Interesting and Humour - page 4772


I haven't laughed like that in a long time. In fact, it's my favourite channel.


It's getting kind of sad.

By the way, does anyone have any prices for the food basket, maybe you can buy up half of Ashan for $1 there?

Vitaly Muzichenko:

It's getting kind of sad.

By the way, does anyone have any prices for the grocery basket, maybe you can buy up half of Ashan for $1 there?

Цены на Гаити
Цены на Гаити
Средняя зарплата в Республике Гаити не превышает 100 долларов США. Несмотря на то, что страна очень бедная, цены достаточно высокие, практически как в Соединенных Штатах Америки. Дефицит товаров в стране напоминает Кубу, причем местные жители предпочитают...
By analogy, Cambodia is the poorest country in Southeast Asia. The prices in shops, restaurants, transport are much higher than in Russia, although the typical wage is $2-3 a day. Prices are meant for tourists. A smaller proportion of rich locals do their shopping in shops, they do not go to pharmacies. At the market, however, local produce is very inexpensive. However, there is a smaller selection of products. Rice, pork, herbs and fruit are the main products. Dairy products are only imported and very expensive. Eggs and bread are expensive.

Just a test, been in a ban for a month. Got an email in the MT5 terminal, tried to reply, didn't work. Test at least in humour.

Update - I see it failed here.

Denis Sartakov:

that's it, there's nowhere to go!

Profit is caught in the net of an experienced angler).

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Just a test, been in a ban for a month. Got an email in the MT5 terminal, tried to reply, didn't work. Test at least in humour.

Update - I see it failed here.

Welcome back)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

It's getting kind of sad.

By the way, does anyone have any prices for the food basket, maybe you can buy up half of Ashan for $1 there?

it amazes me how they can fuck up the place where they live like that...

Andrey Dik:

I wonder how they can fuck up the place where they live...

It's more a question for the authorities.

When the authorities don't act, that's what happens.

It also happens when the authorities want to act, but don't have the resources.

You will not store rubbish in your house and will take it to the rubbish bin anyway, but it will not be taken away in time.

Take my town as an example:

The resources are there, but the wrong people are at the helm.
