residual principle.

Hence, the feeling of abandonment that upsets you so much...

Are you going to complain to Sportlotto?


What's up, Vova, you're busted. No good deed has gone unpunished yet :)


Thank you for the clarification, earlier I could not assume that your company employees tend to insult customers of your counterparties and it is considered normal business ethics for your company to correspond with those who have asked for help.

MetaDriver is not an employee of ours.

On this forum, MetaQuotes employees have at least moderator status, and also include the company name in their profile.

That said, not all moderators are our employees.

Unfortunately, I can't help you personally, my area of work is practically irrelevant to the terminal. It would be best if you could submit your question as a Service Desk request: Profile -> Service Desk -> New request

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