Questions from Beginners MQL5 MT5 MetaTrader 5 - page 329

Hello .Is it possible to use more than one signal at the same time?

Can you tell me how to make an inequality variable? And that it should be an inequality sign rather than text - the purpose is to compress formulas for calculation.


If (C>D) A=">";

Else A="<";


Can you tell me how to make an inequality variable? And that it should be an inequality sign rather than text - the purpose is to compress formulas for calculation.


If (C>D) A=">";

Else A="<";

If (C>D) A=true;

еlse A=false;
this won't work?
Hello .Can I use more than one signal at the same time?
So far only on different deposits.
is that not okay?

I must not have explained it fully. Once the inequality sign is determined, it (the sign) should be substituted in the formula, not the formula should be selected for calculation.

If (C>D) A=">";

If (C<D) A="<";

If (C==D) A="==";

If (C==100) DA100; //D==100

If (C==500) DA100; //D>100

If (C==0,1) DA100; //D<100

In using data from graphical objects on a chart for example.
Graphics are not used in the EA at all, but the problem has been solved, thank you.
The graphics are not used in the EA at all, but the problem has been solved, thank you.
You could have voiced the cause and solution. You're not the only one who might have a similar problem, and this way there would have been a probable answer already here. Would have made someone's life easier.
The nuance is that I'm not sure of the solution yet and don't know exactly what to voice, but the problem disappeared after I moved IndicatorRelease to the deinit block from the ontic block. I don't understand why this was a problem so I haven't voiced it yet.
Can anyone tell me how to use EAs?
Can someone tell me how to use an EA?
Drag and drop an EA on a chart and it will start using your deposit.