Does my DC have full access to the code of the EA in the terminal? - page 5

No emotion, please. Official Russian bank independently withholds 13% income tax - client does not bother. Foreign exchange control does not bother me but my friends - they know better how, when and where to disclose their money. I myself am not a connoisseur of currency control, so I am not able to explain in detail.

What emotions? What are you talking about? The key is stuck...

It's all excuses.... The amount of money glows in both the Russian bank and the foreign one... And here's the DC.....


"I've never had a problem with it"? - Do you work with sums of 20 kilobucks or more? Then I will certainly pass on your words.

I'm sorry, how much and when I work with is my own business... Please don't cross that line...
Sorry, with what amounts and when I work is my own business... Please do not cross that line...

Well, you yourself said that you have no problems. And when you were asked to explain the size of the threshold at which there is no problem, you took the question to the private plane. OK, then I have nothing to pass on to my acquaintances, and the statement "I've never had a problem with it" is not accepted (no one should have a problem with pennies, as I understand it).


It's all excuses....

Well, there's no interest in dealing with other people's excuses. I proceed from the things that turned out to be in demand by potential clients/partners and that I am happy with.


What emotions? What do you mean? The key is stuck...

In general, I understood the following: I have already estimated the scope of the situation, and it is useless to go on with "a stuck key". Thanks for clarifying the issue of parallel connection to one trading account.


The statement "I have never had a problem with it" is not accepted (no one should have a problem with pennies, as I understand it).

Provocations are not appropriate here )))))


Thanks for the clarification on the issue of parallel connection to the same trading account.

You are welcome!

Provocation is not appropriate here )))))

:) "It wasn't my fault, he came on his own" (C) (I'm sort of making excuses, if anything)
:) "It wasn't my fault, it just came on its own" (s) -that's my way of justifying myself if anything.

But seriously - think better of overseas banks....

True, not too long ago Iceland (or Ireland?) went bust as a state with banks...

Some people I know have lost a lot of money in the process... The insurance was limited...


But seriously - think better of overseas banks....

Yes, I have made a note of this topic for myself. If anything, I will consult with you.

withholds income tax of 13%

If you take money in management, it is better to register as a sole proprietorship. It will be more correct and safer for you, less in taxes too.
If you're taking money in management, it's better to register as a sole proprietorship. It will be more correct and safer for you, and less taxing too.

There is a provision in some banking law such as "individuals may carry out foreign exchange transactions unrelated to business activities". Accordingly, the banking regulations for forex contain something similar. But how are the activities of individual entrepreneurs regulated in this field, I have not found. In the list of activities that a sole proprietorship must specify when registering, I have not yet seen anything suitable for forex trading either. So 6% tax is good, but I do not want to get on a powder keg.

Addendum. Also, when the income is officially paid out to the shareholders, they will most likely have to calculate and withhold 13% from their income as a tax agent themselves. So what's the point of having a goat?


There is a provision in some banking law such as "individuals may carry out foreign exchange transactions unrelated to business activities". Accordingly, the banking regulations for forex contain something similar. But how are the activities of individual entrepreneurs regulated in this field, I have not found. In the list of activities that a sole proprietorship must specify when registering, I have not yet seen anything suitable for forex trading either. So 6% tax is good, but I do not want to get on a powder keg.

Addendum. Also, when the income is officially paid out to the shareholders, you will most likely have to calculate and withhold 13% from their income as a tax agent yourself. So what's the use of an accordion?

Managing funds other than your own is a service, and you're probably going to get paid for it in some way, and that, in turn, is a business activity. So the powder keg is doing it without registration. Maybe $20,000 won't attract the attention of the fiscal authorities, but you will still be a radish from the government's point of view. Even if you pay 13%, you could be found to be doing business illegally.

If you work as if with your own funds, then you do not need to register. But then the fiscal authorities will be interested to know where you got the $20,000 from and where the taxes are on it.

I agree with papaklass, it is better to ask the tax authorities for explanations.