Why is the adoption of the MT5 platform so slow? - page 3

And the statistics are vouched for by the companies in question? It's not like that at all, it's not double-digit profits there, it's losses.

Don't forget that the representative of the company has absolutely no information, for he is too lazy to learn and find out anything.
I did not stress for nothing that FXCM is a public company on the NYSE. This is a serious factor. They are subject to an annual mandatory audit and publish statements as an issuer of securities.
I see. And pay for the use of the Signals service.
What does the "Signals" service have to do with it? If you have an Expert Advisor for MT5, you can write a script for it, which will transfer trading signals from the demo to the live one in MT4.
lordlev: What does the "Signals" service have to do with it? If you have an EA for MT5, you can write a script to it that will transfer trading signals from demo to rev to MT4.
Got it. I misunderstood the phrase "write a trading signals transmitter". No further questions.
Did VTB24 already allow auto-trading on MT5?
VTB24 allowed autotrading at the beginning of the year!
VTB24 allowed auto-trading at the beginning of the year!
What instruments are available for trading at VTB24? Only FX?

America, for Forex is now the death zone, where companies have left or are leaving, tearfully counting losses from investments in development. There's no room for development there now. In fact there will only be a couple or three big companies left in retail.

What are you talking about, Renat?

If the "massacre-deal" starts there, the first to "wrinkle" will be the Alfa-WTB companies, and the reptilian ones will just have to run away...

If you are not recognised, it does not mean that things are as bad as you have described here.

Alextp: VTB24 allowed auto-trading back at the beginning of the year!
Oh, progress! Thanks for the information.

What are you talking about, Renat?

If the "massacre-deal" starts there, the first to "wrinkle" are the Alfa-WTB companies, and the reptilian ones will just have to flee...

s.w. If you are not recognised, it does not mean that everything is as bad as you have described here.

The software is written not as the broker needs, but as the analysts of the MC think right, that's the problem.

When there is at least a "ribbon", then the terminal can be called at least a little bit exchange...


What are you talking about, Renat?

If the massacre starts there, the first to "wrinkle" are the Alfa-WTB companies, and the reptilian ones will have to flee...

If you are not recognised, it does not mean that it is as bad as you described here.

Maybe it's not a question of recognition, it's more likely that they won't let you in. Ironically, there is no real competition in the market. The factors of corruption and nepotism are much stronger at all levels where big or easy money smells. Therefore the market economy is inefficient for citizens and unprofitable for clients, as the examples consistently prove. Think about it - would you let MQ into your garden beds?
It may not be a question of recognition, it is more likely that they do not let them in. Paradoxically, there is really no competition in the market. Corruption and nepotism factors are much stronger at all levels where big or easy money smells. Therefore the market economy is inefficient for citizens and unprofitable for clients, as the examples consistently prove. Think about it - would you let MQ into your garden beds?
You probably haven't experienced the original Tamash approach to business. If it is profitable, they will buy from anyone, probably not profitable...