Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 1090

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I can not put a signal, always write the wrong server, although I copy it, how to contact the Admin and find out what and why prompt who knows. THANK YOU
Aleksandr Zhukov:
I can not put a signal, constantly write the wrong server, although I copy it, how to contact the Admin and find out what and why prompt who knows. THANK YOU .
Search the forum with the server name: maybe this server is banned for violations.

It is also recommended (especially for beginners) to publish the signal directly from the terminal.

Good day everyone!

I came across an EA in the Market section which I liked the idea of. It was better than the one I generated in MetaEditor.

However, this paid EA does not have one important feature needed for correct operation.

I have a question: How to contact the author (programmer) of the paid EA to improve it so that I can buy it?

Regards, Vladimir.

Good day everyone!

I came across an EA in the Market section which I liked the idea of. It was better than the one I generated in MetaEditor.

However, this paid EA does not have one important feature needed for correct operation.

I have a question: How can I contact the author (programmer) of a paid EA to improve it so that I can buy it?

Sincerely, Vladimir.

There are two ways:

  1. If you like the Expert Advisor from the Market, you can buy it. Only after that, the "Reviews" and "Discussion" tabs will become available to you - these tabs allow you to engage in a conversation.
  2. Also, each product has the line "Author:" - this line leads to the user profile and there you can write a personal message to the author.
Vladimir Karputov:

There are two ways to do this:

  1. If you like an EA from the Market - you can buy it. Only then the "Reviews" and "Discussion" tabs will be available to you - these tabs allow you to engage in a dialogue.
  2. Each product has an "Author:" line - this line leads to the user profile and there you can write a private message to the author.

Yes! Before I buy, I would like the author to improve the Expert Advisor.

I'll try to contact him via Profile in a private message.

Regards, Vladimir.

I have this question.
If dll is written as an external component by NativeAPI technology, most likely as a COM object, but I could be wrong, I'm not familiar with the terminology,
is it possible to load such a dll into mt5 and use its functions?
I know about stdcall agreement, I am interested in the fact that such dll will work in mt5 ifexported functions will have stdcall call.
Good time everyone, I want to compile a separate .mqh file (include file) which is part of the project.

When I originally created the file, it compiled by itself, but later, after attaching it to the main project (adding include to it from the main file), all the files in the project compile. At this stage, I want to test the code to compile directly this file and not interested in compiling it as an integrated part of the project.

I closed all include in this file and its copy, without any changes, moved to another folder outside the project compiles itself.

When the same file is in the folder "Include" inside the project, when I press F7, all the files are compiled.

And even if I close all the other files in MetaEditor, and right-click options to compile only open files, the compilation runs on all files of the project.


Hello! Help me understand - why it doesn't work in the tester only

//|                                                         Test.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2019, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   int handle=iMA(NULL,0,11,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE);
   MqlParam parameters[];
   ENUM_INDICATOR indicator_type;
   int params=IndicatorParameters(handle,indicator_type,parameters);
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

Spent all morning but still don't get it!IndicatorParameters() functionreturns -1. GetLastError() returns an error

The system function is not allowed to be called

What the *** is this?))


Hello! Help me understand why it doesn't work only in the tester

Spent all morning but still don't understand!

Check what error number is being returned.