Interesting and Humour - page 4850

Vitaly Murlenko:

I can't discuss the subject of cashback here - they'll get banned - a hundred percent banned - they'll think it's advertising. But there is a way to get the cashback! And not a small one. The most interesting thing about this service is that it requires minimal action on my part. If everything is as they say, I'll take my chances, I will put money in it and it will untie my hands abruptly. Look, even if it's 30% return. You can consider that after 2 months the investment is repaid (reinvestment). We simply take our money back, like in Forex. And from then on, we work with market money.

I once made myself a calculator that calculates such things. Look at the attached screenshot.

The more trades are closed and the bigger the traded lot, the bigger the return.

You trade 1 lot a month, you'll get half a cup of tea.
From the people brought into the system? Or a return from your trade?
Vitaly Muzichenko:

The return on the spread, the more trades closed and the bigger the lot traded, the bigger the return.

Honestly, I haven't tried to calculate it. Wouldn't it turn out that the cashback that came back is less than the amount we lost on spreads? Have you tried calculating it? There are services that give refunds for forex deals - I have come across them more than once myself.

Aleksei Stepanenko:
Is it a return from the people who have been brought into the system? Or a return from their own trading?

It is possible to attract people - the system rewards them for that. Not a pyramid scheme - just a bonus (probably even a one-off, I don't know, I haven't looked into it, because I wasn't going to do any recruiting - I just don't have the time). You don't need to make any deals - the system takes care of all this.

I think this is the main source of income, an agent's percentage, so to speak. Sometimes people write to me in person with such offers and tell me very enthusiastically.
Aleksei Stepanenko:
I think this is the main source of income, an agency percentage, so to speak. Sometimes people write to me in person with such offers and tell me very enthusiastically.

Once again, I say NO. The friend who got me there started before me and invested. As soon as he gets the money out of there, realistically, so that I can see the cash with my own eyes, I'll invest too - not with anything yet, but I'll make some money from my shabbats. And a friend is not attracted to anyone at all. It is so with me, he shared it out of friendship, we regularly share such finds with each other.


Then I don't know... Life makes you not believe in the virtue of financial structures :)

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Then I don't know... Life makes you not believe in the virtue of financial structures :)

That's why I want to test it on myself. If it works out, it's a good thing, so we can think about bonuses for attracting people. If it does not work out, well, not a problem - I have my own trading system, which is quite working for forex - there is a trump card up my sleeve :)


I've got it! There's a service I've really tried out for myself. It's an easy job. In short, it's a click system that, oddly enough, doesn't pay badly. The bottom line is this: You do your basic business, turn on the movie in a small window and while watching it, or waiting for a trading signal in the market, just click in your own pleasure in this service. Doesn't make you tired at all :) If you want to quit - just close the service and that's it. That's all there is to it... The results: I click when I watch a movie after work. That is, an hour, another hour, a day. I click regularly. On average, during the week when such work accumulates 50-70 rubles. Minimum output = 100 rubles (previously it was 50). You know, small streams eventually merge into large rivers. If these small funds to invest wisely, then they may well grow, even if not wealth (it is not needed), but a good, stable income. This is especially true for those who after the collapse of the USSR, like me, were forced to work in the system: "shabashka - shabashka - shabashka" - worked long and hard, just to survive. I have very little official work experience. I am 47, but I have only 13 years of official work experience. The state doesn't need me. If I don't do something for myself, I'm going to have a hungry and rather harsh old age.

Look, I'm from Sevastopol myself. Child of the USSR. I thought that 12 years of work experience was enough for a minimum pension. Turns out I missed the mark. My wife's uncle had a stroke (about a year ago). He had 26 years of work experience. He was given a disability, which he got some pennies on. But the state body has refused him to make out a pension - they have told, that for the minimal pension 28 years of experience are necessary, they say, go and finish work 2 more years. Where would he go with a stroke if he was a "vegetable"? So he died without a pension.

So should I give him a referral link to a penny stream while he's watching movies? It may not be much, but I, for example, use it to top up my mobile phone and I've forgotten when I ever stuck a note in a terminal to do so.