Interesting and Humour - page 4603

Igor Makanu:

good thing the internet community - everyone remembers, I checked and googled the official media outlet Rossiyskaya Gazeta , number 4614 of 18.03.2008, the article "Living to 2020"

well, hooray! 2020!


It is interesting to watch political satirical broadcast "The Dolls" on NTV in 2000 with the forecast for 2020. A decrepit Putin in bed, "the rouble rate has been kept within 100500", oligarchs ruling, burning tyres, devastation.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

I would paraphrase, live to 2024

I wasn't paraphrasing, I pointed out the official media (the official press organ of the Government of the Russian Federation) , well as if I force myself to believe that if the official media is the truth!


Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Yura, you should be banned until 2024 and then we'll see whether or not to unban you.

Your endless politics is annoying. Everyone's calmed down. You're the only *** left here.

Hi Andrei, I didn't say a word about politics :-) I don't even use forbidden words. Besides, I didn't start this thread.

A few words about some dogs

about some nice male torsos

a little bit about maths.

about knee jobs.

Where's the politics in this?


Another funny thing.

At exactly midnight, Cinderella turned into a pumpkin,

but the prince was unstoppable...

Edgar Akhmadeev:

It is also interesting to watch the NTV political-satirical programme "The Dolls" from 2000 with a forecast for 2020. A decrepit Putin in bed, "the ruble exchange rate managed to keep within 100500", oligarchs ruling, burning tyres, devastation.

Comparing the official printed organ of the Government of the Russian Federation to a lowbrow comedy TV show. Isn't that "politics", for which a ban is promised here)?

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Comparing an official printed organ of the Government of the Russian Federation to a lowbrow comedy TV show. Isn't that "politics", for which a ban is promised here?

Soon you'll get to the point where everyone who reads this thread will be banned. And others)))

Uladzimir Izerski:

Soon you will be able to get everyone who reads this thread banned. Yes, and others)))

So Zaitsev started a political trolling here, thinking everyone is an idiot - as if no one has any idea what he is talking about. Now he will spend a week studying the basics of psychology.


To begin with politics can be discussed for hours every day. It can be discussed in the family, on a forum, on a bus, in a queue etc.
Against the backdrop of this discussion, nerves are wasted, you can argue with your family, with your opponents on the forum, get punched in the eye in a shop queue - everyone has their own opinion on the matter.

It will take a lot of time to discuss all this, and time will not be gained back, but THEN the path is still there and it will continue to be there. The question is, why bother touching it all?

The conclusion from all this is simple: politics is discussed either by fools or by pensioners who have lived their lives and need to burn time by talking.

P.S. You can always find an activity at any age that is more interesting and satisfying than discussing politics, and everything associated with it.
Artyom Trishkin:

So Zaytsev has gone on a political trolling spree, treating everyone like idiots - as if no one has any idea what he is talking about. Now he will spend a week studying the basics of psychology.

I think he's been banned for politics more than once.

But each time he finds a more sophisticated way to get into the humor))))

He's a humorist, what can you give him for that? Only a broom))

Uladzimir Izerski:

I think he's been banned more than once for politics.

But each time he finds an ever more sophisticated way to get into humour)))

He's a humorist, what can you give him for that? Only a broom))

Reading the humorist makes you smile. Reading Zaitsev, you only sigh at the paucity of the author's thinking.