Questions from a "dummy" - page 151



MetaDriver, Urain thank you very much!

the hell if I know)

Delete list item 0 - 1 becomes 0, item 2 becomes 1, etc.

Delete list item 1 - 2 becomes 1, etc.


With direct loop it turns out that objects are deleted one by one.

Yes, I put the second option to get and delete 0 index:
s_ObjectName = ObjectName(i_chart_id,0,i_nwin,i_type);

In the hope that someone will always be at 0 index.

In short, you're right with it, it worked, and thank God!

Without filter, deleting object 0 in the list of objects in the loop should theoretically delete everything.
But it's not interesting without filter) and you can delete everything with ObjectsDeleteAll() function.
Документация по MQL5: Графические объекты / ObjectsDeleteAll
Документация по MQL5: Графические объекты / ObjectsDeleteAll
Графические объекты / ObjectsDeleteAll - Документация по MQL5

How to clear a multi-dimensional array via ArrayFree or ArrayInitialize????

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Переменные
Основы языка / Переменные - Документация по MQL5

How to clear a multi-dimensional array via ArrayFree or ArrayInitialize????
Документация по MQL5: Общие функции / ZeroMemory
Документация по MQL5: Общие функции / ZeroMemory
Общие функции / ZeroMemory - Документация по MQL5

Thanks a lot!!!!!!!! I tried 2012.05.17 10:24:14 ZZZ_Setka_Save Invalid EX5 file
came up with this



I tried ArrayInitialize(Prev,0) before;

replaced by ZeroMemory(Prev) ; the result is ZZZ_Setka_Save Invalid EX5 file


Thanks a lot!!!!!!!! I tried 2012.05.17 10:24:14 ZZZ_Setka_Save Invalid EX5 file
came up with this



I tried ArrayInitialize(Prev,0) before;

replaced by ZeroMemory(Prev) ; the result is ZZZ_Setka_Save Invalid EX5 file

If a compiler error is suspected, please write to Service Desk. The attached source code will definitely be removed after verification.
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Thanks a lot!!!!!!!! I tried 2012.05.17 10:24:14 ZZZ_Setka_Save Invalid EX5 file
came up with this



I tried ArrayInitialize(Prev,0) before;

replaced by ZeroMemory(Prev) ; the result is ZZZ_Setka_Save Invalid EX5 file

Thank you for your message, the error has been corrected. Please wait for the next build.
Thank you for your message, the error has been fixed. Please wait for the next build.

What was it? // if it's not a secret.

I've also noticed that zeromemory fails in some (not all) usage contexts.

Been too lazy to catch the bug and send it to you.


What was it? // if it's not a secret.

I've also noticed that the zeromemory is messing up in some (not all) usage contexts.

Been too lazy to catch the bug and send it to you.

Optimization was building wrong code, it didn't pass the terminal check.