Interesting and Humour - page 4849


So why do we scribble on the forum so much and with gusto?

I'm fine! I'm healthy, cheerful, well-fed and I don't abuse alcohol.

And the coffee?

Please, who makes money here!? Those who sit here only lose their own, or look for investors to lose someone else's.

According to statistics from my broker (I won't say which one) ≈70% of traders lose their money, you can't argue with statistics)


According to statistics from my broker (I won't say which one) ≈70% of traders lose their money, you can't argue with statistics)

Nothing surprising in suchstatistics. Unprepared clients enter financial speculation hoping to make a buck and lose.

The interesting thing is that the probability of winning in forex is higher than in any existing lottery.


According to statistics from my broker (I won't say which one) ≈70% of traders lose their money, you can't argue with statistics)

Another 25% work at zero, and the rest make money.


In general, there is an option apart from forex to earn 30-35 per cent a month stably. On the keshbeks. I am still testing this service but people actively write that it really works and that there are people who have entered it as a normal deposit and cashed out a thousand quid a day. I am afraid the test may take months with my finances. And to pull people (even strangers) to the subject, which I have not checked personally, I do not want. I'll have to answer to the hell out of it. Not to people, but to the powers of this world. When you are young, you think that you have done something wrong and get away with it. With age, you begin to understand in practice that everything in the world is balanced and that you have to pay for the suffering you have caused with your own suffering anyway. I could have checked and posted here, but I'm afraid the moderators will think it's advertising and will punish you. Speaking of punishments, found out today that for some reason I can't create any topic for discussion in this forum. Just can't find the button to create a new topic. Why is that, can someone clarify?

And another thing, today at work I thought (about those guys who dictated by phone the 16-digit codes) - the text information packed by archiver compresses well. The size becomes a MUCH smaller. Maybe it really made sense to type, pack and dictate a times smaller amount of information...


Sorry, found the button to create a new topic. Question removed.

Vitaly Murlenko:

In general, there is an option apart from forex to earn 30-35 per cent a month stably. On the keshbeks. I am still testing this service but people actively write that it really works and that there are people who have entered it as a normal deposit and cashed out a thousand quid a day. I am afraid the test may take months with my finances. And to pull people (even strangers) to the subject, which I have not checked personally, I do not want. I'll have to answer to the hell out of it. Not to people, but to the powers of this world. When you are young, you think that you have done something wrong and get away with it. With age, you begin to understand in practice that everything in the world is balanced and that you have to pay for the suffering you have caused with your own suffering anyway. I could have checked and posted here, but I'm afraid the moderators will think it's advertising and will punish you. Speaking of punishments, found out today that for some reason I can't create any topic for discussion in this forum. Just can't find the button to create a new topic. Why is that, can someone clarify?

And another thing, today at work I thought (about those guys who dictated by phone the 16-digit codes) - the text information packed by archiver compresses well. The size becomes a MUCH smaller. Maybe it really made sense to type, pack and dictate a times smaller amount of information...


Sorry, found the button to create a new topic. Question withdrawn.

The law of the boomerang? it's a funny fairy tale for children..."you'll be merry if you're a mage and a hawk"

I wonder how you can make money on cashback in principle if it's a percentage of purchases from overpriced goods/services that already have a dozen of those cashbacks built in?


The law of the boomerang? These are ridiculous fairy tales for children..."you'll be merry you'll be fed if you're a magician and a hawser"

I wonder how you can make money on cashback in principle if it's a percentage of purchases from overpriced goods/services that already have a dozen of those cashbacks built in?

Theoretically, you should find a buyer without a cashback, offer to buy through your card, with a cashback. If he agrees to give you his money against the product, OK.


I can't discuss the subject of cashback here - they'll get banned - a hundred percent banned - they'll think it's advertising. But there is a way to get the cashback! And not a small one. The most interesting thing about this service is that it requires minimal action on my part. If everything is as they say, I'll take my chances, I will put money in it and it will untie my hands abruptly. Look, even if it's 30% return. You can consider that after 3 months the investment is repaid (reinvestment). We simply take our money back, like in Forex. And from then on, we work with market money.

I once made myself a calculator that calculates such things. Look at the attached screenshot.

The Greed Pill

Regarding the fact that some people make money on forex and others lose money, I can say that I have been involved with forex for over 15 years. The vast majority of my time was spent on programming, not trading. Therefore, after 15 years I've understood only now HOW my trading should be done in order to have minimum drawdown and continuous growth regardless of where the market goes. I am now writing an Expert Advisor using this system. I have suffered through it for years. Now I have the full right to develop the code for myself. I do not have to work for my uncle. Maybe I would have figured it out earlier if my head wasn't full of codes.