Advertising. Product Announcements and Releases for the Market. - page 3

In my opinion, there is a long overdue need for a special section of the site dedicated to discussing products in the marketplace. Each product on the market should have its own separate thread where it can be discussed and advertised.
In my opinion, it is long overdue to create a special section of the site devoted to discussion of products on the market. Let each product offered for sale has its own separate thread where it can be discussed and, at the same time, advertised.

First it will be respectful and quiet, then objective criticism, then competitive criticism turning into anti-promotion, to avoid it, you should give the floor only to those who have bought .

They already have it in the market, but the seller is dumb for some reason.


First it will be respectful and quiet, then objective criticism, then competitive criticism turning into anti-promotion, to avoid it, you should give the floor only to those who have bought .

This is already on the market, but the seller remains mute for some reason.

To moderate the thread harshly. Allow a constructive discussion. But let everyone have the right to speak out. If a person hasn't bought but has questions, why not ask these questions in a personal branch of the product?
And allow only the seller to moderate.
Where is the line - constructive discussion or not?
If you introduce independent experts + feedback, then there is no need for free-flooding and excessive self-promotion.
And allow only the seller to moderate.
Hi. So that all negative feedback is removed?
Moderate the branch tightly.
at whose expense? it's unprofitable as it is.
If we introduce independent experts
and lawyers, lawyers, a conflict commission, a trade union, a ministry...
At whose expense? It's unprofitable enough as it is.
At least with sales commissions. The easiest option is to give moderator powers to a product seller at the level of their branch.
At least through sales commissions.
That's genius. We could also use the money to raise the salaries of all public sector workers in Russia

In general, if you do it, you should have two branches per seller:

  • a branch of those who have bought (the seller has no say there - it's a people branch - like all of us)
  • The seller's branch (there will be what the seller wants - his personal branch)

That is, open the first branch first, and it will be like a community mql5 branch. If there are many positive feedbacks about seller's products - then offer seller to open its own branch, which is already, sorry - his own for all products (he moderates it).

That is, the seller - two branches - one of ours and one of his.

There really can be a lot of work for moderators :) Just my idea, but tested on two forums ... but we moderators will have a lot of work here if it's going to be :)