Developers.Time format in the MT5 terminal - page 4


GetTickCount? The whole thing? Don't be ridiculous.

Your trading needs do not represent the limited capabilities of GetTickCount

The question of doubtful usefulness of measuring tick rate within a meta is completely solved by the limited possibilities of GetTickCount.

There's even no need to argue here, anyone can solve this problem very quickly.

As for milliseconds in general and my needs, I have more or less justified my opinion about their uselessness in MT5.


All calculations are based on last 10 (or however many) ticks...

With a minute tick_volume it's a bit different) The period is an order of magnitude(s) longer.

If you go by the minutes and divide 60,000 milliseconds by the tick_volume size, wouldn't the rate of ticks received in each examined minute be accurate to the millisecond?

If we take the current local computer time with milliseconds (using WinAPI tools), divide those milliseconds by the current accumulated tick_volume, wouldn't we get the current tick arrival rate?


The question of questionable usefulness of measuring tick rate within a meta is completely solved by the limited capabilities of GetTickCount.

There's not even a need to argue, anyone can solve this problem very quickly.

As for milliseconds in general and my needs, I have more or less justified my opinion about their uselessness in MT5.

No one is stopping you from getting current time with milliseconds. The rest is a matter of technique.


But GetTickCount completely solves this simple problem. Milliseconds have nothing to do with it.

It's a good idea. I should try it).

But with milliseconds in tick time, it would be easier.

I even wrote a script for fours that gets the current time in milliseconds. Look it up on the four forum.
Документация по MQL5: Дата и время / TimeCurrent
Документация по MQL5: Дата и время / TimeCurrent
Дата и время / TimeCurrent - Документация по MQL5
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When a depot is draining and there is no explanation, the human mind goes from extreme to extreme and searches for reasons, but forgets to look in the mirror.
No one is preventing you from getting the current time in milliseconds. The rest is a matter of technique.

You must not be reading it carefully:

P.P.S. No one is stopping you from collecting ticks in the meta with milliseconds (via emulation with GetTickCount). It's very simple. The question is whether it is necessary.

The good thing about GetTickCount is that it does not require WinAPI in MQL. But its advantage is much stronger because the local time is not necessarily synchronized with the time of the trade server. And the data on the tick arriving time must be received at the trade server time. That's why milliseconds are emulated using GetTickCount. Thus, the accuracy is higher than considering the constantly floating difference between the two times.

You see, this is not theoretical reasoning, but practical trading.

And the data on the arrival time of the tick must be received in the time of the trade server. Therefore, the milliseconds are emulated through GetTickCount. Thus, the accuracy is better than taking into account the constantly floating de-synchronization of two times.

+ correct.

Measuring the time on the terminal side means that there are delays in sending the data.

And having a saved time from the server is just what you need.

Stanislav. But you already have it in the system for orders. Just give it to the terminal so that traders can take it.

With ticks, the issue has not been solved at the server level, which is why I won't even mention it.


See, when a tic comes to you, it indicates that one of the following things has happened:

1. If the Level 1 Bid has changed (Bid_1);

2. If Bid_1 has not changed, but the volume at this price level has changed (increased/decreased);

If Bid_1 did not change, but either Bid_2, or volume at the Bid_2 price level changed;


The same is with Ask. And now Bid, Ask and volumes at each price level together. Can you imagine how much different data there is? And it all is packed into 1c.

There may be up to dozens of such ticks in a second. How to classify them? The time step in 1s is a very crude classification, we need a fine time step - milliseconds. In general terms is it clear?

,, well, so what... for example on the server delay and all the bits with asks will still come in the future, no matter how many they were.

how does this really help in trading...? I don't get it yet, except to measure volatility.

,,, and by the way, are you sure that all ticks with a millisecond rate will reach from the initial source to your monitor (final visual point) if the MC adds m.s.?


I've read the article and understood that milliseconds are needed only for fun. To be able to measure the price of a 100m run to the exact ms.


Just give it to the terminal so traders can take it.

To give it to them, the datetime type has to become 10 bytes, and the MqlDateTime structure has to become more fat.

Wait for MQL6, the millisecond timer, tick history and a lot of other goodies will appear there. But I do not see the point in adding it now. IMHO.