Time to convert libraries to MQL5 - page 3

Just in case:
- The consumer is an army of millions of traders
- the principle of protecting traders is primary
- When they say "library", they do not mean DLL.
- there is no question of removing restrictions on the use of DLLs

As long as programmers use the "what's so hard about plugging in a DLL?" principle, they have no chance of being successful sellers in the mass market. We are trying to build a lot of different libraries as source code in MQL5, to enable everyone to create fully functional and safe programs as EX5 files, which do not need third-party DLLs.

Mr. sergeev, how do you plan to get rid of DLL without converting the code to MQL5?

I was thinking about automatic translation of DLL projects in C++ (or Delphi for example) -> MQL5.

Then the resulting code was edited manually and here is an ex5 file of initial DLL.

Why compile the DLL in a meta editor if it compiles well in Visual Studio?

A clinical case of misunderstanding. Neither thinking, nor reading, nor digesting what you chew...

So why compile the DLL in a meta editor if it compiles well in Visual Studio?

so it will compile with your studio

But now you won't have to bind your projects in folders.

You will be able to write and compile simple DLLs in ME. And you will have a DLL for your EX5 project at once

A good example (albeit a small one) is the Statistics.mqh library, which can be found in CodeBase.

The simplest DLLs will be written and compiled "on the fly" in ME. And you will immediately have a DLL for your EX5 project

More importantly, you can distribute the simplest DLLs as source on a single file.

The recipient will only have to compile it by F7, running his eyes over the code beforehand (if he wants).

This is done to increase the security of the system by switching to distributing the source of the DLL instead of the DLL itself. This is the main purpose of the idea.


ZedGraph library:

1. Detailed description and examples: http://jenyay.net/Programming/ZedGraph

2. archives, demos, documentation: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zedgraph/files/


Another library related to graphs:


Шпаргалка по ZedGraph | jenyay.net
  • votes: 277
  • jenyay.net
Примеры программ на языке C# под платформу .NET Framework, использующие контрол ZedGraph для рисования двумерных графиков

More importantly, it will be possible to distribute simple DLLs as source on a single file.

The recipient will just have to compile it by F7, running their eyes over the code beforehand (if they want to).

This is done to increase the security of the system by switching to distributing the DLL source instead of the DLL itself. This is the main purpose of this.

This is a false purpose (IMHO).

At present the dll is used in mql code for 3 reasons:

  1. Hiding of code (to protect copyrights)
  2. Acceleration of calculations
  3. To use functions that are not available in mql.

The first reason is not relevant in the Market, the second through your efforts is negated, leaving the third.

But why bother making such a big deal?

Is not it easier to use the author of the dll, demand from him the source dll for verification, and raise fees to the treasury, that it was not incriminated (not to burden the staff with additional problems to verify the dll).

Native libraries in the form of MQL5 source code are necessary for those who write programs for sale.

I would venture to say that those who write software for sale, as well as everyone else who writes software, need a usable editor first and foremost, not the cheesy MetaEditor.

Couldn't it be made even remotely similar to Visual Studio? I get really annoyed when I switch from VS to ME.

1. Project Navigator (promised to think about it)

2. Folding (said it wouldn't, probably too complicated for you)

3. Ability to print a selected fragment (nothing was said, apparently this is beyond the realm of possibility)

4. Displaying the value of a variable while debugging, not only in the observation window, but simply by holding the mouse on the variable in the text.

5. In indicators in MT for iOS they still have not made a possibility to set the colour of lines, and promised too (not about ME, just to keep in mind).

PS I agree with previous message from Urain regarding goal laziness (although for different reason :), first do what everybody needs, i.e. convenient editor, and then - yes, you can do the checkers :).

All written above is my value judgement.


That's a false goal (IMHO).

Wouldn't it be easier if the author uses a dll, demand the source of the dll for verification, and raise royalties to the treasury, so that there is no need to burden the staff with additional problems to verify the dll.

You seem to be operating solely on the scale of your perception of the environment. Therefore, you do not understand why "it is not easier to demand ...." is not suitable for the real mass market.

We operate in terms of "what effect does this or that solution have within N million users? For example, in March 2012 alone over a million MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 client terminals have actually been installed. In one month alone. That's a low estimate as there are a huge number of old non-web installers.

The reason for supporting C++ -> DLL compilation is to allow real exchange of DLL sources instead of working with very dangerous unverified DLL files. On a market scale, this feature will provide increased security for thousands of traders that will go into "give me the source, I don't want an unverified DLL" mode.

Of course, this is just an additional solution, while our main goal is to translate the maximum code into native and safe MQL5.

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Линии индикаторов
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Линии индикаторов
  • www.mql5.com
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Константы индикаторов / Линии индикаторов - Документация по MQL5