Interesting and Humour - page 4607

Edgar Akhmadeev:

Note the spectacular Boston Dynamics videos. They've gone the furthest technically (manipulators, servomotors, autonomous powering...) But the AI is not so good. There are barcodes all over the place for orientation.

Alas, it's been around for a while now, that's why I remembered this Fedor

here in general, where we started, I understand perfectly the complexity of creating a control system for mechanical means, and to coordinate the work of analyzing input data and issuing commands to the actuator, and even in a real-time system.... this is a very complicated task! and such a task is very expensive in terms of time and funding, i doubt that russian IT companies finance such projects at their own expense for several years, usually all are engaged in whitewashing.... at least I see that ridiculous robotics contests have taken hold in the last year - today I just saw a suggestion to search for specialists for such shows )))).

Edgar Akhmadeev:

Think of their own brainchild, the robomool. It is designed for transportation of equipment within reconnaissance team (for example). Such a robot waddles about stumbling, with one eye on it and the team dragging along, brakes.

no longer waddles ;)

Igor Makanu:

no longer waddles ;)

Is it a diesel? :)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Is it a diesel? :)

who the hell knows, i think it's a petrol generator roaring.... but it's bouncing, isn't it? ;)


here are the more advanced versions. How easy the dogs are to control).


Cool, of course!

P.S. Where are the technologies coming from and so fast, and here we are standing still, asking for the simplest things to be added to the editor: folding, code highlighting, etc., things that others have had for over 10 years.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Cool, of course!

P.S. Where are the technologies coming from and so fast, while we are stomping on the spot, asking for the simplest things to be added to the editor: folding, code highlighting, etc., things that others have had for over 10 years.

you have to be optimistic! .... as in the old joke about the old and young bull..... there is no need to rush, then we will go down and whack the whole herd )))

Igor Makanu:

you have to be optimistic! .... like the old joke about the old and young bull..... no need to rush, then we'll go down and peck the whole herd )))

That's right.

I'm going to live forever. It's working so far.

Igor Makanu:

you have to be optimistic! .... like the old joke about the old and young bull..... no need to rush, then we will go down and peck the whole herd )))

I'm not young any more, I may not wait, we have been asking for the simplest things for years.

It reminds me of the domestic automotive industry, when they produce another rubbish car and tell you about its benefits compared to the previous one. But the paradox is that this innovation is the default in the cheapest Chinese car.


The world's most efficient lithium-sulphur battery has been developed.

Разработана самая эффективная в мире литий-серная батарея
Разработана самая эффективная в мире литий-серная батарея
Представьте себе, что у вас есть доступ к аккумулятору, который может питать ваш телефон в течение пяти дней подряд, или позволить электромобилю проехать более 1000 км без «дозаправки». Исследователи из Университета Монаш находятся на пороге коммерциализации самой эффективной в мире литиево-серной (Li-S) батареи, которая может превзойти...
Pavel Gotkevitch:

The world's most efficient lithium-sulphur battery has been developed.

Haven't read it, just mentioning in passing that mass use of lithium batteries for electric vehicles is impossible, there isn't enough lithium for everyone. I read an article by an electric vehicle developer. So it's just a temporary solution. They have been working on nuclear batteries for a long time, for phones among other things.