Discussing conflicts between programmers and customers. A discussion of ambiguous situations between the programmer and the client, and a rating of the most conflicted programmer performers. - page 28


The way of choosing is not right. The criterion for selection is the coder's ability to work with similar tasks.

Good point. If you look at the list of completed jobs, it's not clear what the job was about. Add the possibility of short annotation, such as "bi-directional grid", "entry by market orders on signals from 8 indicators", etc. The annotation can be made by the performer.

By the way, in reality, the customers are trying to determine from the list of completed jobs whether the developer has done similar tasks, and there are cases when they ask: "Well, you did such a job, please do it for me according to my requirements".


How's that? Are there coders, proficoders, undercoders, bullcoders? By what parameters are they graded, separated and summed up?

And from the mouth of a moderator. No offence, but your post is too much.

And if we classify the customers in the same way?

There is a classification and it's pretty sane, not offensive. It depends on the depth and completeness of the programmer's understanding of the problem being solved. There are articles on the Internet, I just could not find, but I have seen and read them. The highest one is called architectural; here the programmer has a complete understanding of the task being solved. After all, you can understand everything from A to Z and write it all in one go. You can start at the edge and observe and tweak as you create the program... and so on to the bottom, to the case when, for example, an incorrect database access error is replaced with a "no data" message (or solving all problems by exception handling). Something like that...
Here's a fun classification, but it's not the same - http://www.coderoid.com/2009/04/blog-post_08.html
Восемь уровней программистов
  • 2009.04.08
  • www.coderoid.com
Автор Jeff Atwood www.codinghorror.com/blog Оригинальная статья: The Eight Levels of Programmers Вам когда-нибудь задавали на интервью вопрос: "Кем Вы себя видите в ближайщие пять лет?" Когда меня спрашивают, я всегда вспоминаю клип Twisted Sister 1984 года.                    Чего вы хотите добиться в своей жизни? Конечно же, вы...
ZS. regarding the classification of coders - Indian coders have been forgotten ;)

It's not overused, it's a well-known term, google it. I don't know the term 'bulldozer' though.

Turns out "bulldocker" is a well-established term. I didn't know that. There's a clear "dictionary" explanation.

But there's also the term "orderer", "bullfighters", "bullsubcontractors" - google gives a number of references to their use.


Grider is not an easy job really, it's not done in 3 days (unless it's really simple).

Totally agree, it's a complicated order. But, overly, the complexity should not be exaggerated either, especially

If the selected contractor had similar work, which means there is some experience and expertise.

And when, this hypothetical programmer begins to inflate the price saying about the incredible complexity and prohibitive cost,

you can always look for an alternative. There are plenty of them.

For me, as a customer, it is no secret that most of my orders, as well as not my orders - useless trash.

I am willing to pay money for this rubbish and someone is willing to do it for acceptable to me money.

If the order is principled, of course, the customer will pay as much as they are told and try to order from an experienced programmer.

The whole question is how to find this experienced programmer.

You may have to order something not so important and not so expensive and see who is capable of what, how he works and most importantly how he communicates with the customer.

Well, and in the process, to understand which order is worth the money, for which - you can seriously pay more, or for example, just find another programmer.

abolk: Add the possibility to provide a brief annotation, such as "bidirectional grid", "entering the market orders on the signals from 8 indicators", etc. The annotation can be made by the programmer himself.

By the way, in reality, customers are trying to determine from the list of completed jobs whether a developer has done similar tasks, and there are cases when they ask: "You did such a job, do it for me according to my TOR".

Make a memo for the customer, which will briefly describe how to [create TOR and] select the contractor. And name it accordingly: "How to [write the ToR and] choose the contractor. And this memo should be in the most prominent place in the "Jobs" service. Even if not in the form of a text, but with a link. Do not read carefully - his own fault. And check the box for reading as a mandatory point in the stages of approval of TOR.

The articles - only few people read them, this is not an obligation.

In the future, if an arbitrage situation occurs, the first thing you should do is to tell the client: You have read the Memo, here is your tick. We proceed from the fact that the customer was chosen by you consciously, and not on the principle of "the most beautiful (top), he is mine.


The customer is right. He wants quality. That is why he is not happy with hackwork. And if you think your order is worthless rubbish, then what difference does it make whether it is made to your conscience or a shoddy job?

By the way, esteemed author of the thread. Please reply to me by internal site mail.

Wex: The customer is right. He wants quality. That is why he is not happy with hackwork.

In this case, the customer is really more likely to be right than the contractor. But it is if we are talking about the topicstarter, and not about any customer.

And if you think your order is useless rubbish, what difference does it make whether it is done in good faith or hackwork?

Wrong. If it's done in good conscience, you can check whether it's rubbish or not.

The customer finds out later, when the order is fulfilled, that it is rubbish.


Make a memo for the client, briefly describing how to [draft the ToR and] select the contractor. And name it accordingly: "Important: How to [compose ToR and] choose a contractor". And this memo should be in the most prominent place in the "Jobs" service. Even if not in the form of a text, but with a link. Do not read carefully - his own fault. And check the box for reading as a mandatory point in the stages of approval of TOR.

And the articles - not many people read them, it is not a requirement.

In the future, if an arbitration situation arises, the first thing to tell the client: You have read the Memo, here is your checkmark. We assume that you have chosen the customer consciously, and not on the principle of "the most beautiful (topovye), he is mine.

Already have it - but no one even this does not read. And in the case of multiple submissions - they do not read it either. Moreover, the more problematic the customer, the more reluctant they are to read it.