Developers.Time format in the MT5 terminal - page 7


How can there be realistic research (useful) in FOREX, i.e. how can you believe that the quotes are honest when there is no official tick and minute history at any DC(broker, company), including your broker, only dukascopy has one?

My broker has the most detailed history of all publicly available sources. Read the thread.

Where is the guarantee (proof, facts) that all the clients of a brokerage company (broker, company) receive the same, real quotes in real trading and past quotes will not change in the history?

The question similar to yours is formulated and asked every day. You have to move around to find an answer to it. Answered it several times, I won't repeat myself.

I see your point, but you cannot change the datetime from number of seconds to number of milliseconds. The old codes will no longer work.

Andrei, please don't kill the subject.

What makes you think I need to change the datetime?

Let it live and thrive until 2038. (Which, by the way, is not far off).

I'm just asking - give the OrderGetInteger - parameter ORDER_TIME_MSC

and that's all.


Andrei, please don't kill the subject.

You are right. I beg your pardon. I'll shut up now.

What makes you think I need to change the datetime?

Let it live until the year 2038. (which, by the way, is just around the corner).

This is a problem with 4 byte UNIX time.

8 bytes (datetime) is 2^64 integers. If each unit is a second, then in 8 bytes you can fit ~ 585 billion years (if milliseconds, then ~ 585 million years). So you can store in nanoseconds.


Probably, it sounds too self-confident. But this is not a self-assertion. Life shows that I have become a pro in algotrading.

But becoming an algotrading pro and learning how to trade profitably over a long period of time are two big differences.

But judging by the excuses you give and your "titles" you have a clear problem with the latter.


But to become a pro in algorithmic trading and learn to trade profitably for a long time are two big differences.

In algorithmic trading the time unit of trade duration is deal * volume. I.e. the duration is determined by the number of deals (total turnover).

But, judging by the excuses you give and your "titles" you have a clear problem with the latter.

You should read only the information in your posts. Instead of looking for something between the lines.
Документация по MQL5: Торговые функции / HistoryDealsTotal
Документация по MQL5: Торговые функции / HistoryDealsTotal
Торговые функции / HistoryDealsTotal - Документация по MQL5

You should read only the information in the posts. And do not look for something between the lines.

The point is... to drain it properly.

Forgive me, but all ingenious things are simple, and the "devil" is in the details(life shows).

Thanks for the tip, though.

Good luck with ..... .... ....


My broker has the most detailed story of any publicly available source. Read the thread.

A question like yours is formulated and asked daily. You have to move around to find the answer. Answered several times, I won't repeat myself.
Does everyone agree with these statements?

Does everyone agree with these statements?

Listen and remember - those who talk about the history of quotes and HFT do not understand anything about HFT.

Show me a brokerage company whose quotes are different from other brokerage companies and I will ruin it.


Listen and remember - those who talk about the history of quotes and HFT do not understand anything about HFT.

Show me a brokerage company whose quotes are different from other brokerage companies and I'll ruin it.

Listen and remember - we are not talking about HFT, but about at least minutes in the public domain and points in the rules about this history (what happens if it does not coincide with a real trade).

All brokerage companies have different quotes, but no one was able to ruin them because ... .