Interesting and Humour - page 4858

Vitaly Muzichenko:

I worked in the afternoon, cut all the grapes and there are 23 bushes, 5 goji bushes bare almost to the ground :)

3 lawns left to clear, 2 ready to go

It's always nice to see/read someone else's work)

Respect, I don't have all the snow off yet)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Trying to explain the sampling median in an easy-to-understand way)

Attempt .... understandable, but not intelligible, intelligible, but incomprehensible. And in general there is a mix of example and explanation.)

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Attempt .... clear but not comprehensible, comprehensible but incomprehensible. And in general there is a mix of examples and explanations)))

Krotov Veniamin Grigoryevich,professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, author of more than 40 scientific publications on harmonic analysis, theory of approximations, analysis on metric spaces with measure, functional spaces and boundary value problems for equations with partial derivatives just has not reached the level of Valery Yastremsky....


Krotov Veniamin Grigorievich,professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, author of more than 40 scientific publications on harmonic analysis, approximation theory, analysis on metric spaces with measure, functional spaces and boundary value problems for equations with partial derivatives simply has not reached the level of Valery Yastremsky's development....

no, of course not. Krotov is cool. But you don't have a complete answer given. Barrel in the middle of the path if they go from point A to B and at the beginning of the path if no direction is chosen.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

No, of course not. Krotov is cool. But your answer is not complete. Barrel in the middle of the track if they go from point A to B and at the beginning of the track if no direction is chosen.

What direction? On the straight road there are drunks lying - in what place should the barrel be placed so that the total effort to get to the barrel is minimal. There is only one direction in the problem: to the barrel. The drunks are unevenly distributed along the road - the middle does not solve the problem.


I won't give you a screenshot, take my word for it...

Excerpt from "maths tests" :

острый угол прямоугольного треугольника равен 150 градусов..(далее что там надо найти)

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

No, of course not. Krotov is cool. But your answer is not complete. A barrel in the middle of the path, if they go from point A to B and at the beginning of the path, if the direction is not chosen.

No way) They don't go anywhere at first, but lie at different points with coordinates X[i]. Only in the morning, smelling the smell of beer from the barrel with coordinate X, they will begin to crawl to it)

Maxim Kuznetsov:

I won't give you a screenshot, take my word for it...

Excerpt from "maths tests" :

Most likely, the zero representing a degree has "slipped" and the correct value of a degree is fifteen.

By the way yes, fifteen degrees is quite a sufficient degree value) And you don't have to crawl to a keg of beer with X coordinate in the morning) But a madera, for example, is a bit too strong.)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Most likely, the degree zero has slipped and the correct degree value is fifteen.

By the way, yes, fifteen degrees is quite a sufficient degree value, and madera, for example, is already too strong).

there's so much "slip" that it's as good a source of good cheer as a local branch :-)

three answers, of which 2 (correct) are identical to the symbol... it's ok, kids train telepathy

Maxim Kuznetsov:

there's so much "crawling" that it's as good a source of good cheer as the local branch :-)

three answer choices, of which 2 (correct) are identical to the symbol ... it's ok, children train telepathy

Alas( The usual saving (of time and money) on proofreading and editing.