What should be added for additional support of universal mathematical calculations in MQL5 and MQL5 Cloud Network? - page 10

You show with your own code and words that anyone can do it. Sketch out a class and submit it to the community for revision. But you don't need a lot of brains for that. If this is your attitude to projects, I wouldn't want to work in such a team.
You yourself with your code and words clearly show that anyone can do it. Sketch a class and post it for improvement in the community. But you don't have to be smart to do it. If this is your attitude towards projects, I wouldn't want to work on such a team.

And no one is forcibly inviting you personally.

Keep looking for a supervisor who will use a cudgel to force you to work on a project.

Projects need developers who propose to do something concrete and implement it after agreement with the team, not dummies. What's the point of giving something to somebody who can't do it or won't do it without a strong drumbeat?

Not only can you set up classes, but you can also make them yourself, if there are no suitable developers available. But if the project is open, the source code must be exposed, not hidden in the deep underground.

MetaEditor already has built-in functions for implementing joint projects. You can connect someone to the team with just a click of the mouse and a nickname. And for organizational matters, it will be easy to open a separate thread.

You don't have to be smart to do everything for the sake of doing nothing.


And no one is forcibly inviting you personally.
Keep looking for a supervisor who will use his truncheon to force you to work on a project.

We don't need supervisors, especially with a cudgel :)
we do our ownprojects successfully even without them.)

Projects need developers who will propose something concrete and implement it after agreement with the team, not dummies.

This is exactly what I mean. Do you have any experience with open source development? Give me some links, I'd really like to see the whole process.
how concrete proposals are made and how they are implemented and agreed upon without discussions. Although if you say that in open source projects no one discusses anything, then they only involve telepaths?

Maybe documentation or explanations of the goals and objectives of classes are made?

What's the point of giving something to someone who can't do it or won't do it without a good punch?

I agree. We don't need people like that in our business.

Classes can not only be set up, but you can also make them yourself, if you don't have suitable developers. But if the project is open source, the source code must be exposed, not hidden in deep hiding.

Yes, if the project is open source, it would be strange not to expose sources :)

only I do not understand - how participants will translate my project tasks into real code, if I do not discuss with them and do not explain what the project will do in general.
This hidden approach developers in the project will not appear. You will do everything yourself.

MetaEditor already has built-in functions for collaborative projects. You will be able to connect someone to the team with just a click of the mouse and a nickname. And for organizational matters, it will be possible to have a separate topic.

It does not take much intelligence to do everything for the sake of doing nothing.

I don't agree. Lazy is the engine of progress and not doing anything requires at least the ability to motivate others to do what needs to be done. :)

And no one is inviting you personally.

You can recruit enthusiasts for open sorts projects or you can lure them in with perks. The second way is more effective.

But there has to be management in any case, otherwise it's no big deal. If the project is big. If it is small, you can do just fine without an MC if there is interest.



do you have any experience of opencast development?



Projects need developers who will propose something concrete and implement it after agreeing with the team, not talkologists.

Although if you write that in open source projects no one discusses anything - are there only telepaths involved?


I just don't understand - how the participants will translate my project tasks into real code, if I don't engage in discussion with them and don't explain what the project will do in general.

Don't attribute to me your hackneyed ideas. Wash your eyes and read carefully: I did not say that nothing is discussed. Agree, i.e. discuss a specific part that needs to be implemented, rather than just engage in idle chatter.


maybe at least some documentation or explanations of the goals and objectives of the classes is done?

Or maybe you'd better open your eyes before making up some nonsense? Look at the raw files I posted. There's commentary on it. Although I just sketched out the classes, but I never skimp on comments, because after a while it will be hard to figure out what's where.

  • 2013.04.30
  • Brought to you by: reshetov
  • sourceforge.net
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Why don't you open your eyes before you bullshit yourself? Take a look at the raw data I posted.

A project starts, oddly enough, with design, not code :)))
A project starts, oddly enough, with design, not code :)))

Design starts with the interfaces of future classes, not with chatter in the void.


Design starts with the interfaces of future classes, not with chatter on empty space.

Ooooh, that's messed up...


Do not attribute to me, your selves. Wash your eyes and read carefully: I did not say that nothing is discussed. Discuss, i.e. discuss a specific part that needs to be implemented, rather than just engage in idle chatter.

Why don't you open your eyes before you make up your own mind? Look at the raw files I posted. There are some comments there. Although I just threw the classes at random, but the comments are never stingy, because myself after a while it will be difficult to understand what and where.

Yes, someone's mind is bubbling with indignation :) The sorts are hilarious.

I asked you not to show me your personal development, but a project that involves at least a couple of other programmers.

the fact that you registered on sf site and made a kind of open source project there makes you an expert in Open Source development ?

"there's no discussion in the forum thread, again telepaths...

that's what we'll put down to.

Anyway, thanks, I had a laugh.


And go easy on your choice of words, you're being aggressive.