Why don't I read the articles? - page 7



Reading an article or book should benefit the person, and if there is no benefit, where is the point of reading it?

You have the wrong address. You should ask your doctor about the benefits, because only he knows, and only after he has taken all the necessary tests, what is good for you and what is bad for you.

The authors do not owe anyone anything. If you think otherwise, please produce a receipt, a bill of exchange or a notarised contract between you and the author.


Ready-made grails are offered in another service called: Market

The authors of the articles limit themselves to selling ideas on the principle: take it if you want it, but if you don't like it, just pass it by. Guarantee coupons are not attached to the articles. Our job is to offer, you have the right to refuse.

We look for the grails ourselves. Articles are either distracting or misleading. Propaganda about neural networks without evidence of their application value to commerce directs the reader down a false path, which can take years to get nowhere and end with the cryptic "you didn't use the networks correctly". Your case of "lost" royalties and the threat to sue the meta-quotes only confirms my hunch that article writers here make their money from articles, not trade.

_ Authors do not owe anyone anything. If you think otherwise, please produce a receipt, promissory note or notarised contract between you and the author.

I have a different point of view on the matter. I think you should. Be morally responsible, for example. What kind of receipt can there be if it is a question of a person's conscience?
After all, the author can write any nonsense, but we must take into account that a large number of people will read that nonsense, they will spend their time, health, many people will spend their own and other people's money on it.

I, as a reader, prefer to read articles and books by authors who are willing to take such moral responsibility.


Articles are either distracting or misleading...

There are no comrades to taste or colour. Read other literature. No one forbids it. And if they do, you can get uncensored stuff on the internet.


Propaganda about neural networks without evidence of their application value to commerce directs the reader down a false path that could take years to get nowhere


Mm-hmm. They're forcing neural networks on us. They don't give a pass, they try to push them at every turn. And they've been hiding application values underground since the first perceptron was developed.

... only confirms my hunch that the writers here make money with articles, not trading.

Well, duh. While you were trying to guess three times, others already knew that authors (and not just here) make money by selling manuscripts:

"Let me just tell you:

Inspiration is not for sale,

But it is possible to sell a manuscript."

© A.S. Pushkin, A Conversation Between a Bookseller and a Poet


I don't see it that way. I think they should. Moral responsibility, for example. What kind of a receipt can there be, if it's just a question of a person's conscience.
After all, the author can write any nonsense, but we must take into account that a large number of people will read that nonsense, they will spend their time, health, many people will spend their own and other people's money on it.

I, as a reader, prefer to read articles and books by authors who are willing to take such moral responsibility.

That's right! All authors should be chained to a pillar of shame. And keep them there until they publicly repent of their sins.

Look what they are thinking, scribblers. They lead readers astray.

Urgent, send a cart to servicedesk. And don't forget to send it to the Sports Lottery: they can help victims of evil authors there, too.

Reshetov: © A.S. Pushkin, Conversation of a bookseller with a poet

I wonder, when Pushkin wrote Eugene Onegin, did he know about the existence of the binary number system or not?

But there is no friendship between us either.
All prejudices are gone,
We consider everyone as zeros,
And ourselves as ones.

He knew for sure. But he didn't give a shit about maths, it seemed.
Let's first try to understand where such a survey came from in the first place. I understand that MetaQuotes is counting on articles to make it easier for beginners to understand the language and spread it around. The articles certainly contribute to this. What would discourage people from reading the articles? My opinion:
1. the difficulty of finding an article for "my" level of understanding. A beginner is interested first of all in articles on the basics of code writing. To an advanced reader, something more complicated. Look how the articles are arranged in the "Articles" folder - just chronologically. It is like coming to a book shop where all the books are shelved in one row and I have to look through the covers starting from the first one to find what I am interested in. I'd have to sort the articles according to their focus. I see it this way, that on the first page of 'Articles' you could create some basic categories, like for 'Beginners', etc., in order to start searching in your category.
2. Language barrier. It is written only in Russian and English. When I read in Russian and that not everything is immediately understandable. If a firm is paying for articles, they could have spent some more on translations (look at the languages they use).

On the first page of the thread gpwr told me what he was missing. I think he has the wrong address. This resource tells you how to write code when you already have a strategy, this is not the place to discuss strategies themselves.
..This resource tells you how to write code when you already have a strategy, this is not the place to discuss strategies themselves.
Unfortunately, the administration of the resource argues otherwise....Hidden: And your statement runs the risk of generating another cholivar.

Well, there we have it. Indeed, why discuss strategies when the main thing is to write code!

That's how the company's job is to make a better trading website, not to write code.

But there is one little problem. Many authors say that there are no articles on creating and evaluating TS.

That is, the author must write an article on how to choose among the entry patterns, how to optimize filters, how to find the optimal level of risk, how to make a stop on the maximum capital savings, but if it goes off, then the movement is cancelled; how to squeeze the maximum out of the movement, not knowing its amplitude in advance; how to automatically adapt to liquidity and volatility; finally, how to combine trend-following and contrending systems in a portfolio, which would reduce MA to zero. Preferably, all this should be done in a quick code and each block should be explained in detail...

Are you guys out of your mind? This is a high-level private banking product, and you are just given it to read.