Why is the adoption of the MT5 platform so slow? - page 2


These are the realities and consequences of over-regulation.

It is very likely that in the next 6 months more companies will close/sell/merge/leave in America.

Why do traditional brokers in america continue to grow profitably with the same regulation?

Found an interesting statistic here:

The number of accounts at forex brokers is pretty paltry compared to companies like Fidelity (>12 million accounts), Schwab (>8 million accounts), TD Ameritrade, E-Trade (>4 million accounts). It seems that the number of players in the Forex market is minuscule, and in fact a dozen large banks control the process of pricing. However, many have known this for a long time.

Am I really going to have to rewrite all my MT5 creations back into MT4?
Why? You could just write a trading signal transmitter from MT5 to MT4.

Interesting topic. I myself am looking forward to testing strategies on stocks, metals, indices... But I can't find any broker with MT5 that has all these instruments with normal history. Can anybody suggest one?

I also talked to a representative of FXCM (not through on-line support, but through an official representative), and was very surprised to hear them say that MT5 has no significant advantages compared to MT4, so they are not planning to introduce it. I think MQ management needs to be more active in popularizing the platform specifically among brokers (tell them all the advantages, etc.).

By the way FXCM is the only public forex company in the world, i.e. it's listed on the NYSE. You can download their annual report, there are statistics on client accounts, turnovers and, in general, on the whole forex industry.

lordlev: Why? You could just write a transmitter of trading signals from MT5 to MT4.
And what about the MT5 on the demo account?
Protecting their citizens themselves should understand from what :)

... I think MQ management should more actively popularize the platform among brokers (to tell about all the advantages, etc.)...

And for traders, along with "Articles" on the forum, start releasing already educational videos.

example: http://www.forbes.ru/tehno/internet-i-telekommunikatsii/219529-odin-chelovek-odin-kompyuter-milliony-uchenikov-kak-akadem?from=email

Один человек, один компьютер, миллионы учеников: как Академия Хана меняет образование
Один человек, один компьютер, миллионы учеников: как Академия Хана меняет образование
  • www.forbes.ru
Штаб-квартира организации, которая быстро стала самой крупной школой в мире с 10 млн учеников, втиснута в несколько больших коммунальных комнат в облезлом офисном здании 1960-х годов в городке Маунтин-Вью, штат Калифорния (здесь находятся офисы Google, Symantec и Intuits — Forbes). Несмотря на стесненные условия, в Академии Хана преобладает...
And the statistics of the said companies are vouched for? It's not like that at all, it's not double-digit profits, it's losses.

Don't forget that the company representative has absolutely no information, for he is too lazy to learn and find out anything.
Do you want to put MT5 on a demo account?
gpwr: What is it? Will I have to rewrite all my MT5 creations back to MT4?

Apparently MKs aren't really interested in MT5 as a terminal for forex traders, but the MT5 server has quite a foothold, although they can always adapt the MT4 terminal to work with the MT5 server if they want to. Also MK always has the possibility to make a full succession of all the functions of MQL4 inside MQL5, but of course they will have to rewrite all the documentation, but they already have some ready made programs, and that is the main thing.

This is only possible if a real need arises, for example the owners of MK stocks suddenly want to get a return on their investments in MT5 and MQL5, which have been huge for many years. Well, until such a desire appears, MQL5 must be regarded commercially only as an experimental version of MQL4.

At the exchange market the story is completely different. Initial deposits are required several orders of magnitude more there, so people will always trade manually to control and the programming sophistication is not so relevant there, many successful platforms are satisfied with only the simplest programming features and they are far away even from the level of MQL4.

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Функции
  • www.mql5.com
Основы языка / Функции - Документация по MQL5


Yedelkin: Do you want to put MT5 on a demo account?

I see. And I have to pay more for using the "Signals" service.