Discussing conflicts between programmers and customers. A discussion of ambiguous situations between the programmer and the client, and a rating of the most conflicted programmer performers. - page 27

Do you think the programme should ask questions?
Even stricter: you have to ask questions. You can see the result: you ask a question and save yourself and the client a lot of potential hassle on a simple point.
Нормальный программист сразу укажет на ошибки и подскажет как лучше сделать, с такими людьми приятно работать и такие однозначно есть на этом сервисе.

Yeah, it's a programmer's favourite pastime to look for errors in other people's terms of reference.

They just want to pick on the client, that's all.

The programmer seeks out errors in the terms of reference just to make the project in principle possible to complete.

If the programmer was shielded from customer attacks by reinforced concrete arbitration and his rating would not be affected by the customer's blackness,

Then from the flock of progres there would be a cohort of killers who take the knowingly lame task, in order to prove in arbitration that everything was done right, but the task is basically unrealizable. Money taken, the arbitration won, the customer is in the fools so he needs.

Such wolves would have cleared the forest of customers a la "I want a Mercedes, and he offers me a tractor," and work would be easier.

So I'm for the harsher with the customer, there's no need to spell it out and explain, Jobs is not a literacy course.

If it is not clear, ask on the forum, rather than step on the programmer's toes.

trotiloff: How to accept orders without looking - it's normal, how to solve problems afterwards in a normal conversation - the customer is an intractable fool :)

Yes, a fair point, have long noticed.

Introduce a rule (optional): if the customer has doubts about the ability of the performer to perform this task - to ask the performer to provide contacts of the customer, for whom he had performed such a job. Let them communicate one-on-one.

Grider is not an easy thing to do; it's not done in 3 days (unless it's very simple). It's hard to blame the client for underestimating the complexity of the task, it's a common thing. What he thinks is a piece of cake, "it will take me 3 days and I have time to test it out", can turn into an exhausting task for both of them, which is definitely not adequate to the agreed upon price.

So far, the attitude for the most part disparaging, and often encounter unreasonable overpricing for what, for example, on the mql4 at all is free, etc., etc.

The customer sees this, as well as the attitude towards him.

Well you were the head of coders, for fuck's sake. And as if you yourself do not understand that the performer is not paid for laying bricks lying in plain sight and for free, but for the fact that he has experience, workpieces and knowledge to do it right. He has spent several years, i.e. a lot of time, to acquire this experience in his time. But customers don't usually think about that. They only think about the time the coder will actually spend on their task.

The bricks and bullshit coders add up. And they even put them into the kodobase! But how it works - others who have tested these products know. No way.

Bormotun: 1. wrote a requirement letter the size of a sheet of A4, describing directly the algorithm 1/4 of the total text, the rest, a list of external variables with their functionality, probably not ideal terms of reference, usual, as always wrote, I thought if there are questions or inaccuracies will explain in posts or on Skype.

And lay it out here poorly - so that coders have slightly analyzed it for accuracy? Or is it a terrible secret?

4. Five people responded, all sent their Skype accounts, so the terms of communication on Skype were accepted, OK, I choose one programmer, the method of selection on the top.

I have already written to trotiloff about it. The way of choosing is wrong. The criterion for selection is the coder's ability to handle such tasks.

Not just nervous, but rude retorts in response. [...]

In general, that's the story ... Will have time to finish this.

Yes, you are not the only one who is "white, fluffy and innocent".

The coder took on a task that does not correspond to his level of competence. Graders are serious. Full stop.


Bricks and bullfighters stack up.

How's that? Are there coders, proficoders, undercoders, bullcoders? By what parameters are they graded, separated and summed up?

And from the mouth of a moderator. No offence, but your post is too much.

What if we classify the customers in the same way?


How's that? Are there coders, proficoders, undercoders, bullcoders? By what parameters are they graded, separated and summed up?

And from the mouth of a moderator. No offence, but your post is too much.

And if we classify the customers in the same way?

Better not... :)

How's that? Are there coders, proficoders, undercoders, bullcoders? By what parameters are they graded, separated and summed up?

And from the mouth of a moderator. No offence, but your post is too much.

What if we classify customers in the same way?

Not overkill, and a well-known term, google it. I don't know the term 'bullcoder' though.

If you want the nickname of such a bullfighter - I can send you in person (it is on quaternary).

Don't take it personally. I wasn't talking about you at all, Andrew.


Don't take it personally. I wasn't talking about you at all, Andrei.

Of course you didn't. I have no inferiority complexes about my coding abilities. I just remembered your words about "hard trolling" and referring to the "indefinite many". And I couldn't help myself.
And if this phrase is exactly the opposite, i.e. replace the customer with the contractor. Would these wolves clear out a forest of performers a la "I want a smart customer, but I get all morons"?

Certification will weed out the contractors, but it's a hump for the hump :)

MQ will eventually come to that anyway.

abolk: Just remembered your words this week about "hard trolling" and appealing to the "indeterminate many". And I couldn't help myself.
That wasn't what I was talking about at the time. Let's not deviate from the topic.