Pure maths, physics, logic (braingames.ru): non-trade-related brain games - page 176


Two flies are competing with each other. They run from the floor to the ceiling and then back again. The first fly runs up and down at the same speed.

The second fly runs down twice as fast as the first. And up it goes twice as slow.

Which fly will win?


Two flies are competing with each other. They run from the floor to the ceiling and then back again. The first fly runs up and down at the same speed.

The second fly runs down twice as fast as the first. And up it goes twice as slow.

Which fly will win?

In this branch it is better not to lower the difficulty level of the tasks
In this branch it is better not to lower the level of difficulty of the tasks
What's the answer? ))))
And the answer??? ))))
what counts as a victory?
What counts as a victory?
Do you even read what is written above????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The passenger travelled half the way and went to bed and slept until there was only half of the way left to go asleep.

Question: How much of the entire journey did the passenger sleep?


Which fly will win?



Question: How much of the whole journey did the passenger sleep?


PS. Both problems are for primary school age




And my 3DS Max shows that at the same time. ))


And my 3DS Max shows that at the same time. ))

It's in Humor.

Let's put Humour in 3D Max and 3D Max in Humour!

And 3D Max's humor!

Give me something, give me somewhere!