Interesting and Humour - page 4788

By type of sailing equipment, schooners are divided into gaff, bermuda, jib, batten and bramble. A bramsell schooner differs from a marsel schooner in having a bramstring and an additional straight sail, the bramsell. However, in some cases, a breechmast schooner may be confused with a brigantine, especially a breechmast. Irrespective of the type of slanting sails (gaff or bermuda), a schooner may also be a marsail (bramsell).
Oh, my!

what slippage, what are you talking about?




Moscow. 1983, Gorky Street.


Ha, ha... pence, Moscow.

Igor Makanu:


Iurii Tokman:



Sorry couldn't take it. It's also pulling on a smile.

I once had a conversation with a school teacher on a camping trip. He told me a lot of similar sayings. I should have written them down.

I didn't think about it.

It's from the Internet, too, and it made me smile.

The funniest excerpts from school essays:

- Taras Bulba had two sons: one Ostap, the other Bender.

- On the battlefield there were screams and groans of the dead.

- The sons came to Taras and began to get to know him.

- When Polovtsev took off his papa, he had a bare skull on his head, covered with sparse hair.

- The Countess rode in the carriage with her butt raised, folded into an accordion.

- The younger sister wore a kerchief on her head, the elder wore boots.

- Prince Nekhludoff was a society man and urinated in perfume.

- The doctor gave the baroness some drops and she immediately passed out.

- Natasha Rostova wanted to say something, but the door opened and shut her mouth.

- When the mist cleared, the Prince saw the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

- Fear drove his soul to his boots.

- Nekrasov was bedridden with cancer.

- "At least one glimpse of Paris..." - dreamed Kutuzov.

- At balls he wooed the ladies, but he soon tired of these pranks.

- Various rubbish was strewn across the square: stones, scraps of posters and bits of wood. There was Lenin too.

- The grandfather cured the hare and took up residence with him.

- People in the park planted trees and benches.

- Plyushkin put a pile in the middle of the room and admired it for a long time.

- The guitarist picked up a guitar and began to play with it.

- Gogol suffered from a triplicity which consisted in the fact that with one foot he stood in the past and with the other welcomed the future, while between his feet he had a terrible reality.

- A father was walking towards him. The girl and the dog barked happily.

- Andrei Bolkonsky often went to see that oak tree, which was like two peas in a pod.

- From Chichikov even the bird-troika carried off.

- Dubrovsky was lying on the sofa watching television.

- All Lilliputians, from small to large, rose to fight the Gulliver.

- After the civil war the country began to rebuild its ruin.

- In Onegin's absence Tatiana would often go to his study, where she gradually transformed from a girl into a woman.

-. .. and this was the pose that Nanny saw them in. It was Pushkin's own nanny. ...when she saw them kissing for a long time, Nanny joined them...

- There were two men and one woman sitting by the fire.

- Anna had joined Vronsky in a very new, unacceptable way.

- The Australian kangaroo has a pocket on its belly to hide in in case of danger.

- Denis Davydov turns his back on the women and fires twice.
grass roots stretch across the sky.

- Dostoevsky made the heroine of his novel a mother.

- The days flew by overtaking each other day after day.

- The milkmaid stepped down from the podium and the chairman immediately climbed on top of her.

- The hedgehog, toad and swallows help the gardener eat insects.

- The captain talked about Petya Shvabrin, who was sent here for suicide.

- Archaeologists found shards of ancient people during excavations.

- The Komsomol members worked day and night, tirelessly, never getting out of bed.

- In the camp we lived according to a routine, we were lifted up and fell asleep to the bugle.

- Masha had intercourse with Dubrovsky through the hollow.

- I dream of becoming a children's doctor, treating puppies and kittens.

- Mayakovsky stuck his hand down his trousers and took out his dearest thing from there, held it up high and said: "I am a citizen of the Soviet Union".

- Since Pechorin is a superfluous man, it is a waste of time to write about him.

- Napoleon was ill with cancer and died on St. Helena.

- As the years have passed, Tatiana Larina has no feelings left in her heart for Onegin except for love.

- Pavka often spent the night at Zhukhrai's house. This contributed to their rapprochement.

- Skalozub had a perfect memory, he remembered well all the women he had not served with.

- He took a knife and shot himself.

- Like hell the fox would ever get cheese if the crow pretended to be deaf.

- Onegin had a heavy heart, so he went to Tatiana to relieve himself.

- Plyushkin had a hobby: he collected everything he could get his hands on.

- Lensky went out for a duel in pantaloons. They parted, and the shot rang out.

- Khlestakov got into the brigade and shouted: "Drive, my dove, to the airport!"

- A negro, ruddy with frost, entered the upper room.

- I want to mount the black horse, white as snow.

- The mare looked at the coachman over his shoulder and roared in an inhuman voice...

- She had brown eyes with freckles on her nose.

- Lermontov was born to his grandmother in the village when his parents lived in St. Petersburg.

- In the summer the boys and I went on an overnight camping trip, and we took only the essentials with us: potatoes, a tent and Maria Ivanovna.

- Onegin was very unsociable, so when guests came to visit him, he was always served a horse by the back door.

- From Nekrasov's works, the peasants learned how bad their lives were...

- Two people entered the library: a boy and a girl. They were brothers.

- Katerina wouldn't let anyone touch her own dignity.

- Poor Liza was tearing flowers and feeding her mother with that.

- Suddenly Herman heard the creaking of springs. It was the old Duchess.

- Raskolnikov woke up and sweetly reached for his axe.

- Gagarin became the first passerby in space.

- The cactus fell on the cat and howled in pain.

- Bloody Sunday showed once again that the Tsar could shoot not only on weekdays but also on weekends.

- When I read Gorky's novel I wanted to become a mother myself.

- Gerasim fell in love with Mumu and swept the yard for joy.

- Although Chelkash was a drunkard, he was very popular with the male population of the town...

- I really like the heroine of Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, especially when she dances at the ball with Stirlitz.

- It was the fruitful end of August.

- A cheerful smile appeared near Mum's mouth.

- His main aim in life is to eat the good of his neighbour.

- Flying on crutches is not easy, but he has learned.

- His father died when he was seven years old.

- Prince Oleg was predicted that he would die from a snake that crawled out of his skull.

- Gogol's "The Nose" is filled with profound content.

- There are books by various writers written by Nosov in the wardrobe.

- When Dubrovsky killed the bear, Kirill Petrovich was not angry, but told him to skin it.

- A great crotch was formed between Yesenin and the Soviets.

- Pushkin was sensitive in many places.

- Anna Koreninina found no real men so she lay down under a train.

- There were ducks, geese and other rubbish in the mayor's office.

- The yoke lasted a full 250 years on the territory of the USSR.

- Troekurov had great wealth, a nasty temper and a daughter Masha.

- The boy entered the room, lowered his head, and so stood - head down.

- The hare looked into the hunter's eyes with fright.

- The monkey clutched at the tree with its hind arms.

- The goalkeeper's eyes as well as his feet ran for his sword.

- Girls like Olga had long since bored Onegin, and Pushkin too.

- Sashka was sure that he would not be court-martialed, and even if he was, he would be sent no further than the front.

- We were treated to sweets and crackers at the New Year's Eve party.

- Gerasim took pity on Muma, so he decided to feed her and then drown her.

- Gerasim taught Mum to swim even worse than he talked.

- The great Russian painter Levitan was born into a poor Jewish family.

- Othello was a soulful man.

- Rakhmetov was a strong person: he could do without food for a month, without water for a week and without women for a day.

- Chichikov has many positive features: he is always shaved and smelling.

- In the old days monkeys used to walk naked, but when the glacier came, they covered themselves with hair and that helped them become human...

- If Gerasim hadn't been so heavily entrenched, he wouldn't have drowned Mumu, but his mistress.

- The prince mistook the mermaid for a girl because he had not seen her below the waist.

- This beetle has lights on the ends with which it signals to the female.

- They went after the first Rurikovich they met, who wanted to avenge his death...

- One could watch the sunset for hours.

- It was only the girls, apart from the boys, who went on the march.

- Old Prince Bolkonsky didn't want his son to marry Natasha Rostova and gave him a year's probation.

- Warlords are brave men, willing to risk the lives of others.

- Bunny was calling for help with his facial expression.

- In the afternoon Pechorin liked to drink coffee with the cream of society.

- The hounds spotted the hare and let the dogs down.

- Vasnetsov's "Three Bogatyrs" shows Ilya Muromets as the strongest of Dobryni Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich.

- At the dog show there were huskies, bolognies, dogs, bulldogs, divers, boxers and judges.

- We shall not forget you, our beloved Taras Bulba, for your courageous heroism.

- Swallows fly over Alyonushka's head. They are not afraid of Alyonushka, she will not shoot at them from

- Onegin went to his dying uncle, arrives and says: Tell me, Uncle, it is not for nothing, Moscow, burned by fire....

- He got into bed and fell asleep as hard as he could.

- We have no songbirds left in the forest in winter, except the crow.

- The proletariat took power in order to make everyone feel how badly they lived before the revolution.

- In the foreground the path begins. In the background the path continues.

- The palace was built by the serfs of Count Sheremetyev.

- Natasha bought one and a half kilos of watermelon.

- Mumu could not eat it and Gerasim helped her.

- The square bracket shows that minus infinity is the leftmost number.

- Gerasim drowned Moo-moo and danced his way to his home village...

- Papa Carlo knocked out Pinocchio.

- The bears saw that the bear cub's bed was wrinkled and understood: Masha was here.

- In India, from childhood, the female gender walks around with dots on their foreheads.

- The place was silent, as if everybody had died out... What a beauty!

- The first act of Sophia and Molchaline took place under the stairs.

- The sundial in the room ticked loudly.

- The moose ran into the courtyard and shat in fear.

- His eyes gazed at each other fondly.

- The poem is written in rhyme, which is not uncommon in a poet.

- Suvorov was a real man and slept with common soldiers.

- Australia has a population density of four square people per metre.

- At the back of the piglet is