Interesting and Humour - page 4796

Aleksey Nikolayev:

File a recourse suit against Starkov and the lady author of the novel)

Unfortunately for everyone, the forum is open and everyone can write here and everywhere (as long as they are registered and not banned).

Finding evidence of your own rightness is a very useful exercise for the brain.

Humour, interesting is not necessarily logical, provable and verifiable so it's not all bad))))


on the shuttle bus, it made me smile.


The moderator deletes my posts. Why? That said, all the Russophobic stuff the moderator does not delete!

Moderator, I understand that you are a Russophobe, but your actions violate my rights.

Андрей Аганин: План Даллеса, Гарвардский проект, Хьюстонский проект…
Андрей Аганин: План Даллеса, Гарвардский проект, Хьюстонский проект…
1. План Даллеса ( Доктрина Даллеса ) – согласно теории заговора, план действий США против СССР, составленный во время холодной войны и заключавшийся в скрытом моральном разложении населения СССР. Авторство плана приписывается американскому дипломату и разведчику, руководителю резидентуры Управления стратегических служб в Берне (Швейцария) во...
Dmitry Fedoseev:

That's how it's published. Found it, downloaded it. Found this plan in it. 1 - there is no hint of the "Dulles Plan" that was used to scare everybody. 2 - the main topic of this plan is a) developing a strategy to respond to such a significant event in the world (i.e. no crime at all), 3 - there is some plan to counter the spread of something, not particularly criminal and quite reasonable, but it's not worth going deeper into the discussion here.

I won't draw conclusions from a short snippet. As I said, I'll wait for the full translation, or at least the original. Or I'll get up the courage to go into the archives.
Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Humour, interesting is not necessarily logical, provable and verifiable so it's not that bad))))

I don't argue) But then the excuse for giving evidence should also be funny or interesting, not so dull and serious)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

I don't argue)) But then the excuse for evidence should be funny or interesting, not so dull and serious.

Not everyone has that kind of talent)))

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Not everyone has that talent.)

Sometimes, swallowed words are much tastier and more useful than spoken words)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Sometimes, swallowed words are much tastier and healthier than spoken words)

Heh... Being silent on time is an even greater talent than getting off the subject nicely))))

Pinocchio killed
Aleksey Nikolayev:

gay hats - back in the USSR

Artist Chetverikov