Video - Everything for the trader. - page 2


It is impossible to teach anyone anything.

One learns for oneself, each to the extent of one's desire, persistence, need or lack thereof.

There is a slight contradiction. In other words, it is possible to teach, but only if one wants to. )) Each of us learns not only because of ourselves. We learn from the achievements of past generations and those people who are next to us, who study the same subject and are on a higher level of development (in relation to knowledge). For example, you have a question and you know approximately that the answer is in a book or a Reference Manual. You open the book and start reading. It is the same as if you asked your question to the author and he answered it for you. The author may be long gone, but you got your answer. Sometimes, however, it is quicker to get an answer by asking the person next to you. The Internet has brought people closer to each other. So we are all there for each other. )))

It's another thing when you have already studied everything and there are no more books that can answer your questions. But you already have experience from previous generations and people who are around. And you can start doing new experiments that may lead you to your desired results.

So I can't say that I've learned everything on my own. That's too selfish! It doesn't work that way, if you dig deep and dot all the i's. )))


There was a video on the forum, I think it belongs here.

It's impossible not to agree, many people have probably said so to their acquaintances about the market, what you do.

  • It's impossible to agree! =) watch the first 5 minutes and you can immediately see the bloopers.
  • - If you work in a "large factory", 100% of workers are paid. someone gets a lot, someone gets a little, but it's another issue. i.e. 100% of workers at least something, but get.
  • - At Forex, 5-10% make profit (and probably very modest =)), but the remaining 90%-95% lose their money earned elsewhere.
  • In short, these examples are not good. I did not want to look any further.

The great battle of traders


Put a robot to trade! -D

This is how botnets are created, which are then used for DDoS attacks.
Do you think traders need this? It's just more advertising bullshit.
I for one need it, I didn't hide in the description that it was advertising. I just wanted to let you know that they've started doing this kind of advertising from....

It's a long time since I laughed so much I remembered myself when I just started trading, I downloaded different indicators in MT4 and tested them a week on demo accounts, I rushed into battle opening a real one confident in my system and the market victory, the instrument was gold and a couple of days later it showed me the dynamics during the day, I could not come away from a week shock that this may be, saved only one - the shoulder was 1:20


I remembered myself when I just started trading, I downloaded different indicators in MT4 and tested them a week on demo accounts, I rushed into battle opening a real one confident in my system and a victory in the market, the instrument was gold and a couple of days later it showed me the dynamics during the day, I could not come away from a week shock that this may be, I was saved by one leverage was 1:20

What does he say? No swearing =)
What's he saying? Don't use foul language.)
About how good his system is and the trend is about to go up.

14-year-old trader.

his parents gave him a million roubles.


"Legal protection for Forex traders in Russia: questions and answers" at the ninth international exhibition MOSCOW FOREX EXPO 2010.