Advertising. Product Announcements and Releases for the Market.


Dear sellers and developers of commercial software intended to work in the MT5 platform environment! This thread is for you.

Post here your product announcements and releases for the Market and the community will learn about new products as soon as possible.

I wish you success and creation of interesting and popular products!


Publish announcements and releases of your products for the Market here and the community will learn about new products in no time.

Isn't the categorisation in the Market - "new" and "popular" - enough?

At least you can see the list there. Everything in the branch will be in one big dump that you won't be able to make out anything.


Isn't the categorisation in the Market - "new" and "popular" - enough?

At least you can see the list there. In a branch, everything will be in one big dump that you can't tell anything apart.

It's not enough, judging by the fact that sellers are trying to advertise their products in articles as well.
It's not enough, judging by the fact that retailers are also trying to promote their products in articles.

advertising in articles is an isolated case.

and Roche said something like this: "You should write an article about your extraordinary product, and it will also be the subject of an article.


advertising in articles is an isolated case.

and Roche said something like this - write your extraordinary product and it will also be the subject of an article.

However, most in the community felt that there needed to be a specific place in the forum for advertising. There is now.

If the admins don't take it down, why not.

If there is a real need to advertise something, you can kick the guy over here right away. And not necessarily on the market, any kind of advertising.

Someone needs advertising and announcements, and in some branch it will be obvious offtop.

I think the branch will be in demand.

PS But I think that the branch will still be taken down by 5 point:


  1. При общении на этом сайте будьте вежливы. Запрещены высказывания, которые могут задеть или оскорбить других посетителей.
  2. Запрещены любые обсуждения любых банковских, брокерских и иных финансовых организаций. Подобные сообщения подлежат удалению.
  3. На сайте запрещены любые формы открытого выяснения личных отношений между участниками.
  4. Не разрешается использовать нецензурные выражения.
  5. Размещение рекламной информации, спам и флуд запрещены.
  6. Неоднократные нарушения Правил, игнорирование замечаний модератора, а тем более - открытое неуважение к Администрации интернет-ресурса, влекут за собой блокировку аккаунта ("бан").
  7. Администрация Сайта имеет право вносить в Правила любые изменения, которые она сочтет необходимыми.

So dear admins, before taking down a branch think about the need for such a branch.

ZZZI Maybe even through changes to the rules, such as this:

Advertising (other than a specialized thread), spam and flooding are prohibited.


ZZZI Maybe even through changes to the rules, such as this:

Posting advertising information (except in a dedicated thread), spamming and flooding are prohibited.

You can see the handwriting of a lawyer at once. :-)


At the time of its creation the marketplace was not as developed as it is now and most sellers probably have no idea it exists now.

Welcome to the Marketplace.

If you advertise Marketplace products and don't advertise third-party resources, you shouldn't.

If the admins don't take it down, why not.

If there is a real need to advertise something, you can kick the guy over here right away. And not necessarily on the market, any kind of advertising.

Someone needs advertising and announcements, and in some branch it will be obvious offtop.

I think the branch will be in demand.

PS But I think that the branch will still be taken down by 5 point:

So dear admins, before taking down a branch think about the need for such a branch.

ZZZI Maybe even through changes to the rules, such as this:

Advertising (other than a specialized thread), spam and flooding are prohibited.

I think they will. Now it will soon be possible to discuss products in the marketplace in the marketplace itself. I know this because I bought something there recently, it wasn't working, and I found I could post about it there too. Then I realised it was me kind of testing ... in short - there may soon be a discussion platform for the marketplace and signals.

the forum will gradually become a dumping ground.

Let them create separate sections for that purpose, but until then, all advertising should be torn down