People's complaints/suggestions - page 5


No, it's not enough.

Name a normal share

10% is adequate. You can never have too much money, I understand. But the market takes 20% - it's a whole site, a service. And you don't need $3,000 just to bring in a customer? Then I'm sorry.
10% is adequate. You can't have a lot of money, I understand. But a marketplace charges 20%. That's a whole site, a service. And $3,000 just to bring a customer in isn't enough for you? Then I'm sorry.

Wow, "just bring it in."

I guess 99% after the market's commission would be fair.

You don't have to do anything, 1% is enough.

I have to find a sucker, not just a sucker but a rich sucker, not just a sucker who does not mind losing 30,000 or more.

I have to find a sucker who doesn't mind losing 30,000, who doesn't mind earning it. I am the only one who can find someone like that.

If you open your mouth, you will be taken over even by an unscrupulous loser who does not mind losing 30,000.

to lose 30,000.

Well, we have a deal?


Wow, "just bring it in."

I guess 99% after the market's commission would be fair.

You don't have to do anything, 1% is enough.

I have to find a sucker, not just a sucker but a rich sucker, not just a sucker who does not mind losing 30,000 or more.

I have to find a sucker who doesn't mind losing 30,000, who doesn't mind earning it. I am the only one who can find someone like that.

If you open your mouth, you will be taken over even by an unscrupulous loser who does not mind losing 30,000.

to lose 30,000.

Well, we have a deal?

Why don't you copy-paste?) You're better at it.

Comrade Grailer hasn't shown any trade at all yet, but he's already putting everyone in their place -))


I will side withlordlev in this debate,I would not like to see reputable (here) gentlemen stoop to emotional criticism, sarcasm and other unspecific. It really damages the reputation MQ, because I too, until I read this thread, thought that "moderators" are employees or close to them.

Lordlev himself is asking for rhetoric by answering provocative questions and statements, as if consciously or not he is drawing attention to himself, but that is no reason to lower the bar of communication and start harassing for no reason, like in kindergarten, let alone moderators.

Fraud, going to jail, coming in with a blowtorch... that's crazy...

Nothing has been verified yet about his holy grail and if he is at least a third as good as in the tests, then 30K is quite a good price. I'm on the contrary glad that at least one person declared an adequate price for a potentially non-flush expert, because for $100-200 is really only Loh with a capital letter, can count on the profitability of the bot. And the fact that many reacted so emotionally, speaks of petty jealousy, that they say "Oh man, how dare he! I'm such a cool programmer! I've already saved up 100 plummers for 50 Ue, and this cheeky wants to get for one as I get for 10 years of not getting ... heh heh, a comedy club ...".

The man is trying for you in the long run gentlemen programmers! To get you decent royalties and product prices. And so much rubbish was poured on him, and it did not appeal.


I have two questions: is it worth the money and why is it so expensive? :)

To me the proposed product / "a cat in a poke" / to sell for $ 30K is not ready, it does not even lend itself to me tests with its GMT+1 and my opinion of some DC, in addition, an important indicator of its robustness is an indicator of its work on real money in the horizon of at least 0.5 years, but not as its presence in the market, and while I do not even have a hypothetical opportunity to buy it, still would like to know the principle, the idea of his work, and the stated price, at least provided attention to this PBX, the author respect.


I will side withlordlev in this debate,I would not like to see reputable (here) gentlemen stoop to emotional criticism, sarcasm and other unspecific. It really damages the reputation MQ, because I too, until I read this thread, thought that "moderators" are employees or close to them.

Lordlev himself is asking for rhetoric by answering provocative questions and statements, as if consciously or not he is drawing attention to himself, but that is no reason to lower the bar of communication and start harassing for no reason, like in kindergarten, much less moderators.

Fraud, going to jail, coming in with a blowtorch... that's crazy...

Nothing has been verified yet about his holy grail and if he is at least a third as good as in the tests, then 30K is quite a good price. I'm on the contrary glad that at least one person declared an adequate price for a potentially non-flush expert, because for $100-200 is really only Loh with a capital letter, can count on the profitability of the bot. And the fact that many reacted so emotionally, speaks of petty jealousy, that they say "Oh man, how dare he! I'm such a cool programmer! I've already saved up 100 plummers for 50 Ue, and this cheeky wants to get for one as I get for 10 years of not getting ... heh heh, a comedy club ...".

The man is trying for you in the long run gentlemen programmers! To get you decent royalties and product prices. And so much rubbish has been poured on him, and it does not even touch it.

Forex and Forex Expert Advisors have their own reality, the denial of which by gentlemen who want to make a quick buck without waiting for even the minimum profitability of their tester drawings cannot but cause criticism, especially when it comes to such sums. You are, after all, as new to this business as he is (either he is a newbie or a crook - one of the two, I believe the former), so you don't understand what's going on. However, I hope you wouldn't sell a $30k tester grail in spite of that.

About the jealousy - that's beside the point. If the man was selling something realistic and at a realistic price, I personally would have been only glad of his profits.

For example I understand the Forex Growth Box Expert Advisor. If you believe the monitoring, profits >3000% over >2 years on a real account. It costs $129 on the Internet.

Why? Because its authors are adequate people, they understand the value of past results even in real trading, let alone test fittings.


There is a reality to forex and forex advisors, the denial of which by gentlemen who want to make a quick buck without waiting for even a minimal confirmation of the profitability of their tester sketches cannot but cause criticism, especially when it comes to such sums. You're also new to this business, so you don't understand what's going on. However, I hope that in spite of this, you would not sell a tester's grail for $30k.

About the jealousy - that's out of the question. If the man was selling something realistic and at a realistic price, I personally would have been only glad of his profits.

Indeed, I'm new to algotorgovle, however, no longer a teenager and can distinguish the professionalism constructive criticism from the bazaar rhetoric, the question specifically in this thread, is not about the functionality of Mr.lordlev grail,but in the reaction of the community to its placement in the Market, which, unfortunately, sometimes is not otherwise as a collective farm turned out. The author himself also distinguished himself by falling for some rhetorical provocations when he should have ignored such "outbursts".

This thread itself is not in his favor either, as it shows insecurity, an attempt to justify himself, but why? If the Grail is there, there must be a profound indifference))))

Not professional marketing in general.

Except about moderators, I agree with him. A moderator is a superior being, a status which means he must not stoop to boorish "jokes" and only fatherly encourage or punish.

Perhaps one should change the formal rules for placing experts on the market, introduce quality control criteria based on price, real-time sites, etc.

But only newbies like me are allowed to make fun)))). Since no one will pay attention to me and the credibility of MQ I will not undermine, and serious people have to be serious ...

Men do not dance, they even walk with difficulty!


Here's an example as I understand the Forex Growth Box advisor. If you believe the monitoring, profits >3000% over >2 years on a real account. It costs $129 on the Internet.Why? Yes because its authors are adequate people, they understand the price of past results even in real trading, let alone test fittings.

If monitoring is to be believed, profits >3000% over >2 years on a real account.

I don't believe in that kind of scenario. The probability is no greater than me accidentally finding a diamond the size of a watermelon tomorrow. Although I'm a beginner, but the experienced guys told me that a profitable trading system, formalized into an algorithm and tested in real life, is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, not tens aslordlev suggested.

A $129 robot is specificallyfor 97% of traders.

Alex_Bondar: The moderator is the supreme being
Words not of a novice, but of a youngster :)
Not the words of a novice, but of a young man :)

If it makes you happy, I agree:)))

From social psychology we know that most people (over 90%) stop the psycho-emotional development at 15-20 years, a man may be over 50 years old and he is a teenager, and what does a teenager need? They need authority, a teenager instinctively adjusts to the authority, associates himself with it, imitates it. For the Slavs, this rule is especially applicable, especially in the poorer strata of society.

So I think that in order to maintain order, one should take everything and divide it! Black and white, punishment and encouragement, slaves and masters. Without this there will be "DOM 2" intrigue, fighting for popularity, emancipation, feminism, etc.

The ancient Greeks said a long time ago that democracy is the worst system. It is only good as a screen. Behind it there has to be a deeper totalitarianism, where everyone plays a strictly assigned role.