How does MetaTrader 5 calculate profit? - page 5


You have made a lot of mistakes in your calculations:

  1. BUY 1.00 EURGBP at 0.82217, market at 0.82207, loss of -10 GBP redeemed at Ask GBPUSD 1.58399 - correct

  2. BUY 1.00 EURGBP at 0.82217, market at 0.82227, profit of 10 GBP bought back at Ask GBPUSD 1.58399 - wrong

    10 GBP must actually be sold (not bought!) at Bid GBPUSD 1.58389 in order to get 15.8389 USD

  3. SELL 1.00 EURGBP at 0.82217, market at 0.82207, profit of 10 GBP is sold at Ask GBPUSD 1.58389- not quite right

    the price is correct and it is a Bid price not an Ask price as you stated

    10 GBP must be sold at Bid GBPUSD 1.58389 to get 15.8389 USD

  4. SELL 1.00 EURGBP at 0.82217, market at 0.82227, loss of -10 GBP is sold at Bid GBPUSD 1.58389- mistake

    10 GBP should actually be bought at Ask GBPUSD 1.58399 to get -15.8399 USD

Careful with the calculations - there is a lot wrong with the calculations, including the confusion with profits/losses and the correct comparison of prices and their Bid/Ask descriptions. I've marked the correct ones in green and the errors in red.

And don't forget to draw clear conclusions - this is page five.


Dear Renat,

"confusion about profits/losses and the correct comparison of prices and their Bid/Ask descriptions" is with you, not with me.

Read again carefully, word by word, what I wrote. (The colourindicates an important link).

This is how the whole financialworld calculatesprofits/losses on ticks. (Excluding MetaQuotes Corp.)

If you do not want to - do not correct calculations: OK, YOU ARE THE BOSS !

And the newforexyoumade up can be patented : roughly MetaTrading.... MetaForex is also suitable because it is not realforex.

"Clearconclusions" already made - there is no point in continuing the argument, the situation is hopeless....

This is my last comment on the subject.

Good luck!


You didn't have an argument - you had unsubstantiated statements.

As usual, going out on pure calculations exposed the reality. You failed to prove your two conceptual errors correct (the third was just a typo), and went off into verbal demagoguery.

Renat 2012.03.19 22:28 

Вы совершили массу ошибок в своих вычислениях:

  1. BUY 1.00 EURGBP at 0.82217, рынок на 0.82227, прибыль в 10 GBP выкупается  по Ask  GBPUSD 1.58399   - ошибка

  2. SELL 1.00 EURGBP at 0.82217, рынок на 0.82227, убыток в -10 GBP продается по Bid GBPUSD 1.58389   - ошибка

2. BUY EURGBP !!!We sold GBP on the opening, on the closing we BUY GBP result, no matter what the sign is! And we buy at Ask GBPUSD!

4. It is SELL EURGBP!!!We bought GBP on the opening, on the closing we sell the result GBP, without paying attention to the sign! And we sell at Bid GBPUSD!!!

Manov, where can I find the conversion method you are talking about?

2. BUY EURGBP !!!We sold GBP on the open, on the close - BUY GBP result, no matter the sign!!! And we buy at ASC!

4. This is SELL EURGBP !!!We bought GBP on the opening, on the closing we sell GBP PATTERN EURGBP, no matter what the sign! And we sell at BID !!!

Let's make it very simple on the fingers.

We have only two states in reality (EURGBP initial transactions are irrelevant, because we have already made a profit in GBP):

  1. we have +10 GBP on hand, which needs to be exchanged into dollars (as the deposit is in dollars)
  2. we have -10 GBP on hand, which we have to exchange to USD (because the deposit is in USD)

Our approach:

  1. to exchange +10 GBP into USD, you need to sell 10 GBP at the Bid GBPUSD rate of 1.58389 and get 15.8389 USD
  2. to exchange -10 GBP to USD, we need to buy back 10 GBP at Ask GBPUSD 1.58399 to get -15.8399 USD

Answer me 2 questions:

  1. if 10 GBP is on hand, what operation and at what price should the trade be done? our answer is to sell GBP at the Bid rate of GBPUSD
  2. If we have a shortage of 10 GBP, then which operation and at what price should we use? Our answer is to buy GBP at Ask price of GBPUSD.

You have to consider the physical meaning of the transaction at least. If we have GBP in hand we have to sell them, and if we have GBP shortage, we have to buy them back!

It is the lack of understanding of the physical meaning of transactions that leads to a narrow view of conversion transactions.


Thesequestionsshow howyou envisage conversion and trading in general...

That's where your mistake is ! You were cheated, Renat !

When you have BUY trade USDCAD (account USD) your profit CAD at which price must be converted to USD? Who told you there is aprofit/loss difference?!!!

You sell CAD, you buy the result in CAD - at the close you buy the result in CAD ! If you lose CAD you can buy becauseyou sold at the opening !

The value of the sign (profit/loss) does not matter for the close price or TICK_VALUE!

It is the deal type (Buy/Sell)!

By mistake explained to you the closing of trades!


You should useSYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE_LONG andSYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE_SHORT. They areverydifferent... That's all.

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация об инструменте
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация об инструменте
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация об инструменте - Документация по MQL5

I see thatyou do not understand the physical meaning of the operation correctly. How do you open trades on EURGBP if you only have USD?

On the first page I gave an example:

Когда откроете сделка на EURGBP, а валюта депозита USD,

you practically have (roughly) Buy EURUSD and Sell GBPUSD. (The difference in volume does not matter, because they do not change at closing)

To close: Buy EURUSD at Ask(EURUSD) and Sell GBPUSD at Bid(GBPUSD).

Whenyou close (if it is a profit,if it is a loss) you will have the same prices: Bid(EURUSD) and Ask(GBPUSD).

The result (profit/loss) is the change in EURGBP ( +/- ).
I have asked two simple questions. Would you be kind enough to answer them, please?

You asked 2 questions incorrectly, I will answer:

1.if we have 10 GBP on hand, what operation and at what price should we execute the trade? our answer is to sell GBP at Bid GBPUSD rate, my answer is tosell GBP at Bid GBPUSD rate

2. if I havea shortfall of 10 GBP, how do I trade and at what price? our answer is to buy GBP at Ask price of GBPUSD, my answer is tobuy GBP at Ask price of GBPUSD

Your questions are wrong because your approach is wrong:

1. "to exchange +10 GBP into USD, you need to sell 10 GBP at Bid GBPUSD exchange rate of 1.58389 and receive 15.8389 USD"

do nottake into account the type of trade!


1.1."to exchange +10 GBP from Buy EURGBP to USD, you must buy 10 GBP at Ask GBPUSD exchange rate 1.58399 and get 15.8399 USD "

1.2. "to exchange +10 GBP from Sell EURGBP to USD, you must sell 10 GBP at Bid GBPUSD exchange rate of 1.58389 to get 15.8389 USD "

2." toexchange -10 GBP to USD, you must buy 10 GBP at Ask GBPUSD 1.58399 and get -15.8399 USD"

2.1."to exchange -10 GBPfrom Buy EURGBPto USD, you must buy 10 GBP at Ask GBPUSD 1.58399 and get -15.8399 USD"

2.2."to exchange -10 GBPfrom Sell EURGBP to USD, you must sell 10 GBP at Bid GBPUSD exchange rate of 1.58389 and get -15.8389 USD "