What should be added for additional support of universal mathematical calculations in MQL5 and MQL5 Cloud Network? - page 9


Yes, games give a kick in performance and technology. Because they pull the hardware to a qualitative level. (Although one professor I know at uni considered games as universal evil for some reason :)

As for the universality of functions, here are directions for further step-by-step implementation

- weather forecast
- scientific data processing (space, nuclear physics)
- pharmaceutics
- 3D rendering (as a practical application for money)

and then we'll get to the exchange forecast...

And with UCI, as I said, could make an application for MT :)


I'm not talking about the cloud. The cloud's capabilities are clear. It can also be used outside of MT.

I am talking about MT.

I do not see anything wrong with holding a chess bot competition on the basis of MT. And these same bots will use the computing resources of the cloud.


Maybe actually give up playing forex and play chess? I used to be pretty good at it.

But I like backgammon better. Maybe someone could program backgammon on MT5, I'd be eternally grateful.

Poker! Let's tear up the EPT!))
Poker! Let's tear up EPT!)))
There's no need for that kind of power in there.
We will definitely implementthe neurodriveproject, while we are busy with signals. We have big plans on neural networks in MT5.

If we undertake it, we follow through. For example, we implemented AlgLib entirely by ourselves, although there was an idea to involve the community.

So far, there is a feeling that few people really want to participate in the oversourced projects and spend their time.

So far, there is a feeling that few people really want to take part in the oversourced projects and waste their time.

I don't have any experience. I thought you promised to make someone from your team a mentor for the project at the time.

And without a shepherd, the sheep will scatter. So if anyone does anything in the community, they are the only one responsible for their work.

sergeev :

no experience. you sort of promised to make someone from your team a curator for the project.

but without a shepherd the sheep will be scattered. Therefore, if anyone does something in the community, then only he alone is responsible for his work.

More than experience in boltology. Let's blind like that, let's sit down like that, etc. etc. in accordance with the fable of grandfather Krylov called the Quartet. Nobody does anything, everyone with smart faces only expresses their opinions.

No curator is needed to urge everyone on with a stick. The project manager must create the first lines of code - the interfaces of future classes, from which it will already be more or less clear where to dance further, and where is the dead end. And then, some project participant justifies what exactly he is going to do, and if his potential activity does not contradict the general direction, then he is entrusted with the implementation of his idea. Then some other participant connects. Etc. etc.

Here, for example, there was free time, here I threw some sketches of classes for a chess program:

//|                                                    CChessman.mqh |
//|                                 Copyright 2012, Yury V. Reshetov |
//|                                              http://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, Yury V. Reshetov"
#property link       "http://www.mql5.com"

//|                                                                  |
class CChessman // Класс: шахматная фигура
private :
   int                type; // Тип фигуры: 
                           // 0 - пешка,
   // 1 - ладья
   // 2 - конь
   // 3 - слон
   // 4 - ферзь
   // 5 - король
   int                c; // Цвет фигуры: 0 - белый, 1 - черный 
   int                h; // Положение фигуры по горизонтали
   int                v; // Положение фигуры по вертикали
   bool               state; // Состояние фигуры: true - на доске, false - взята противником

public :
   void               CChessman( int t, int horisontal, int vertical, int group ); // Конструктор
   void              ~CChessman(); // Деструктор
                                   // Изменение местонахождения фигуры на доске
   // Возвращает результат, если изменение корректно и было выполнено
   bool               setPosition( int horisontal, int vertical); // Изменение позиции фигуры на доске
   void               erase(); // Вызывается, если фигура взята противником
   int                getType(); // Возвращает тип фигуры
   int                getHPosition(); // Возвращает положение фигуры на доске по вертикали
   int                getVPosition(); // Возвращает положение фигуры на доске по горизонтали
   int                getColor(); // Возвращает цвет фигуры
   bool               getState(); // Возвращает текущий статус фигуры
//|    Конструктор                                                   |
void CChessman::CChessman( int t, int horisontal, int vertical, int group ) 
   state= true ;
   type = t;
   h = horisontal;
   v = vertical;
   c = group ;
//|      Изменение позиции фигуры на доске                           |
bool CChessman::setPosition( int horisontal, int vertical) 
   if (!state) 
       return ( false );
   if (horisontal< 0 ) 
       return ( false );
   if (horisontal> 7 ) 
       return ( false );
   if (vertical< 0 ) 
       return ( false );
   if (vertical> 7 ) 
       return ( false );
   h = horisontal;
   v = vertical;
   return ( true );
//|       Удаление фигуры с доски                                    |
void CChessman::erase( void ) 
   state= false ;
//|                                                                  |
int CChessman::getType( void ) 
   return (type);
//|         Возвращает горизонтальное положение фигуры на доске      |
int CChessman::getHPosition( void ) 
   return (h);
//|         Возвращает вертикальное положение фигуры на доске        |
int CChessman::getVPosition( void ) 
   return (v);
//|        Возвращает цвет фигуры                                    |
int CChessman::getColor( void ) 
   return (c);
//|         Возвращает статус фигуры                                 |
bool CChessman::getState( void ) 
   return (state);

//|                                              CChessmansArray.mqh |
//|                                 Copyright 2012, Yury V. Reshetov |
//|                                              http://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, Yury V. Reshetov"
#property link       "http://www.mql5.com"
#include <Chess/CChessman.mqh>
//|                                                                  |
class CChessmansArray // Класс: Шахматная доска
private :
   CChessman        *table[]; // Массив шахматных фигур

public :
   void               CChessmansArray(); // Конструктор
   void              ~CChessmansArray(); // Деструктор
   CChessman        *getChessman( int i);
   void               goWhite(); // Ход белых
   void               goBlack(); // Ход черных
//|          Конструктор                                             |
void CChessmansArray::CChessmansArray( void ) 
   ArrayResize (table, 32 );

   table[ 0 ] = new CChessman( 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 ); // Левая белая ладья
   table[ 1 ] = new CChessman( 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 ); // Левый белый конь
   table[ 2 ] = new CChessman( 3 , 2 , 0 , 1 ); // Левый белый слон
   table[ 3 ] = new CChessman( 4 , 3 , 0 , 1 ); // Белый ферзь
   table[ 4 ] = new CChessman( 5 , 4 , 0 , 1 ); // Белый король
   table[ 5 ] = new CChessman( 3 , 5 , 0 , 1 ); // Правый белый слон
   table[ 6 ] = new CChessman( 2 , 6 , 0 , 1 ); // Правый белый конь
   table[ 7 ] = new CChessman( 1 , 7 , 0 , 1 ); // Правая белая ладья

   table[ 0 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ); // Белая пешка
   table[ 1 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 ); // Белая пешка
   table[ 2 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 2 , 1 , 1 ); // Белая пешка
   table[ 3 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 3 , 1 , 1 ); // Белая пешка
   table[ 4 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 4 , 1 , 1 ); // Белая пешка
   table[ 5 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 5 , 1 , 1 ); // Белая пешка
   table[ 6 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 6 , 1 , 1 ); // Белая пешка
   table[ 7 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 7 , 1 , 1 ); // Белая пешка

   table[ 0 ] = new CChessman( 1 , 0 , 7 , - 1 ); // Левая черная ладья
   table[ 1 ] = new CChessman( 2 , 1 , 7 , - 1 ); // Левый черный конь
   table[ 2 ] = new CChessman( 3 , 2 , 7 , - 1 ); // Левый черный слон
   table[ 3 ] = new CChessman( 4 , 3 , 7 , - 1 ); // Черный ферзь
   table[ 4 ] = new CChessman( 5 , 4 , 7 , - 1 ); // Черный король
   table[ 5 ] = new CChessman( 3 , 5 , 7 , - 1 ); // Правый черный слон
   table[ 6 ] = new CChessman( 2 , 6 , 7 , - 1 ); // Правый черный конь
   table[ 7 ] = new CChessman( 1 , 7 , 7 , - 1 ); // Правая Черная ладья

   table[ 0 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 0 , 6 , - 1 ); // Черная пешка
   table[ 1 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 1 , 6 , - 1 ); // Черная пешка
   table[ 2 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 2 , 6 , - 1 ); // Черная пешка
   table[ 3 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 3 , 6 , - 1 ); // Черная пешка
   table[ 4 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 4 , 6 , - 1 ); // Черная пешка
   table[ 5 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 5 , 6 , - 1 ); // Черная пешка
   table[ 6 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 6 , 6 , - 1 ); // Черная пешка
   table[ 7 ] = new CChessman( 0 , 7 , 6 , - 1 ); // Черная пешка

//|       Возвращает объект фигуры по индексу в массиве              |
CChessman *CChessmansArray::getChessman( int i) 
   return (table[i]);

//|                                                    CChessBot.mqh |
//|                                 Copyright 2012, Yury V. Reshetov |
//|                                              http://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, Yury V. Reshetov"
#property link       "http://www.mql5.com"
#include <Chess/CChessman.mqh>
#include <Chess/CChessmansArray.mqh>
//|      Класс: бот-шахматист                                        |
class CChessBot // Класс: бот-шахматист
private :
   CChessman        *chessmans[]; // Шахматные фигуры
   int                table[]; // Шахматная доска
   int                c; // Цвет фигур: 0 - белый, 1 - черный

public :
   void               CChessBot( int group); // Конструктор
   void              ~CChessBot(); // Деструктор
   void               setTable(CChessmansArray *t); // Расставляет фигуры
   int                go(); // Ход. Возвращает индекс своей фигуры, которой был сделан ход. 
   int                analitic(); // Анализ ходов 
//|                  Конструктор                                     |
void CChessBot::CChessBot( int group) 
//|                  Расстановка фигур на шахматной доске            |
void CChessBot::setTable(CChessmansArray *mans) 
   ArrayResize (chessmans, 32 );
   ArrayResize (table, 64 );
   for ( int i= 0 ; i< 32 ; i++) 
      table[chessmans[i].getHPosition() * 8 + chessmans[i].getVPosition()] = chessmans[i].getType() * 2 + chessmans[i].getColor();
//|             Полуход                                              |
int CChessBot::go( void ) 
   return ( 0 );
//|                                                   CChessGame.mqh |
//|                                 Copyright 2012, Yury V. Reshetov |
//|                                              http://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, Yury V. Reshetov"
#property link       "http://www.mql5.com"
#include <Chess/CChessBot.mqh>
#include <Chess/CChessmansArray.mqh>
#include <Chess/CChessman.mqh>
//|    Класс: Шахматная доска                                        |
class CChessGame  
private :
   CChessmansArray  *chessmans; // Шахматная массив шахматных фигур
   CChessBot        *whitebot; // Бот, играющий белыми
   CChessBot        *blackbot; // Бот, играющий черными

public :
   void               CChessGame(CChessBot *w,CChessBot *b); // Конструктор
   void              ~CChessGame(); // Деструктор
   void               game();   // Игра
   int                goWhite(); // Ход белых
   int                goBlack(); // Ход черных
//|                 Конструктор                                      |
void CChessGame::CChessGame(CChessBot *w,CChessBot *b)
   chessmans= new CChessmansArray();
//|           Полуход белых                                          |
int CChessGame::goWhite( void )
   return (whitebot.go());
//|         Полуход черных                                           |
int CChessGame::goBlack( void )
   return (blackbot.go());
//|            Игра                                                  |
void CChessGame::game( void )
   bool stopflag= false ;
   while (!stopflag)
       if (goWhite()>= 0 )
         if (goBlack()>= 0 )
             // ...
           } else {
                  stopflag= false ;
        } else {
               stopflag= false ;

Now you can create a project in the repository and connect additional developers to it. But not all those who want to express some kind of opinion there, but from among those who are going to do something specific.


Yuri, it's pretty clear with chess engines - the topic has been worked out by other people very well.

If you take it on, you have to use the accumulated experience and the 10000 percent set of initial and extremely teeth-grinding optimisations (bitcards, presets, etc.).

You can't start from scratch with ABCs and mistakes. No "premature optimization is evil". Here you need at once an extreme experience in implementing chess-based numerical calculations.

Fortunately there are many articles, sources, and detailed explanations of them in the public domain. As you start reading on the subject, you will immediately understand the extreme level of solutions achieved.


Yuri, it's pretty clear with chess engines - the topic has been worked out by other people very well.

If you take it on, you have to use the accumulated experience and the 10000 percent set of initial and extremely toothy optimisations (bitcards, presets, etc.).

You can't start from scratch with ABCs and mistakes. No "premature optimization is evil". Here you need at once an extreme experience in implementing chess-based numerical calculations.

Fortunately there are many articles, sources, and detailed explanations of them in the public domain. As soon as you start reading on the subject you'll immediately understand the extreme level of solutions achieved.

I've got some literature too, and Botvinnik is still in paper form. And I have some developments, of course, not in MQL5, but in muLisp.

I`ve tried to show some local projectors that they don`t need supervisors for their projects. I have a need for a team of specific developers, who may not be experts in all technologies, and can even be specialists in their field, but nonetheless, they are competent in their field. And you need a project manager who will initially think through and prepare all of this for the rest of the team, so that the project doesn't start from scratch, and you can get down to it right away, after the introductory excursus. Otherwise, things will not get off the ground.