Questions from a "dummy" - page 152

Optimisation was building the wrong code, it didn't pass the terminal check.
Got it. Thanks.


Can you please tell me if it's possible to create an object in C++ (via new) of the same type as some variable? And I would like to do all this without explicitly specifying a type, but only show a variable or a pointer. For example:
Int var;
Int *p;
p = new gettype(var);
PS. gettype is a fictitious operator.



Can you tell me if it is possible to create an object (via new) of the same type as some variable in C++? And I'd like to do all this without explicitly specifying a type, but only show a variable or a pointer. For example:
Int var;
Int *p;
p = new gettype(var);
PS. gettype is a fictitious operator.

I suspect you want to understand the question and not just get a yes/no answer. Google 'RTTI' and 'RTTI C++'.


Do you know how to make the ...MQL5\Include folder shared by different MT5 terminals?

So that I do not have to constantly copy what I made in another metaeditor?

When I have several MT5 terminal installed I always forget where the latest version is located.


Do you know how to make the ...MQL5\Include folder shared by different MT5 terminals?

So that I do not have to constantly copy what I made in another metaeditor?

When I have several MT5 terminal installed I always forget where the latest version is located.

How about the Storage as a solution? MQL5 Storage: Your code is always with you!

Do you know how to make the ...MQL5\Include folder shared by different MT5 terminals?

So that I do not have to constantly copy what I made in another metaeditor?

If I have installed several MT5 terminal, I always forget where the latest version is located.

I can connect to any server from one terminal, and use the necessary history and account parameters.
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о счете
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о счете
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Состояние окружения / Информация о счете - Документация по MQL5
You can connect to any server from one terminal and use the required history and account parameters.

I tried it and it didn't work!

I am not able to connect to any server from one terminal, but only to the brokerage company I downloaded it from.

Would Storage work as a solution? MQL5 Storage: Your code is always with you!

It does not. I've managed to cram dozens of gigabytes of various test variants.

Is there any other way to share the ...MQL5\Include folder?


Tried it, it didn't work!

I can't connect to any server from one terminal, but only to the DC I downloaded from.

The server needs to be written. Found it ))


Not suitable, I have managed to cobble together dozens of gigabytes of all sorts of test variants.

Is there any other way to share the ...MQL5\Include folder?

Well, it's just a hassle.

1. define a virtual drive. (Computer/management/disk management/main menu/action/create virtual hard disk)

2. Format this disk.

3. Then (while still in Disk Management Console) right-click on the new disk and select "Change disk letter or disk path" in the local menu

4. Add the "inlude" folder path of the first terminal as the drive path.

5, 6, 8, 11, 34.... There you also add the "inlude" folder path of all other terminals as a disk path.

Problem: the inlude folders have to be empty when connected. Therefore, it is better not to connect the inlude folder, but one of the subfolders in the inlude folder.

But it's all a one-off, you'll figure it out.

And here's the trouble - when you reboot the computer virtual disk does not automatically connect. Treatment of this nasty thing is described here

Автоматическое подключение VHD-дисков при старте системы
Как известно, пользователи Windows 7 могут создавать виртуальные жесткие диски (VHD), используя оснастку «Управление дисками». Делается это в консоли «Управление компьютером» («Дополнительные действия» -> «Создать виртуальный жесткий диск»). Созданные таким образом vhd-диски, могут использоваться как любое другое место хранения информации...