Make a certification service for programmers ... - page 3


Why do we need such a test at all, to provide customers with the best developers, so that customers don't complain and there are fewer appeals to arbitration?

So it depends 70% not on the experience of the developer, but on the correctness and clarity of the TOR.

Most developers are willing to take on complete nonsense, if only to be the first))


Why do we need such a test at all, to provide customers with the best developers, so that customers don't complain and there are fewer appeals to arbitration?

So it depends 70% not on the experience of the developer, but on the correctness and clarity of the TOR.

Hasn't anyone ever got a clear and well-defined task, and in the process of development found out that it turned out

In the process of development, did anyone ever get a clearly and well-formulated TOR, and then find out that he only needed to make the stop lossless and the trawl pull up behind the price.

Most developers are willing to do the full nonsense, if only to be the first))

Worthy of the annals.

Didn't anyone get a clear, well-defined task, and in the process of development find out that it turns out that what they needed to do was to make the stop move to breakeven and the trawl pull up to the price,

The only thing to do is to make the stop to breakeven and the trawl to follow the price.

In fact, it's not that complicated, the stop is moved to breakeven and the trawl is pulled up behind the price. ))))
Nothing really complicated, the stop was moved to breakeven and the trawl was pulled up behind the price. ))))
You can use a pending order as a trawl, which closes part of the position. ))
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Свойства ордеров
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Свойства ордеров
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Свойства ордеров - Документация по MQL5
So it does not matter what you can use and how you can get away with it, the main thing is that the stop is moved to Breakeven, and the trawl follows the price, even if you try, and then try to prove that you can not, they will not believe you)
So it doesn't matter what you can use and how you can get out of it, the main thing is that the stop is moved to Breakeven, and the trawl follows the price, no matter how hard you try, and then try to prove that you can't, they won't believe you)
You can't pull a stop to breakeven and then trawl it? )
(I wonder, is it impossible to move stop to breakeven and then trawl it? )

That's the thing: no, I wish I could post the correspondence.

Initially, it was clearly stated in the task that when an order triggers, the stop-loss is pulled up behind the price.

Then I found out that the stop loss should be reallocated to Breakeven, so I asked him specifically: is the stop loss reallocated to Breakeven and not pulled behind the price?

After a couple of hours I found out that it did not work in the way I wanted it to; it turns out that I should have set a stop loss to be moved to the open price level when profit reaches $0; I cannot understand how I can move the stop to Bid price for a Buy order.

And finally, the last step killed me, the stop is moved to Breakeven and the trawl is pulled behind the price, I ask - the stop is first moved to Breakeven and then pulled behind the price? - No, the stop goes to breakeven and stays there, while the trawl moves behind the price.

In general, a task, a task and a task again are the key to success.

This certification will probably simplify the process of choosing a developer, but I don't think there will be less appeals to arbitrage.


That's the thing, no, I wish I could post the correspondence.


What happened next? How'd it end? I think I got that assignment... but as you can see, it went somewhere else.

That's the thing: no, I wish I could post the correspondence.

Initially, it was clearly stated in the task that when an order triggers, the stop-loss is pulled up behind the price.

Then I found out that the stop loss should be reallocated to Breakeven, so I asked him specifically: is the stop loss reallocated to Breakeven and not pulled behind the price?

After a couple of hours I found out that it did not work in the way I wanted it to; it turned out that I should have made a stop loss to be moved to the open price level when the profit was $0; I cannot understand how I could move the stop to Bid price for a Buy order.

And finally, the last step killed me, the stop is moved to Breakeven and the trawl is pulled behind the price, I ask - the stop is first moved to Breakeven and then pulled behind the price? - No, the stop goes to breakeven and stays there, while the trawl moves behind the price.

In general, a task, a task and a task again are the key to success.

Attestation will probably simplify the choice of developer, but there won't be less appeals to arbitrage.

The job should be clarified during the acceptance of the task and not during its execution or even worse, not when the task is due)

How do you guys even jibe here? Just a request appears and already 10 people are ready to do the job without looking.