Pure maths, physics, logic (braingames.ru): non-trade-related brain games - page 144


1. already supported: the problem is bluntly credited on the first try. And in the comments for those who solved it, someone posted the same solution too.

2. have you found a specific error in my reasoning - or are you going to continue philosophizing?

1. it's not an argument. moderators are human beings too (let's not say what kind) and they can make mistakes.

2. I, too, am interested to look for a hole in the solution, and at the same time to find a perfect solution (I think it exists). I propose to modify the problem:

(5++) A hundred of mega-brains were given caps with numbers from the range 1...100, and it is not obligatory that they all have different caps. For example, all could be given a cap with number 7 or half of them could be given a cap with number 20, and the other half could be given a cap with number 10. The main thing is not less than 1 and not more than 100. After that they were all put in a circle. Each megabrain sees 99 numbers on the heads of the others, but not his own. After that everyone writes a number from 1 to 100 on a piece of paper - the supposed number on his/her cap. Communicating and peeping is not allowed ;) They will all be let go if at least one guesses their number. What strategy should they follow if they want to be assured of their release? The megabrains can agree on a strategy in advance, but knowing this, the insidious occupiers are vigilantly watching and listening to every word and every gesture of the megabrains from the moment they are announced of the forthcoming trial.

Thus, the megabrains are invited to develop a flawless survival strategy that takes into account eavesdropping, i.e. the fact that the occupiers will be aware of all of the megabrains' arrangements, and yet will not be able to hang up their hoods in a knowingly murderous manner.

Comment: after the caps are put on them (consider that it happened instantly), no information is passed between the megamosks. They just watch and count and then write their numbers.

MetaDriver: Moderators are human beings too (let's not say what they are) and they're capable of making mistakes.

I agree. I myself have a "solution" that is credited, but it is wrong. Zadacha is still hanging (about the chase in three corridors). The moderator is also aware of the error and has admitted to being inattentive.

A little earlier I myself found an error in one more zadacha - in a scoring solution about the topography of Brainiac. I corrected it to a faultless one.

I propose a modification to the task:

Mega-brains may agree on a strategy in advance. But knowing this, the insidious occupiers are vigilantly watching and listening to every word and every gesture of mega-brains from the moment they are announced of the upcoming challenge.

Thus, the megabrains are invited to develop a flawless survival strategy that takes into account eavesdropping, i.e. the fact that the occupiers will be aware of all the megamrains' arrangements, and yet will not be able to hang up their caps in a deliberately murderous manner.

The solution also works for the case where the occupiers know exactly what the MMs have agreed.

The megamoskas do not exchange any information once the caps are put on (which happens instantly). No gestures, stooping, waving arms and legs, meaningful looks or anything else. They just look at each other and count.


I agree. I myself have a "solution" that counts, but it's wrong. The task still hangs to this day (about the chase in three corridors). The moderator is also aware of the error and has admitted to being inattentive.

A little earlier I myself found an error in one more zadacha - in a scoring solution about the topography of Brainiac. I corrected it to a faultless one.

The solution also works for the case where the occupiers know exactly what the MMs have agreed.

The megamoskas do not exchange any information after putting on the caps (which happens instantly). No gestures, stooping, waving arms and legs, meaningful glances or anything else. They just look at each other and count.

I do believe (already looked). But now moby_dick has an opportunity to look for "ficional" antithesis for occupants. :)
I do believe it (I've already looked), but now moby_dick has a chance to look for the "philosophical" antithesis for the occupiers, just in case he finds it... :)
Not gonna find it... The solution was tested by me bluntly "head-on". The algorithm always works.

And I'm not saying that, read it carefully.

S_0 is the sum of all the real numbers on the caps modulo 100. Each one is reduced by 1.

Real experiment: there are 5 MMs in total, they are written with numbers from 1 to 5 (not necessarily different). Let's say 2, 4, 4, 4, 2.

Megamoski in their calculations make these numbers like this: 1,3,3,3,1.

S_0 = 1+3+3+3+1 = 11 mod 5 = 1. This number is unknown to anyone.

MM #0 (on cap 2) writes (0 - 10) mod 5 + 1 = 0 + 1 = 1.

MM #1 (on cap 4) writes (1 - 8) mod 5 + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4.

MM #2 (on cap 4) writes (2 - 8) mod 5 + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5.

MM #3 (on cap 4) writes (3 - 8) mod 5 + 1 = 1.

MM #4 (on cap 2) writes (4 - 10) mod 5 + 1 = 5.

As we see, the second MM (with number #1) has a direct hit.

I do not understand where +1 is S_0 or just always +1 as in the formula? I think the second, but then how does S_0 apply?

P.S. I got it +1 always

Avals: I don't understand where +1 is S_0 or just always +1 as in the formula? Seems to be the second, but then how does S_0 apply?

S_0 doesn't apply, nobody knows it. It is only needed to explain the solution. S_n is applied, i.e. the sum of numbers seen by the nth megamask. Of course, taking into account the subtraction of one from all of them. In the example, S_n is the second number which has a minus sign.

The solution does seem impossible - but only at first, until you realise that nobody has to guess their number (which seems to be really impossible).

P.S. There's another similar one, I'll post it here as soon as I can.

The proof is very simple: the number on everyone's cap by convention has nothing to do with numbers of others, so assuming that someone has calculated his number, the occupant just needs to rewind time and change the number to any other number and no one can warn him, which leads to a contradiction...

You don't look at one simple point - by changing one of the numbers you will change the answers of the megabrains (because by the same algorithm they will make a different calculation).

No one warns anyone. Everyone acts according to his personal algorithm, depending on the visible numbers

Prove that if your Expert Advisor determines the trend direction correctly, then the external TP parameter is meaningless...

Prove (to yourself first) that you can give an accurate definition of

  1. "trend"
  2. "trend direction".
  3. "Correctly determines the trend direction".

... And open a new thread to discuss the take profit problem. People will reach out to you, I'm sure.


... and open a new thread to discuss the take profit problem. People will be drawn to you, I'm sure.

Don't worry, we'll open it up, we'll open it up so badly :))

DmitriyN: Don't worry, we'll open it, we'll open it so badly :))
You're really something, Dima.