Suggestions, comments, errors on the Signals service - page 14

What an unusual EA you have - usually trades with a small lot 0.01 ... 0.1, and sometimes, which is unusual, very rarely, at once 5.00 on the same symbols and in the same range
It says sometimes I help with hands.

What prevented you from opening a couple of dozen test accounts and registering one survivor in the service? What prevents you from opening a new account and becoming a provider with the same Expert Advisor?

Alps on PAMMs does a good job in this sense, it creates a theme with monitoring when you register a new account in PAMMs.

It seems to me that both providers and subscribers should be interested in this.

I will open a new account at another brokerage house in the new year.

,,well, all the shortcomings of the service manifest themselves through the communication of users on either side...

it's the communication that's missing from the signal translator page, so to speak, the direct public contact, to determine the "hoo-hoo".


I mean registering only accounts without trading history in signals

First of all, overclocking is notorious for strong take-offs and low transaction numbers. Secondly, there is no service so far which does not suffer from this disease (overclocking).

The easiest cure - use signals not older than several months, or better than six months or a year. All the same, the signals are not yet ready for normal analysis and use.

Документация по MQL5: Торговые функции / HistoryDealsTotal
Документация по MQL5: Торговые функции / HistoryDealsTotal
Торговые функции / HistoryDealsTotal - Документация по MQL5
I will open a new account at another brokerage house in the new year.

I hope you understand that I am not making any claims against you.

i hope you understand that i have no claims against you. if the registration of accounts with trading history of MCs is kept, then i think of the association of mass signals with a bag of frozen potatoes that i forgot to take off the balcony with the onset of cold weather. yesterday i took one apart, i threw one away, cleaned another, partially trimmed a third one...


First of all, overclocking is notorious for strong take-offs and low transaction numbers. Secondly, there is not a single service which does not suffer from this disease (overclocking).

The cure is simple - look for signals which are several months old or better half a year. The signals are still underdeveloped for proper analysis and use.

Overclocking? I am talking about overclocking, I am talking about nice, presentable yield curve, it is like genetically modified products, with a bright, juicy skin).

I think PAMMs on Alps are devoid of this disadvantage, what is not a reference point?

What do you mean by checking the signal with at least a month or a year history? I mean the signal with a one-year history may be false, for example, there is a lot of bullshit in PAMMs of one brokerage company, so it's not difficult to predict this in the signals.

So I hope that the MCs will be heard, because we are all interested in great service.

Once again I'll give you an example!tab=history. What do such accounts do in the signals? and why analytics, if we can't say with certainty how the trader achieved these results?


overclocking? didn't I say that, we're talking about a nice, presentable yield curve, it's like genetically modified foods, with a bright, juicy rind)

Bummer. I mean, you're not satisfied with a nice yield curve either. Do you want to drive or do you want to drive?

Are you aware that before genetic engineering, breeders were essentially doing the same gene modification, only in different ways? This is not a word in defence of GMOs, but just something to think about.


Fucking hell. So you're not happy with the nice returns either. Do you want to drive or do you want to drive?

Are you aware that prior to genetic engineering, plant breeders were essentially engaged in the same genetic modification, only in different ways? That's not a word in defence of GMOs, but just something to think about.

You'd make a good lawyer, you talk the talk, but you're a little off-topic.)

That's the thing, there's no guarantee that it's a yield curve and not the result of manipulation with multiple accounts.


once again give an example!tab=history tell me what such accounts do in signals?

To understand this you first need to understand why all trading results for this account in the history are reflected 10 times less than the calculated value
To understand this, you first need to understand why all the trading results on this account in the history are reflected 10 times less than the calculated value

Well, that's a different question.

I'm all for a level playing field.

because everyone considers it absurd for a runner to start in the middle of the course with a part of his past "results", so why is it considered normal in signals?