Why is there no button - "Undo deletion" ?


You know, I want to raise this topic, or I don't understand something,

I'm drawing - it happens, then I want to delete one thing - slam on Del and I realize that another fifteen selected objects have been deleted.....

I'm losing my nerve... honestly...

Well, it's a standard function in all programs except MT...........

Or correct me......

corrected by


You know, I want to raise this topic, or I don't understand something,

I'm drawing - it happens, then I want to delete one thing - slam on Del and I realize that another fifteen selected objects have been deleted.....

I'm losing my nerve... honestly...

Well, it's a standard function in all programs except MT...........

Or correct me......

Have you tried Ctrl+Z ? ;)
Oat decoction improves metabolism in the body, it is useful for nervous system overstimulation, anemia, nephritis, pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, gastric and duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, regardless of the acidity of the gastric juice. This folk remedy has practically no contraindications and is successfully used to treat children.

You know, I want to raise this topic, or I don't understand something,

I'm drawing - it happens, then I want to delete one thing - slam on Del and I realize that another fifteen selected objects have been deleted.....

I'm losing my nerve... honestly...

Well, it's a standard function in all programs except MT...........

Or correct me......

Now take three deep breaths and exhale, and correct the title of the topic so that it can be understood.

Otherwise, so far just drool and letters :)

In this formulation of the topic will definitely go to demolition.

ZS not recommended words in the titles of topics:

in P........

Oat decoction improves metabolism in the body, it is useful for nervous system overstimulation, anemia, nephritis, pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, gastric and duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis, regardless of the acidity of the gastric juice. This folk remedy has practically no contraindications and is successfully used to treat children.
It probably won't help with alcoholism. It's kind of a different world. )))

Or correct me......

Drunk again?
Have you tried Ctrl+Z? ;)

:-) I haven't tried.... but this needs to be popularised, popularised and popularised, and I don't even know the hotkeys inWorld of Tanks.... Well illiterate...

And in the city among my acquaintances traders - no one knows, now I will tell them.... and my credibility will rise a little more.... :-) Thanks


You know, I want to raise this topic, or I don't understand something,

I'm drawing - it happens, then I want to delete one thing - slam on Del and I realize that another fifteen selected objects have been deleted.....

I'm losing my nerve... honestly...

Well, it's a standard function in all programs except MT...........

Or correct me......

corrected by

Does the FAQ tip fit? If not then more details about the situation

Have you tried Ctrl+Z ? ;)
Drunk again?
I'm having a holiday today - I saw the"market structure", the day before yesterday - two days of checking on the AUD -, I was still a kid trying to stick my fingers in a socket or lick an iron in the cold..... it turns out the market - has structure... simple, simple...
I'm having a celebration today - I've seen the "structure of the market", I was still a kid, trying to stick my fingers in a socket or lick an iron in the cold..... it turns out the market - has a structure... simple, simple...
(Just like Van Gogh. )))

Chips, Coke, napkins, diapers.

Don't stand in the aisles, sit comfortably