Setting up SlickEdit to work with and compile MQL4/5 documents. - page 3

You need UTF-8 encoding, but SlickEdit default is probably ANSI, because of this speckled characters.

No, komposter is right. you just need to switch to a russian layout before copying. the same applies when working with ME5.

There is no need to set the encoding in SE.

Try switching to the Russian keyboard layout before copying.

fantastic, your method works...

The funny thing is that copying from slick to notepad has crocodiles there, but copying back from notepad to slick and Russian is displayed correctly there...

You need the UTF-8 encoding, but in SlickEdit default most likely ANSI, because of this speckled characters.

what does this have to do with utf when the source code is encoded in ansi?!

some kind of flaw... russian seven 64 bit, but SlickEdit v16.0.0.6 32-bit

it's strange that a paid program has such childish bugs ;(


Another unpleasant thing with the Class tab, where declared variables and functions are displayed...

It also has a bug... it displays up to some function correctly, then for some reason variables from the next (maybe) function or some next to it appear in the list (it's hard to understand, because often variables with the same name are used in different functions)...

and consequently, some of the functions below are not in the list...

can joo know what's wrong here? maybe something needs to be adjusted...


Another unpleasant thing with the Class tab, where declared variables and functions are displayed...

It's also a bug... it's displayed correctly up to some function, then for some reason variables from the next (probably) function or some next to it appear in the list (it's hard to understand, because variables with the same name are often used in different functions)...

And consequently, some of the functions below don't appear in the list...

Maybe joo knows what's going on? Maybe something needs to be adjusted...

It's hard to judge without seeing the whole project.

See the "Defs" tab. The "Class" tab to work with the project.

What do you mean by "wrong colour"? Perhaps in the function name used one or more Cyrillic characters - then the function (variables, too) will be highlighted in red (or whatever colour is set to highlight the not declared functions / variables).

There is no difference between Defs and Class... I am using a project... your colour scheme is used (from the archive attached earlier)... functions are highlighted in greenish colour (a frog)... the function(s) highlighted in red have no Russian characters, entering function name it is highlighted during auto-substitution...
There is no difference between Defs and Class... I am using a project... your colour scheme is used (from the archive attached earlier)... functions are highlighted in greenish colour (a frog)... the function(s) highlighted in red have no Russian characters, entering function name it is highlighted in auto-substitution...
Strange. Can you pass me the project, I'll take a look. Remove all the contents of the functions, leave only empty declarations.
That's odd. You can pass me the project, I'll take a look at it. Remove all the contents of the functions, leave only empty declarations.
project as in include (mqh) file that the mapping stumbles on ?
test.mqh  56 kb

SE does not understand such constructions:

double getLastOrderProfit(string symb="0",int type=OP_MARKET,
                          int mn=OP_ALLMN,int mode=MODE_TRADES){ 

This misunderstanding seems to build up, and it no longer understands a damn thing at all, it's not clear how to highlight such functions:

int openOrder (string orderSymbol, int orderType, double orderLots,
               double orderOpenPrice, int slippage, double orderStopLoss,
               double orderTakeProfit, string orderComment, int orderMagicNumber,
               datetime orderExpiration,int try, int tradeSleep, bool showErrors,
               bool convert=false, bool modifyAfterOpen=false,bool isPlaySound = false){ 


This seems to be correct, but personally I try to avoid such constructs.

If the compiler doesn't scold and you like using such "nonsense", you will have to put up with functions and variables unrecognized by SE.


SE does not understand such constructions:

This misunderstanding seems to build up, and it no longer understands a damn thing at all, it's not clear how to highlight such functions:


It seems to be correct, but personally I try to avoid such constructions.

If the compiler doesn't scold and you like to use such "nonsense", you will have to put up with functions and variables unrecognized by SE.

It's strange that he doesn't understand such things, and it's a pity...

I don't write in sys, but I guess such constructions are used there...