Setting up SlickEdit to work with and compile MQL4/5 documents. - page 5

Yes, that may be the cause of the error. What kind of error would it be? :)

The error is in the screenshot above... It's most likely the Cyrillic alphabet is to blame...

Did this. Changed location of My SlickEdit Config folder. Created system variable SLICKEDITCONFIG=C:\My SlickEdit Config

Everything is working...

joo, thank you very much for the support!


Why can't I install the breakpoint? :-((

A warning appears in the lower right corner "Breakpoints are not supported for this project"


Why can't I install the breakpoint? :-((

I get a warning in the lower right corner "Breakpoints are not supported for this project".

MQL5debug mode cannot be used outside ME. At least I don't know how to do it.
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о запущенной MQL5-программе
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о запущенной MQL5-программе
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о запущенной MQL5-программе - Документация по MQL5

Generally, I recommend to save the file c:\Users\"User_name"\Documents\My SlickEdit Config\16.0.0\user.vlx separately, in a zip archive (if the file is in the same folder where the exported settings archive is saved, it will be deleted by SE). If nothing helps, you can always manually pull settings of language highlighting from it. The thing is that if for some reason the settings stored in c:\Users\"User_name"\Documents\My SlickEdit Config\16.0.0\ folder have been corrupted or deleted, SE will restore those files by itself at next startup, and this may corrupt user.vlx file

When importing settings from the file in the dialog box, you need to uncheck the language settings checkbox so that the user.vlx file is not imported. Copy this file to the settings folder manually.

I don't know exactly why this happens, but something happens to this user.vlx file after a while if you often use the save settings function in SE, so I keep it separately in a backup.


Did you know that... ?

If you double-click on a space in the code, does it stand out?

This works in ME5, not in ME4.


Did you know that... ?

If you double-click on a space in the code, does it stand out?

Gee, I didn't know that, thank you. Sometimes it's quite useful for code alignment.
Shit, I didn't know that, thank you. Sometimes it's quite useful for code alignment.

Did you know that...?

If you click on a word once with Ctrl pressed, it will be highlighted.


Did you know that...?

If you click on a word once with Ctrl pressed, it will be highlighted.

Did you know that...

If you have a mouse that makes a double click instead of a single click, it's a total f*cker to work in ME :)


Did you know that...?

If you click on a word once with Ctrl pressed, it will be highlighted.

Yeah, the same applies to a series of spaces.
Updated the MQL5 keywords. Archived the updated user.vlx file , in the trailer.
Files:  161 kb