Public discussion of the formula for calculating the cost of resources in the MQL5 Cloud Network - page 33


Yes I did, $2 bonus and 43 cents from rent =/

We already discussed this case, why repeat it?

There are no buyers due to almost complete absence of MT5 on real accounts at the brokerage company. There is no one to do the calculations. Why the brokerage companies do not introduce MT5, metaquotes I think they know, but they keep silent. If they do not have such a big demand, the market will go up, and the other traders will have a small fortune. That is the supply-demand balance. And then we will see the dynamics, a year or two later, maybe something will happen...

Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о счете
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о счете
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о счете - Документация по MQL5

Well, we've already discussed this case, why repeat it?

There are no buyers because of the almost total absence of MT5 on real accounts at the brokerage company. There is no one to do the calculations. Why the brokerage companies do not introduce MT5, metaquotes I think they know, but they keep silent. Our site is very busy, we cannot wait for the arrival of the new broker who is ready to start the trading. That is the supply-demand balance. And then we will see the dynamics, a year or two later, maybe there will be something...

as the expert on trading platforms Al***ri said: "In our opinion, the platform is still raw," they support it in the demo mode and that's all. Although, in turn, Al *** Bank introduced this platform right away, but it should be noted that they are new to this business and their customer base is paltry with 0 experience.


No buyers due to the near absence of MT5 in real accounts at the DC. There is no one to do the calculations. Why DTs do not introduce MT5, metaquotes I think they know but they keep silent.

Probably it is not difficult to guess the possible reason - people do not really want to recalculate their strategies from MT4 to MT5 although technically it is possible to provide MT4 strategies functioning within MT5 without any changes in the code, for example using virtual orders built into MT5 terminal with one market order per exit. And when trading manually it is more convenient to monitor individual orders than the total position, so MT5 is not suitable for manual and semi-manual trading, and probably such traders are the majority.
As trading platform specialist Al***ri said: "In our opinion, the platform is still raw," they only support it in demo mode.
And there is no point in investing resources into a platform that has few clients - it is not worth the haul. Well, they do not want to make the metaquote compatible - probably they want to focus on improving the platform rather than attracting traders. So far I cannot find any other logical explanation.
Well, the compatibility of metaquotes has not been done yet - apparently, they want to focus on improving the platform rather than attracting traders.

Well, what compatibility are you talking about? compatibility with what? with the previous successful version of MT4? do you know any other platforms besides MT4?

Stop asking for something you don't understand or don't want to understand. If you don't want to work on MT5, then work on MT4 or something else. If you do not understand or do not want to understand, stop asking for something you do not understand or do not want to understand.


What compatibility are you talking about? Compatibility with what? The previous successful version of MT4? Do you know any other platforms besides MT4?

If you do not understand or do not want to understand, stop asking for something that you do not understand. If you do not have the need to work with MT5, then work with MT4 or something else. Who is stopping you from using what you want?

Judging by your emotions you have not understood the essence of what I am saying. I will repeat - you can ensure full compatibility of code and functionality of MT4 and MT5 platform.
You don't seem to understand what is being said, judging by your emotions.
You don't seem to understand what the platforms are about.
You don't seem to understand the platforms.
Did you understand my question? Platforms do not contradict each other, in case you haven't understood it yet - it's just that the total position is counted on the terminal side, not on the server. So it is quite realistic to ensure compatibility at platform level without any code changes.
the total position counts on the terminal side, not on the server.
child's play.
Did you understand my question?
You didn't have a question.