Pure maths, physics, logic (braingames.ru): non-trade-related brain games - page 178


There is a suspicion that

That's right. Your answer is credited, I'm deleting it. To make it more interesting for others.
At least 3 attempts if you only hit the middle foxhole, or rather 2 if the mouse runs as it should)
At least 3 tries if you only hit the middle foxhole.

I couldn't find an artilleryman and a fighter.

Now it's not politically correct, and only fat cats fight small mice.

Show me, eh?

At least 3 attempts if you only hit the middle foxhole, or rather 2 if the mouse runs as it should.)

No "proper". Leopold doesn't know how she runs. And she wants to live.

But he has to catch it.

Once again, as soon as he puts his paw in mink 2 and pulls it out, the mouse can run over to the same mink.


I couldn't find an artilleryman and a fighter.

Now it's not politically correct, and only cats and mice fight.

Show me, will you?

I solved it as a kid in some children's magazine with puzzles, I can't find it now, but I do remember that the gunner was shooting at the trenches where the fighter was hiding. And just like a mouse the fighter ran from trench to trench.
I solved it as a child in some children's magazine with puzzles, I can't find it now, but I remember that the artilleryman was shooting at the trenches where the fighter was hiding. And just like a mouse the fighter ran from trench to trench.

Well, I suspected as much.

And more attempts come out (to be guaranteed).

There's no 'how to'. Leopold doesn't know how she runs. But he has to catch it.

not at all )

Find the minimum number of tries Leopold is guaranteed to catch the mouse, so that's the minimum number of two tries Leopold MAY be guaranteed to catch the mouse


not at all )

Find the minimum number of attempts Leopold is guaranteed to catch the mouse, so the minimum number of two attempts Leopold MAY be guaranteed to catch the mouse

That's not quite right. According to your reasoning, he can also catch the mouse in one attempt.

Treat it this way:

Leopold comes up with a strategy and repeats the experience many times.

Sometimes it comes out 1, sometimes 2, sometimes 3 tries, etc.

But under the most unfavourable conditions, some N, which I know. This N is the minimum number of attempts with a guaranteed result.


wherever the mouse sits )

If Leopold the Artilleryman checks in order 1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5... (not necessarily starting from the first trench)

then he is guaranteed to catch a mouse if he is not allowed to run from the 5th trench to the first one and vice versa. And if a mouse is not allowed to stay in one foxhole for 2 tries in a row

number of attempts )

You don't think the mouse will be able to escape to the burrow once Leopold checks it? That's what I wrote in the FAQ for the comments...

All right!

Do you think with options 2,2,3,3,4,4 the mouse will still have a chance of not being caught? !


There is one litre of hot coffee (t=95°C), one litre of cold tea (t=5°C) and a set of vessels of different sizes. Is it possible, by heating one liquid with another and without using any other heat/cold sources, to make the final temperature of all the tea higher than the final temperatureof all the coffee? The heat capacity of the vessels and the heat loss to the environment are neglected.

Clarification is required.

What do you mean: all tea or all coffee?

If we are talking about a volume of 1 litre, it is impossible to make a litre of tea hotter than a litre of coffee without expending additional energy.