Automated Trading Championship 2011 - Rules - page 2


It's not like we're kids here, everyone understands perfectly well. This is a useless conversation.

What are pips? No one can really explain.

My money, I trade it the way I want.

It is clear that the kitchens do not like pipsers, because they are kitchens.

Normal brokers even welcome scalping. Although the term "pipsing" is not clear to me.

Why metaquotes do not like pips? It is not clear. MT5 is supposed to be a serious platform. Does it turn out that this terminal is intended especially for kitchens?

Please explain for the first time, for especially stupid guys like me. What is pipsing and why you do not like it.

I propose to abolish the term "pips", if impossible, replace it with "high-frequency trading" or something else.

If we eliminate the term "Pipsing", we won't have to obey any rules.

The best rules are the absence of rules.


Nobody is changing the rules. It has been said that you cannot pipsqueak. This is checked more by subjective conditions than by technical rules.

It is absolutely clear that Pipsmasters want to force the organizers to designate clear technical frames in order to joyfully pass them. They want to play the offended card publicly afterwards.

We are not the first year on the market - we know very well both the ambush and ways to bypass the conditions. Therefore, my advice is to write reasonable experts, not pipsers.

Renat, you can rest assured that neither I nor anyone else here has the slightest doubt about your competence, because creating a niche market standard application is a rare task.

But I think it would be far more correct to close this issue with two figures than to look for enemies (pipsqueak werewolves) in your own community. I, like many other technically minded people on this forum, find it much easier to work with specific numbers. Let it be one minute, half an hour, an hour or a week of deal holding, and the amount of trades not exceeding 10, 500, 10000, etc. - the main thing that has at least some reference point for choosing a strategy that can participate in the Championship.

However, I have a feeling that you are dealing with poets, using romantic notions like "the spirit of pipsing", rather than technicians, who generally have a more discrete way of thinking.

Could you please answer my question from the first post - does a news advisor, limited by the specifics of his work in terms of time and time, have any chance of making it to the Automated Trading Championship 2011?


My money, I can trade as I like.

Don't be ridiculous. Are you going to fund your demo account with your own money?

Why metaquotes don't like pipers?

Because the contest is on the DEMO accounts.


That's what it is " Pipsers want to force the organisers to set a clear technical framework so that they can immediately happily bypass it.


This is not a place for small children, everyone understands everything. This is a useless conversation.

Well, then put such a framework to prevent the pipsers with a margin, you're not trying.

At least write in the rules, such as "organizers have the right to treat any trading with pipsips at their discretion".

What's wrong with 50% of profitable trades closed within the market or TP (not SL) within 3 spreads or 50% of the shortest trades live less than 10 minutes?



Because the competition is in DEMO accounts.

It's not about that.
Not that one.

So enlighten me, O wise one.


The spread will die out on their own, the mammoths will die out. Will you pay your demo account with your hard cash?

Because the contest on the DEMO accounts.

It does not matter whether with your own or your own money, the question is different.

The same demo server can be set up, it will be worse than the real (or close to the real), and then there will be no concept of "pipsing".

P.S. As an option, stupidly increase the spread by 2 times, pipsers themselves will die out like mammoths.


So everyone remembers the 2008 Championship. winwin created a great overnight scalper . The euro pound spread was immediately raised for him ... Within 2 years people had written thousands of such bots. Later, these algorithms were applied not only to the night crosses but also to AUDNZD, AUDCAD and other pairs with frequent pullbacks. That Championship has been very profitable for traders. However, many kitchens either went bust or had their reputation ruined. The EON systems developed very quickly, as traders' capitals went there from the kitchens. And even now everything is moving in the same direction... Every six months or so, spreads on major crosses are reduced. The benefit is in your face.

Besides, the Championship was won at that time by Bitter, who wrote a neural network bot. There was a lot of interest in neural networks. A number of articles were published on neural networks... I personally saw a bot that quite stably raised my deposit written on n/networks. Again it was very useful.

What did the 2010 Championship bring us. Nothing!!! The primitive strategies that got off to a good start showed their inability to adapt to the market.

In general, this Championship will be the Championship of Wizard and Optimizer. I'm sure the one that got a good start will end up the winner. I`m not surprised if the owls will be on two MA`s!!!

If no pips are allowed, then why was the terminal licensed on the RTS? In the stock market, and the Russian market in particular, the bulk of trades take place in high-frequency trading mode. And traders are really struggling for speed. Even Quik does not suit them! The pros are trading on Plaza-2 with a direct connection to the exchange channel.

Are we waiting for new kitchens offering to trade on RTS via MT5?

Why not build a bridge to Currenex or the same Dukas, give out 100 quid each to all participants and let the bots trade as they please in the real market! At the same 90% will sell out in the first month. I.e. the first 2-4 weeks all these positions do not need to withdraw anywhere. Profitable bots can be used for trading on the counteragent, thus earning the prize money. They have a wide range of positives and their future clients who have bought terminals from MetaQuotes and traders who will actually see trading on the real market and discuss all nuances with other traders!

But I have my doubts, it wasn't my idea... right ! A similar contest is called "The Best Private Investor".



What did the 2010 Championships bring us. Nothing!!! Primitive strategies that got off to a good start, later showed their inability to adapt to the market.

In general, this Championship will be the Championship of Wizard and Optimizer. I'm sure the one that got a good start will end up the winner. I won't be surprised if the owls win in two MAs!!!

Any outcome cannot be ruled out. But, on the whole, you are wrong about the Championships 2010/2011, because even the Championship 2010 has given a lot to many people (not just ordinary traders, by the way).

I'd like to add - the boom of complex EAs (using neural networks, multicurrency and all the other charms of the new trading complex) is not far off.....

Automated Trading Championship 2010
Automated Trading Championship 2010

So enlighten me, O wise one.

Which platitudes do you want, I have two to choose from:

1. Who likes them?

2. They can't tell the difference between pips and intraday trading. By the way, as far as I remember, there is no official definition of the first as such (maybe that's why it cannot be clearly and distinctly described in the rules). There is a concept of "Scalping", which again, as far as I remember, is wider and more varied.

And seriously, try linking a demo account and a dislike of "pips". Doesn't such a link seem absurd to you?


Questions for the organisers.

I have two questions for the organisers:

1. Why in the list of currencies is there no NZDUSD? Is it really so exotic that it is not even worth considering (the more so that this pair is present on the server)?

2. Why not make 2 orders per symbol (i.e. the maximum number of orders in our case is 24)?