time in the terminal at the championships - page 11


Those who have encountered this problem and are convinced that there is one, could give at least some proof of it. How can this be verified?

Can the difference simply be seen on the tester and terminal charts? The inputs and outputs, if they are time-linked can shift and then this can significantly affect the results, as in the tester there will be one result and in reality a different one?

Anyway, I haven't tested it yet, but I'll keep it in mind...


there are two mutually exclusive hypotheses:

one is that everything in the market starts when the news breaks.

The other is that the market has already taken everything into account by the time the news comes out.

But I will improve it as soon as the news history appears in the tester.

And it was promised a history, i.e. a calendar in the tester? I have made an indicator for it on 4. The result roughly confirms the bifurcation of the above hypotheses (they are not mutually exclusive, but live together alternating randomly) - in some cases, apparently, with the leaks from the insiders, the market is ahead of the news, in other cases - it reacts with a delay, as expected. But there are 2 other possibilities: nothing happens, i.e. the market reacts weakly, which can result in a flat and losses. It also often happens that the calendar changes on the fly, so to speak. There was no news in the calendar an hour ago, then suddenly the market moves and you look at the calendar and there is already an event on the calendar.
Was she promised a story, i.e. a calendar in the tester? I was making an indicator for it on 4. The result roughly confirms the bifurcation of the above hypotheses (they are not mutually exclusive, but live together alternating randomly) - in some cases, apparently with leaks from insiders, the market runs ahead of the news, in others the opposite - reacts with a delay, as expected. But there are 2 other possibilities: nothing happens, i.e. the market reacts weakly, which can result in a flat and losses. It also often happens that the calendar changes on the fly, so to speak. When there wasn't any news an hour ago, suddenly the market moves and when I look at the calendar the event has already been postponed.

Clearly no one has answered that there will be a news story in the tester.

Clearly no one has answered that there will be no news story in the tester.

I've suggested it several times, but I haven't gotten

nor a reasonable no (as in "it won't happen because ...so and so"),

Neither a vague yes (we will do it in due course).

The question is complicated because news from MQ is one thing, but by making news history in the tester, DTs will be required to subscribe to a news datafeed, which will make their life even more difficult. Although on the other hand this is a competitive advantage over dealing with other platforms. I'm not talking about the difficulty of formalising the news.

In general, you need to lobby, raise questions and prove the vital necessity of this innovation.

Was she promised a story, i.e. a calendar in the tester? On the quad I was making an inductor for it. The result roughly confirms the bifurcation of the above hypotheses (they are not mutually exclusive, but live together alternating randomly) - in some cases, apparently with leaks from insiders, the market runs ahead of the news, in others the opposite - reacts with a delay, as expected. But there are 2 other possibilities: nothing happens, i.e. the market reacts weakly, which can result in a flat and losses. It also often happens that the calendar changes on the fly, so to speak. If there wasn't any news an hour ago, suddenly the market moves and I look at the calendar and the event is already drawn there.
Yes, I know. )) For myself I have concluded that there is no fish there. But still return to this question sometime. On a fresh head and with new experience. ))
Yeah, I know. )) So far, I've concluded that there are no fish there. Still, I'll come back to this question sometime. When fresh in the mind and with new experience. ))
There is a fish there, but you just need to know how to cook it :)
There are fish out there, you just have to know how to cook them :)
Teaching is light. ))

Who is going to take into account Moscow time - news about possible transfer of hands http://top.rbc.ru/politics/20/09/2012/670546.shtml

Госдума собирается превратить вечное лето в постоянную зиму
Госдума собирается превратить вечное лето в постоянную зиму
  • www.rbc.ru
Госдума собирается превратить вечное лето в постоянную зиму. Председатель комитета Госдумы по охране здоровья Сергей Калашников внес в палату законопроект о переходе на зимнее время, отменив при ...