Interesting and Humour - page 4684

please advise how to start trading, i am a beginner

better to go to a factory! )))

Please advise how to start trading, I am a beginner
Rent a 3x4 stall to buy goods, sell at 2 times the purchase price.

high art...


The famous Thai (Thailand) group is Lippa (anyone who has read about cockroaches from one of the threads is in the know).


no neck...

Denis Sartakov:

no neck...

Chivas fizz....


prolongation with weakening can lead to the beginning of a bad end....(not mine)

it's about coronavirus, if anything.


I read on RBC in a feed - UAE skyscraper on fire now, terrible event of course, but looks like a sci-fi movie


C programming language again the most popular among developers

TIOBE Software has published updated rating of programming languages popularity, formed on the basis of analysis of search queries statistics in Google, Google Blogs, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, MSN, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, Baidu and other Internet services.

C is once again the most popular programming language among developers

In May's report, showing the dynamics of the professional community's interest in software development environments, the C programming language once again took the lead over Java, which had held the top spot for a relatively long time and moved to second place on the list. The third place is firmly held by Python.

As for the other programming languages on the list, R, Swift, Go, PL/SQL and Scratch showed good growth dynamics and a surge of interest from the interested audience during the year. Assembler, Perl and Objective-C were mentioned less frequently on the Internet.

It is important to note that the index generated by the company does not say which development environment is worse or better or in which language more lines of code are written. It only takes into account statistical information about the number of mentions of a programming language in search engines, social networks, popular discussion sites, sites of recruiting agencies and other specialized resources that are in demand among developers.


Язык программирования C вновь стал самым популярным среди разработчиков
Язык программирования C вновь стал самым популярным среди разработчиков
Компания TIOBE Software опубликовала обновлённый рейтинг популярности языков программирования, формируемый на основе анализа статистики поисковых запросов в Google, Google Blogs, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, MSN, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, Baidu и других интернет-сервисах. В майском отчёте, отражающем динамику изменения интересов профессионального сообщества...
Igor Makanu:

I read on RBC in the news that a skyscraper is on fire in the UAE, a terrible event, but it looks like a sci-fi movie

it's strange that it didn't collapse... they've been proving for 10 years that burning skyscrapers fall.