Why don't I read the articles? - page 11

It's not deep thought-out there, but a mega crutch of unfinished connectors. It's basically 2000 and a marginal niche with no future.

What have the connectors got to do with it?! Your connectors are only known to the public through certification announcements. Not in practice.

If someone wants an S# connector, they get it. There is freedom of choice. Well, for direct outputs there is Plaza.

Plaza II
  • stocksharp.com
Для написания торговых роботов под Торговую платформу Plaza II необходимо использовать . Механизм взаимодействия показан на данном рисунке: Для использования роботом Торговой платформы Plaza II на свой компьютер необходимо установить клиентский дистрибутив шлюза Plaza II. Его можно скачать с FTP-сервера РТС. Шлюз можно установить как...
St.Vitaliy, why?

Very simply - this question "why MT" has been sounded many times and discussed. About it was written a ton of material. The whole site is devoted to it. But few people want to waste their precious time reading. People find it easier to play the one-way game of "why wasn't my mental query instantly served here and now?

Those who do information services in practice know that the one-liners of banal erudition don't work. No cataloguing, no tagging, no advice for newcomers. Huge numbers of improvement ideas increase efficiency by only a few percent (closer to 1 % rather than 9-10 %). And we've already introduced a lot of technical solutions.

So the main hope is to create more and more material and scale up coverage in the long term.

You basically said what I wanted to hear.

And if you look in more detail, here's a thought-provoking question.

Why do advertisement leaflets of car dealerships go straight to the trash (not counting geeks, but they know everything and their loyalty to the brand is proved), but the articles in ZaRulem with test drives are read with rapture and future clients pay for this advertisement.

St.Vitaliy: Why car dealers' brochures go straight to the trash (not counting the geeks, but they already know everything and their loyalty to the brand is proven), but the articles in ZaRulem with test drives are read with gusto and future customers are even paying for this advertising.
I don't read them :) And I don't buy.
It's not deep thought there, but a mega crutch of unfinished connectors. Essentially 2000s and a marginal niche with no future.

Compared to it MT5 has a monstrously high level of control, quality and functionality.

Provide a connector for MT5 to Plaza2 (or other exchange gateways), for a lot of money, can be on a pay-as-you-go basis.

MT5 is a great tool for auto-trading, but here's the source of the quotes...

However, these connectors are inherently flawed, with no warranty, no history and only crumbs. Especially strong is the connection to Quick. Given that practically no one has personal connectors to the Plaza, that leaves the widely available Quickie. All in all, freedom to the crutches of 2000: get the history yourself, connect everything yourself (everybody remember Traidestation and Metastock?).

Such solutions are born out of despair on the background of bad local solutions. So, people have to use cheap .NET solutions, call it high-tech, think they are smarter than others (look how they saved money!) and make knowingly hopeless systems.

Whereas we go first of all from the perspective and long-term results, making powerful systems suitable for mass market. That's why we don't make crutches and our MetaTrader 5 Gateway API allows you to write very effective and high-quality gateways in any system. That is what we do.
St.Vitaliy, MetaTrader 5 Gateway to Plaza II is out and available to all brokers. You have to read the news.

Now it's more up to the traders to get Russian brokers up and running quickly. Ask them more often.
St.Vitaliy, MetaTrader 5 Gateway to Plaza II is released and available to all brokers. You have to read the news.

Now it's more up to the traders to get Russian brokers up and running quickly. Ask them more often.

I guessed that it existed, otherwise how would MT5 work with the exchange.

You may use it for personal use. You may ask for details in my personal area.



  1. S# разрабатывается как платформо-независимая библиотека. Это дает ряд премуществ перед программами, рассчитанные на использование с одним торговым терминалом:
    Можно мигрировать с одной платформы на другую при техническом превосходстве одной из них. В особенности данный пункт важен, когда предполагается автоматизация достаточно большого количество процессов торговли.
  2. ....

I.e. no need to wait for a certain broker to adopt a certain platform at all.

Freedom to choose story sources and collect any story yourself.

Testing of strategies on anything.

In general, you have a very superficial idea about this product. Unfortunately, there is always lack of any respect for other platforms that somehow overlap with your solutions.

Only algo-traders have any idea what algo-traders like them really need. That's why their architecture is so well thought out.

Programmers, on the other hand, can't imagine all the nuances of algo-trading because of the banal lack of experience, so they create the most speed-optimized architecture, which are very limited when there is a question about fundamentally adding functionality.

  • stocksharp.com
S# разрабатывается как платформо-независимая библиотека. Это дает ряд премуществ перед программами, рассчитанные на использование с одним торговым терминалом: Можно мигрировать с одной платформы на другую при техническом превосходстве одной из них. В особенности данный пункт важен, когда предполагается автоматизация достаточно большого...
St.Vitaliy, for a start I recommend getting acquainted with the MT5 platform. That is, go to the web sites and read. You do not know anything at all.

You seem to think that only the trader's terminal is present here.
Hrenfx, I spend a fair amount of my time analysing other systems.

I am familiar with S# and my opinion is correct. It's a collection of bad connectors, with the best one being direct Plaza 2 without a broker. Everything else is extremely poor quality crutches. The reality is that there is no direct connection to Plaza 2(RTS) without intermediate broker for ordinary traders (well maybe 5-10 people do).

The rest have to flourish with Kvik's connector where there is no guarantee.

You often wish for reality, blatantly misleading in your technical statements. You make unknown correct/fastest testers, or perfect platforms that turn out to be a library of crutches.