Setting up SlickEdit to work with and compile MQL4/5 documents. - page 9

This is a separate command, it must be entered into the batch file on a separate line.
Here is for example the contents of my *.bat: (lines that start with REM are comments for you, remove them)

Yes, "type" and "copy" are built-in Windows commands, they have nothing to do with metaeditor
Yes, "type" and "copy" are built-in Windows commands, they have nothing to do with metaeditor

Good. Now, how do we get all this stuff into SlickEdit?

Sorry, this isn't "Configuring VisualStudio for...", but that's not where we're at.

Joo Zepper:

Good. Now, how do we get all this stuff into SlickEdit?

Sorry, this isn't "Configuring VisualStudio for...", but that's not where we're at.

Well, you've already done it, that was the problem:

"There's just one problem, though... The compiled file is created in the project folder MQL5\Projects, not in MQL5\Experts\Projects\ if it's Expert Advisor. ME transfers the file automatically, but if you call it with a console command as shown above, it doesn't transfer. "

I suggested copying the file with the "copy" command and I don't know what SlickEdit is at all.


Well, you've already done it, that was the problem:

I suggested copying the file with the "copy" command, and I don't know what SlickEdit is at all.

you might as well copy by hand, because you still have to manually unload the EA running on the chart and run it again. and ME does this automatically when the compilation is run from it.
Settings, updated MQL5 keywords.
Settings, updated MQL5 keywords.
in version 22, auto complete works strangely, no list is offered when typing variables and language keywords. although for methods of structures and classes everything is ok. i don't understand what's wrong. has anyone encountered this?
Andrey Dik:
in version 22, auto complete is working strangely, no list is offered when typing variables and language keywords. although for methods of structures and classes everything is ok. i don't understand what's wrong. has anyone experienced this?

Reinstalled w10, it's working as well as before.)


How do I set Slickedit to see instead of the operator "->" , to the operator ".". When referring through an object to a class method. Tag navigation doesn't work as you swap operators. I guess it can be fixed somewhere in the macros?


How do I set Slickedit to see instead of the operator "->" , to the operator ".". When referring through an object to a class method. Tag navigation doesn't work as you swap operators. This may be fixable somewhere in the macros?

It's hard to say without a working example.

But in general I can say the following - sometimes something in SE gets corrupted, but I remember cases when it was my bad habits.

The last problem I had last year, it came on suddenly after some actions I took in the settings - switching to the definition place stopped working, the auto substitution list stopped dropping out and some other minor stuff. going back to the saved settings did not help. only won by reinstalling the Windows. i suspect it was enough to dig around in the registry to fix it, but i didn't want to get into it.

Anyway, show me an example and we'll try to figure it out together.